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What Lurks In The Dark



^ That is the name of the newest chapter I wrote today -- has the Toa Nuva and Krakua. Oh yes, I'm very proud of it. And in this chapter, I've proven that Takanuva isn't the only Toa who can blind others with immense light. And no, I don't mean Tahu (although he give a helping hand in the process). But lemme tell ya -- what the chapter title refers to is immensely fun to write about.


The Karzahni set. I LOVE him. The dark green and lime green mix on the Carapar armor is awesome. And nice use of Pridak feet and Ehlek heads. The cape looks a little out of place, but that's okay.


And for those of you thinking "He doesn't look like Karzahni!" or "He's not tall enough!" or "He's not as impressive as the Atlas picture!", keep this in mind: one of two factors affects this, or it could be both. One, he has the ability to rebuild himself, which has been revealed in the story that he royally sucks at. Two, he WILL be affected by the Pit mutagen, confirmed by Greg. He's not going to look as intimidating as before. I'm sure all of the Barraki, especially Pridak, looked way more fear-inducing than they do now.


My brother comes home tonight (technically tomorrow, but whatever). I can't wait to show him all the stuff he's missed! Although I will miss all this computer time to myself.


Watched Braveheart yesterday. Overwhelmingly long, but great. Sad ending. Well, there were multiple sad parts, but the ending in particular was heart-wrenchingly inspiring. Proves that even one person can affect the whole world. I saw quite a few people I knew besides Mel Gibson; that guy from Saw III, a guy from Kingdom of Heaven (another great movie), and one guy that looked annoyingly familiar, but I couldn't remember from where. And that Irish guy has become one of my favorite movie characters ever. :P


I think I'm gonna write another chapter after dinner.


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