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I just wanted everyone to know that I officially have more Omi Cool Points than Makaru.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

A New Moc

I have updated the "Most Recent MOC" box with my BBC #41 entry, "Callinect." Callinect is a little blue crustacean. The theme of the contest is to create a MOC that could be a viable Bionicle set produced by Lego--keeping in mind the correct pieces counts and prices ranges, and levels of complexity. My little arthropod is made for the five-dollar set division of the Bionicle line (joining sets such as the Turaga, Matoran, Bohrok Va, and Hydruka). And, it glows in the dark! You can comme

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Immersed In Germs

I am feeling rather ill right now. In actuality I am in better health than yesterday, in which I couldn't even get out of bed to, say, reach a computer--but I still feel rather awful. In rercent days I have been plagued by a severe stomach-ache, a splitting headache, a fever, and a general feeling of discomfort associated with various sicknesses. I can assure you this has not been an enjoyable experience.   However, one benefit comes from being bed-ridden: the chance to read excessively. I

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


bryan is my favourite person in the whole world         (and jen too)   (and hanni)   (and drew)   (but bryan I really love you)

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

I Must Add This To My Repertoire

So backstage in the shop today I found a broken ukulele. It was still strung, but the neck was cleanly broken off the body so the two halves of the instrument dangled from each other haphazardly. I showed it to Matt, our director, and said I could probably fix it. He said "Go for it." Consequently I brought it back to my dorm and will take it home with me this weekend to repair it.   However, from sheer boredom and curiosity (and procrastination from studying, ah-heh), I jerry-rigged the in

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

What Did You Have In Mind?

"We've entered as strangers....soon we have friends. And they come over and they sit with us, and they drink with us, and they talk to us. And they tell about the big, terrible things they've done, and the big, wonderful things they'll do...their hopes and their regrets, their loves and their hates...all very large, because nobody ever brings anything small into a bar. And then...I introduce them to Harvey. And he's bigger and grander than anything they offer me. And when they leave...they lea

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


human rights   is not a political issue   it's a social issue   more to the point   it's basic human decency

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Engage Animu Mode

So Becca designed Sailor Scout forms for herself and me and a bunch of our friends and I can't stop drawing them; this is me :* <3

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Eventful Day

Huzzah! Both of us are on the mend now.   I am referring to my horse and I: My "microbial assailants," as Wind put it, have largely abated, so I'm feeling much better now. My horse's leg is also almost entirely healed; he has been taken off the antibiotics, and the vet cme out today and said that I would just have to watch it and make sure it didn't swell up again. Everything in that regard is looking up.   Additionally, I finished an mildly ambitious web-based endeavor I was constructing

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Vet Bills

Thusly, I breathe a sigh of frustration and sadness.   I went out to the stable with the intention of lunging Raz, my horse, in the riding ring to give him some exercise. Unfortunately my plans were cut short by the discovery of a small gash on my horses's thigh. The leg was swollen, prompting me to worry about infection. Immediately I washed the wound, and made a makeshift icepack to keep on it for fifteen minutes. Following this I made a fura-DMSO wrap for his leg.   The veterinarian

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Dost Thou Moc Me?

The first oder of MOC-related business I am discussing today is the fact that Kex, author of The Natural Life, has chosen my BBC 38 entry, Demolisher Tank, as his "MOC of the Week." Thank you very much, Kex.   Secondly, BBC 38 voting is up! My tank is in Preliminary Poll C. Remember, a vote for Smeag is a vote for...Smeag.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

I'm Going Slightly Mad

"I'm Going Slightly Mad" by Queen Composed by Freddie Mercury When the outside temperature rises And the meaning is oh so clear One thousand and one yellow daffodils Begin to dance in front of you - oh dear Are they trying to tell you something? You're missing that one final screw You're simply not in the pink my dear To be honest you haven't got a clue I'm going slightly mad I'm going slightly mad It finally happened - happened It finally happened - ooh oh It finally happened

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise


Avast me hearties, there be a celebration aboard the Limegreen Scourge!   Cap'n Schiz has cooked up some wild plans for a massive on-deck party to which everyone is invited. Boatswain ToMmy has overseen the preparation of a massive feast fit to feed the ferocious appetites of the bloodthirstiest pirates--attendees will enjoy every kind of seafood imaginable, from fish to mollusks to crustaceans. On that note, I'd like to put forth a warning: if ye be wanting any of those steamed clams, you'd

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Overruled Music Issue 1: Dead Man's Party

One of the unfortunate side effects of time's progression is that of eventual surpression of good music. Some brilliant songs, such as Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Queen's "We Will Rock You" remain remembered, but too often some very good and enjoyable songs, even ones that enjoyed popularity when released, fade from public's memory. This column in my blog will be dedicated to these forgotten melodies that I enjoy.   This week, I'll start with "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo.   "Dea

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

"most Recent Moc" Update

The "Most Recent MOC" block has been updated with my newest creation: the "Spider-Man Joke Mech." It's a silly little MOC I thre together of a large robotic exo-suit that a Spider-Man minifig can pilot.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Five Things About Tufi Piyufi

1. She has never steered me wrong   2. She is the best   3. She is also the best admin   4. She is sitting right here in the room with me and we have been having dope times all week   5. She is a true friend, like wow   Shout-outs to Makaru, Nukaya, DeeVee, and the exceptional LehvakLah who are also right here in this room too!! I love you allllllllll <3

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Worth Mentioning

I had this conversation driving in my car with Black Six last week (he was visiting for the weekend) -   Him: One of the definitions of insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing and expecting different results. Me: Why do we still try to moderate BZ, then? Him: We're insane.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

Let's Talk About Peace, Love, And Music

This keychain basically summarizes the three core tenants of my life philosophy.   Six billions thank-yous to NIKIRA for sending it to me. Have I mentioned she is the greatest? She is the greatest. I love her. You might say I'm in love with her. It feels weird to type 'Nikira' instead of her real name! She is so great.

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

so mad

im so mad about accidentally changing my name to "Smeagol4" i thought the name change screenw as a logins creen what a disaster sorry about the lame user name 4 the next 45 days or whatever anyway happy new year bzpower love u, kiss kiss

Queen of Noise

Queen of Noise

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