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Bbc #41: Have It Your Way?

I'm starting to wonder about some of the members here. The intention of the new contest was basically that there's been plenty of complaints about the new 2006 and 2007 sets, and so we have this contest to see what those disappointed people want to see in new sets. I assumed that this also included people against clone sets.   So why is it that the majority of the non-titan entries (Toa, basically) I see either all have the same exact build or are basically custom Inika?



Behind Blue Eyes

Sorry for no entry yesterday, laddies. I was pretty busy. So you'll get two Irish blessings today!   But first, I read a songfic a little while ago by ToM Dracone called "Behind Blue Eyes", featuring Mata Nui and, moreso, Makuta (of Metru Nui, of course). Used the cover version by Limp Bizkit. Downloaded the song -- LOVED it. But then I discovered the original version by The Who -- quite possibly one of their best songs ever (and I love The Who anyway, so...). Lyrics aren't much different (if a



May The Luck Of The Irish Be With You!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, BZPower! I be about 45-47% Irish, fer those of ye who care. Sadly, I've not been to the wee Emerald Isle meself, but 'tis a dream to someday. Looks like beautiful country up there.   I didn't get to celebrate the way I would've liked, because I'm underage, if ye know what I mean. Ah, three more years, though. Not too long.   Me brother and I went on up to celebrate our cousin's birthday today -- 'tis great fun, spendin' a few hours with the side of me family that g



Irish Potatoes!

We made them in Cooking class today. We had about a dozen or so. I ate seven. In the course of a minute and a half. Wasn't the best of ideas, especially since I just had breakfast only an hour or so before. And yet I WANT MORE!!!   We're in the middle of some kind of storm. Freezing rain, maybe? Sleet? I don't know. I'm not gonna go outside and have my flesh ripped from my face to find out though, that's for sure. Dealing with the dog should be entertainment, at least.   OMG, there's a game



Bloody Sock (literally!)

I was "wounded" in gym today. It was nice out, so we went out to the track and football field and did whatever we felt like. Me and two other people just kinda messed around with a football. None of us are extremely athletic, and therefore didn't trust each other enough to hold the ball for a field goal. So instead we used someone's shoe to hold it. When I kicked it, my shoe came back and jammed my toenail down and back, digging it into the skin of my toe. It was a little painful, but I first re




I promised pictures, so here they are! Fair warning -- they're huge.   He's got an awesome color scheme, don't he?   Ze back.   "Why, Nocturn, what big teeth you have!" "All the more to -- " *scarfs little girl*   Why the Toa Nuva didn't go to Mahri Nui.   I tried to get a picture of him glowing in the dark, but I couldn't figure out how to turn the flash off on my camera, which lit up the whole room. Oh well, here's Noccy!



This Is Spartaaaa!

I just got back from the theater, in which I saw 300.   Good. God. It. Is. Amazing. Sweats testosterone. Fair warning -- it's rated R for a reason. There's some extremely minor nudity, but the violence is pretty much glorified.   Still. If you've got a whole lot of anger to burn off, go see 300. Visually stunning, more than half the movie is battle scenes, yet it keeps up with a really good story. And I now feel like playing God of War or Halo while listening to heavy death metal.   "PREPARE



Hspa English -- Part 2

REJOICE!! THE HSPAs ARE FINALLY OVERRRRRRRRR!!!   *Ahem* Anyway, I feel as light as a cloud, now that the HSPAs are no longer hanging over my head. Interesting, too, that today's testing was by far the easiest. We did another persuasive essay, then read two persuasive essays other people wrote and answered questions for each.   I've been trying to convince my mom to let me have tomorrow off, but no luck yet. She's just had a bad day, so I'll try again later. After being in school for what feel



