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Left 4 Dead

I got it for PC. And it's awesome. My Steam ID is Sahaal if anyone who has it wants to play online.   Seriously. BUY. THIS. GAME. It is far, far too much fun for its own good.



College Housing

Hey guys! Home for Easter this weekend, so thought I'd blog a bit.   But OH MY GOD. Next year is going to be awesome! So today (well, at the time of writing this, technically yesterday) was the housing lottery for the substance-free housing for next year. Me, my future roommate Tom, my current rommate Josh, and my friends Nick, Alex and Katalin all agreed to live together there. Not only did we get lucky enough to live together, but we'll all be neighbors: Tom and I in one room, Katalin and her



Such Negativity

I know, I'm being hypocritical, but is Lesovikk really that bad? The Mahri suck, yes. But can we really say that he's too much like them when all that's visible is his head, arms and legs? All Toa have had limbs like Lesovikk's since the Toa Metru. With the tiniest bit of torso visible, I don't think it's fair if we start accusing LEGO of making him a different-colored Mahri.   And why must this be a ripoff of the Ussanui? LEGO knows how positive people reacted to the Ussanui -- making somethin



I Wish

I really, really wish, more than anything, that there was a solitary place within walking to of my house where I can go and think and get away from it all when I need to.



Bye Guys

Leaving for college in a few minutes. More than likely going to severely hinder my activity on here, but I'll do what I can. See you on the other side!



Prisoners Of The Pit

Yup, just got Bionicle Legends#7. And read it.   It's... interesting, to say the least. It was okay. I dunno, it just didn't feel like Bionicle (and this is the only book out of all of them that I felt this way). I'd recommend it if you want to keep up with the story, like me. Makuta had the best parts by far, especially his introduction.   Couple little beefs: Hydraxon's coming back was awfully disappointing. Not what I expected, but also not the best way to pull it off. The Nocturn-Hydraxon




So, how'd we go from mid-winter weather to near-boiling in less than two days?   Who cares? IT'S FINALLY WARM OUT!!!   We were so close to a cooking class without any incidents. But then our pasta dough hit the floor at the very end. Oh well -- five-second rule. Still good.   I was watching those old Vahki animations today, and realized how V for Vendetta-government-ish they sounded. "Thoughts can be dangerous"; "Obedience is happiness"; "Turaga Dume sees all"; "A busy Matoran is a happy Mat



Nautical Terminology Question

I'm gonna try and describe this as best I can:   On old sailing ships (i.e. Pirates of the Caribbean ships) there is a large box thing on the quarterdeck(?) near the helm, usually directly behind it. It's pretty big. My question is, what is this thing called, if it has a name, and what on earth is it for?   This is for use in the new epic. Hope you guys like nautical battles. 8D Anyway, thanks in advance to anyone that could help.



A New Banner Is Needed

Same basic stuff as last time: I need a new banner for Eternal Darkness, since I plan on putting Part III up tonight, if all goes well. I'm not much for looking for specific shops, since I'm too vague anyway.   Basically, all it needs is this symbol somewhere on it, the words "The Site" linking to this website, and the words "The Epic" linking to this topic. Simple, so have fun with it! Anyone is free to try it, and I'll pick from those that are made, which can just be posted in this entry's c



The Hunt For Icarax

For the first time since the end of December, I got to write some more of ED. And I LOVED how this chapter came out.   Anyway, we were going to go back to TRU tonight to see if they had restocked with Icarax, but it snowed hard, then rained, so the roads are really icy. *Sigh* I guess there's always tomorrow...



I May Become A Pirate!

