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About this blog

welcome to my new blog!

Here i'll be posting bionicle thoughts, wip builds and other stuff.


Entries in this blog

bionicle weapons

I like how bionicle gets progressively more violent 2001-bamboo disks 2002-heavy rocket launchers 2003-hockey puck 2004-war crime disks 2005-war crime spinners 2006-mag fed mind control guns 2007-biological weapons and semi auto rocket propelled grenade launchers 2008-guided rocket launchers and missile racks 2009-handheld bomb lauchers 2010-automated killer robots how diid lego get away with this when lego city can't have guns?

confused piraka

confused piraka in other

translated bionicle lyrics

PIRAKA RAP Yo, yo, piraka! yo, yo, piraka! (verse the 1) the gang on loose nothin' you are am that taking abrue to would the do the beast on movable bully comin' through trigger, tracer, drifter comin' to the add snake that creates piraka crew (hook) yo, yo, piraka! (verse the 2) the gang on loose nothin' you are am that taking abrue to would do you are am that taking abrue to try, prevent why are am? you are am that understood you are am're gonna los

confused piraka

confused piraka in other

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