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I Is Alive!



Sorry for the lack of blogging. Mainly it was because I got God of War II on Saturday and have been playing nonstop. I beat it on Monday, though -- GREAT GAME. Plus, they got Michael Clarke Duncan to do the voice of the titan Atlas! I can wait for the third one (and trust me, with an ending like that, a third game is inevitable).


But the last couple days have been tough because the server was insane (probably people flipping out about the April Fool's joke). So yeah.


SPRING BREAK!!! Although it's a pretty sucky one, if you ask me -- every other normal school as a whole week. We have three days.


We played dodgeball in gym. I can't throw or catch if my life depended on it, but I'm an expert at dodging, since I'm not big. Which is good, because when there's only one person left on a team, the opposite team gets ten throws, and if they miss all ten, our entire team comes back in. That's exactly what I did. :P


Anyways, I only have a half hour before LOST, so I'm gonna get something to eat.


*continues watching Pirates 3 trailer*


Recommended Comments

It's a great game, but just in case you ever do get it, know this: extreme violence is only one of a few reasons it's rated M. Oh yes...
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