Talk about the weirdest accidents imaginable.   Kay, it was a BEAUTIFUL day out. My cousin's party was cancelled, since she was sick. Our dad was visiting. So, since it was so nice out, we went out with three foam pump rockets and just ran around and shot at each other. It all went well for the first hour or so.   Then, during one incident, my dad was chasing me while I was attempting to put a rocket onto the launcher. I was paying attention to that so much that I never saw my brother until it



Hatana And Music

Well, it's Friday. Probably due to lack of science and math classes, but my school days have gone by a lot quicker than any other year. Except for today, for some odd reason. Probably because it was Friday and I wanted to go home.   Well, I finally got around to writing a new chapter of ED, referencing to a character I may or may not bring into the story I've named Hatana. She's inspired by Alma from F.E.A.R., but whether or not she does make it into the story, I will tell that there are some



Creeps From The Deep Movie

All I gotta say is WOW. 2007 is off to an amazing start. Love the song, too. But poor Dekar gets smacked around more than that Kolhii ball in Mask of Light.



Decision Made

I decided not to send the distress transmission in DOOM 3, simply because I think I saw the ending when the transmission is sent, and I wanna see what happens this time.   Two more weeks of school! Gah, it's going to be the slowest two weeks of my life. Maybe I can play DOOM 3 and Halo and other stuff nonstop -- that'll make it go quicker, right?   Well, if not, I've got plenty other things to keep me entertained -- LOST season finale is tonight, and tomorrow/Friday is Pirats 3 (WOO!!), and Pr



Four Day Weekend!

Yup, next week end I have four days off. See, the last four days of school are the days we take our Finals. They break up the eight periods of classes for two Finals a day:   Friday, June 8 -- 3rd and 4th period Finals Monday, June 11 -- 5th and 6th Tuesday, June 12 -- 7th and 8th Wednesday, June 13 -- 1st and 2nd (also the last day of school)   Now I have no idea why first and second are last, but whatever. But if we don't have a Final for a period, we don't have to go. So, if you have a F




EDIT: Woah! I gots a blog rating (and a high one, too)! How long's that been there?...



Hspa Science

Well, that's one part of the HSPAs done. Harder than I thought. Probably because the majority of it was earth science (tectonic plates and such), which we haven't learned in, like, six years. But I'm not too worried -- it's math tomorrow I'm worried about.   This hasn't particularly been an amazing day. Due to HSPAs, we had shortened periods, but someone decided to be an cool dude and yank the fire alarm during fourth period. We had to get rid of 8th period to get out on time (which sucks, sinc



I Is Alive!

Sorry for the lack of blogging. Mainly it was because I got God of War II on Saturday and have been playing nonstop. I beat it on Monday, though -- GREAT GAME. Plus, they got Michael Clarke Duncan to do the voice of the titan Atlas! I can wait for the third one (and trust me, with an ending like that, a third game is inevitable).   But the last couple days have been tough because the server was insane (probably people flipping out about the April Fool's joke). So yeah.   SPRING BREAK!!! Althou



Mystery Mask Shape

Heh, looking at LK's avatar and banner and artwork makes me want to play Warrior Within again.   M'kay, I'm having a little trouble deciding on a mask design for Toa Schattenu. It's a Mask of Chameleon, but I doubt that counts for much as far as physical shape and stuff goes. So, for all you artists, I'm willing to share suggestions with each other.



Prince Of Persia Trilogy: Completed

Yes! I have finished Sands of Time, Warrior Within, and The Two Thrones as of tonight!   I must say, the end of T2T was a nice way to end the trilogy (not gonna say how it ended, but... hopefully you'll remember the beginning and end of SoT).   The vizier was definitely more difficult than SoT, but I wouldn't say as hard as Kaileena in WW (never fought the Dahaka, but I know the real ending that sets up T2T). But the final "battle" made me dizzy. I will tell you this about it: if memory serves



Goodbye, Bzpower

First, new chapter of ED is up; go read it, it's EPIC.   No, I'm not leaving BZP. I'm heading off to Disney World in Orlando, Florida tomorrow for my High School Senior Trip. I'll be gone until late Saturday night/early Sunday morning, and I won't have access to any computers. So I'll see you all in a week! Don't let the site die without me!   ... Scared ya with that title, didn't I?



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