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Entries in this blog

Goodbye Legacy.

I was very sad to hear today that Andre Hurley (You should all know him as MaskCollector, owner of the Platinum Avokhii), has decided to sell everything in his collection. After years of preparing to create a museum of every part and collectible made, its all gone now. He's supposedly keeping the Avokhii, which is sad really, because no one else will have the chance to complete what he started. For one of the biggest collectors in the community to sell up, I'm really wondering what has happened



Please kill me.

I'm sorry to all the Bionicles IN ice entrants. I've been very forgetful all this time + busy, and I've not gotten round to announcing the winner. The winner was in fact:   Chronix Master of Stuff! Congratulations!. I will message you soon about dispatch of your prize.   IF I ever do another contest, I promise I'll sort the winner out more quickly next time   -Bike




I'm kinda disappointed at the lack of entries to my contest. 7 entries. It's just not enough to make it worth while. By the time There are enough entries, it won't even be icy. So I've decided this: If the 15 entry threshold is not met by the 20th of February, then this contest is off. No exceptions.



It should have ended today!

Well, guess what. It hasn't. Bionicles IN ice will remain active until 15 entries are received, which means 8 more entries are required. When 15 entries are received, I will allow 24 hours for any remaining entries to be submitted. So get off your butts and make more entries! By the time we have enough it'll be summer! *Grumbles*   -Bike



Bionicles IN ice entry list!

So with the contest well under way, I am pleased to see 4 entries (and it seems like there are more to come), all of them are very impressive. So to recap, here's the entry list so far:   - Toa Chronix's "..." - Kopeke   - Dallior's Lewa IN ice   - keiththelegokid's Vahki: Smashed, Washed, and Chilled.   - moamahrimatoro's Tahu: Master of Ice




On the bus ride back from school today, I had a sudden thought about changing the prize. I thought, "this is a contest about ice, so why isn't there an ice related prize?". So I am giving the option now, if people want, to change the prize from 8606 Vhisola to 70782 Protector of Ice. Thoughts?   -Bike   P.s. Plus I rather like my Vhisola.



Some clarification.

I don't think I made my rules very clear with my competition. The challenge is to encase a Bionicle completely or partially in ice in a pose of your choice, not to make a sculpture. So with that in mind challengers, get to work!   -Bike



Bionicles IN ice!

So after seeing a topic about Bionicle on Ice, I thought a little contest was in order. The challenge: create a Bionicle ice sculpture, like this one: There will only be one winner, and when judging I will take four things into account:   - Set choice(s)   - Figure pose   - Quality (picture resolution and ice clarity)   - The name of your entry (references are popular with me)   There is a prize for the winner: an MISB 8608 Vhisola. Postage will be covered by me (within reason). Entry period is




So I'm about halfway through constructing my entry for BFTGM. Here is my work so far:   Note that the Body is still skeletal, it needs armour and bulking, and the legs need to be made strong enough to hold this guy up XD I'd really like some criticism and suggestions, hence why I've blogged it first XD



The beginning of something marvelous

Quite literally. A few months into my arrival at BZP, I was able to purchase a VMKK Ca. It looks like this: I loved it so much that I wanted all 8, but finding another was much harder than I initially thought. I eventually considered selling it, but I decided I would just wait it out for another opportunity to buy one. And guess what? An opportunity came. I now have a Bo in the mail, and it should arrive on my birthday, now ain't that just sweet. I'll post a pic of the Bo as soon as I get it



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