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My friend's friend, who I've only met once in person, is trying to introduce me to a girl he thinks is like me.   He CAN'T do that, because he DOESN'T know me. He even said she doesn't live far from me. HOW DOES HE KNOW WHERE I LIVE.   [/rant]

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Something I Noticed...

When I'm told to do something at the moment, I'll usually be too lazy to do it. That's why I hate school. But when I'm supposed to do something later and I'm told beforehand, it practically always gets done. That's why I usually finish my homework.   ...  

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Solve The Case!

If you look at the 2nd content block, you can see a detective case! Solve it and post here!   Winner gets a chimp.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Possibly Impossible

I really don't want to go to the dentist, but it's at a Zellers and I might be able to convince my mom to let me buy some 2006 sets, since I have none. The Piraka and Voya-matoran might be there, but it's nearly impossible for the Inika to be there. If the Inika are there...   And maybe even Axonn or Brutaka...   *hopes*   My brother's annoying me... :annoyed2:

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Plagarising Exo

Because my Interests probably need to be spiffed up.   Just add four, no FIVE, words each to add to the sentence(s).   Exo Bionicle Dragon shows interest in...

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Pirates Of The Carribean 3

If you want to know as much as you can about Pirates 3, go here!   I love showing people spoilers, and I'm all hyped up about the third movie!   Read, but be warned that there are a lot of low class spoilers, but the best I could get after the second movie just came out.   Arr!

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

People With Giant Swords...

...Are cool.   Zabuza from Naruto Mihawk from One Piece Inuyasha from Inuyasha Kisame from Naruto Cloud from Final Fantasy Suigetsu from Naruto Nightmare from Soul Calibur Any Gundam with a sword from Gundam Seed (or, actually, most Gundam series in whole..) Sagara Sanosuke from Rurouni Kenshin Ichigo, from Bleach   I know most of them are Shonen, but you don't see people with giant swords in real life. =D

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Oh Yeah, What Blogs Are For...

Forgot to mention I went on a vacation to Quebec about a week ago. The place has nice scenery. We stayed at the peak of a mountain, and a lift brought us up to the top when we wanted to.   Up there, there was a Birds of Prey Show. The poor barn owl with only one leg... And the Bald Eagle is GIANT. They always fly right next to our heads...   And we went to something similar to African Lion Safari, except it was Canadian animals, not African ones. The bears are really cool. So are the goats.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Not Good

Today is not my day. My topic isn't being posted in, when usually it does because it has 15 pages. No one's posting in this blog either, but I don't care much. Now lesse some posts, or I'll never dominate the world! I need zombies!

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

National Treasure 2

I've just watched it for the second time (first time being in theatres), and I'd say it's in the shadow of the first one too much.   Also Mitch isn't as compelling as an antagonist as... the guy in the first movie was.... That Boromir guy.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Name Change?

I might want a name change... I usually get mixed up with Brave_Dragon, Kanohi Dragon, and sometimes Bionicle Rex! However, I like my name mostly, so it's not too bad to get mixed up.   If I did change my name, I'd have to change everything in my comics, which has used my name regularly, and people might get confused about who I am. I'd have to change the title of the blog, and I'd probably end up with a cool name for a while.   Those are the pros and the cons for ya. Criticise if you want.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

Late At Night

I saw this in Lyg's blog, and I made a pillow house of my own. However, it was small, cramped, and the air conditioner wasn't on. My mom didn't like it, and I took the coldest shower ever. I didn't take it properly, so I was slippyslidey. And a naked dragon does not have to be censored.   Yay...?

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

It Wasn't A Cruise At All!

What a deception! It was a cottage party, not a cruise!   Oh well, I got to go on one of those water sleds that you attach to the end of a boat or skidoo. The driver of the skidoo knew what he was doing, he got everyone on the sled to hit the waves created by the skidoo, which was fun.   Also. The water sled. IT WAS THE SHAPE OF A GIANT BANANA.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

In West Philadelphia Born And Raised

On the playground was where I spent most of my days Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool And all shootin some b-ball outside of the school When a couple of guys Who were up to no good Startin making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared She said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'   I whistled for a cab and when it came near The license plate said fresh and it had dice in the mirror If anything I can say this cab is rare But I th

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

If You Love Mudkipz...

If you love Mudkipz, then join the Mudkip Haters. Join by posting. Mudkip Haters love Mudkips, and everyone that joins gets an invisible, silent, and untouchable Mudkip.

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

I Should Have Done This By Now...

I haven't updated my Llama Awards since last year! Also   That's a picture of Exo. I'm telling the truth. Oh and he's awesome. A list of reasons he is awesome: He is.   ...   This blog entry got me three llama awards, okay?

Bionicle Dragon

Bionicle Dragon

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