Hspa English -- Part 1

Today was the first part of HSPA English -- my speciality! But I'm a little confused. I figure that one day would be Reading, where we'd read a story and answer questions about it, and one day would be Writing, where we'd do a Picture Prompt (get a picture and write a story on it) and a persuasive essay. But today, we did a Picture Prompt, read a story and answered questions, and then did a presuasive essay. So now I have no idea what we're doing tomorrow.   Picture prompt was a little difficu



Hspa Math

Amazingly, the Math part of the HSPAs were way easier than I thought, and immensely easier than the Science part. Yayzeez!   Thankees for the offer, LK, but I'll manage. I was just a little moody yesterday. Sorry.   Ah, the high-quality pics of the 2007 summer sets. It's funny -- everyone now loves the Mahri and hates Maxilos, and I despise the Mahri and love Maxilos.   But the Mahri. It's just like Umbra: everyone hates the original picture, then LEGO shifts its pose and it's the best set e



Hspa Science

Well, that's one part of the HSPAs done. Harder than I thought. Probably because the majority of it was earth science (tectonic plates and such), which we haven't learned in, like, six years. But I'm not too worried -- it's math tomorrow I'm worried about.   This hasn't particularly been an amazing day. Due to HSPAs, we had shortened periods, but someone decided to be an cool dude and yank the fire alarm during fourth period. We had to get rid of 8th period to get out on time (which sucks, sinc



Tony Jay

I would SO have him do Takatu's voice in an ED movie. He would've done an amazing Sidorak, too.   Man, it's been a long day. Checked Barnes & Noble for "BIONICLE World", but no luck; we'll have to order it online. We did get some magazines for my Chemistry project.   I just finished watching Maverick on TV. That movie is freaking hilarious. I love the Native American.   Anyways, my brother, my dog and I have been home alone for, like, four hours. Our grandparents visited our great-grandpa



Schattenu -- But Better!

Go check out this post. It is awesome. WAY better than my cruddy drawing. And thus, from now on, I'm accepting any and all fan art you want to do (since I didn't think my epic was well known enough for people to do art of it ).



Dark Fire

For whatever reason, I watched Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame the other day for the first time since seeing it in theaters. One particular scene, where Frollo is singing in front of his fireplace, just completely went over my head in theaters when I was six years old. Now, at age seventeen, I understand the meaning of the song and why my mother was a little iffy when she first heard the lyrics.   Nonetheless, it was a VERY powerful scene -- probably one of, if not THE most powerful in any




I have an ulcer on the inside of my lower lip. It hurts.   Anyways, it must be assembly month. We had an hour-long assembly last week about famous women and their impact, Thursday we have an assembly on HSPAs (High School Proffeciency Assessment), and next Friday we have something called a "virtual feild trip" to Pearl Harbor. I have no idea what that means. Oh well, whatever it is, it gets me out of Art and History. Actually, those are two of my favorite classes. Why not Chemistry and Algebra



All That Is Yours Is Rightfully Mine.

If you can't tell, I just played Prince of Persia: Warrior Within and The Two Thrones this past week and am now in a big Prince of Persia mood. Still think WW is the best, but the Dark Prince has to be my all-time favorite character. He's smart, but is also absolutely hilarious. For example, if you stand still for a while without pausing, he yells at you. I got a couple humorous comments out of him from doing that. "MOOOOVE!" "STOP WASTING TIME!" "Nraaagh! I can't believe I actually believed in



Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean

I'm stuck in Scratches. Gr.   So anyway, I'm sure you've all seen the info from the 2007 Press Guide that Swert got on Maxilos and Hydraxon. I'm still adamant that Makuta and Maxilos are now one and the same. Knowing this, I was listening to a Nightwish song on my "Oceanborn" CD that I haven't listened to in a while: Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean. Listening to the lyrics (or reading along on their site, since their male vocalist is a little hard to understand sometimes ), I found that they m




Oh man. This PC game... it's not bad, scary-wise, but the suspense just grinds your nerves. You play this horror novel writer who goes to this old mansion to live, since the gloomy atmosphere might help his restless imagination. I walked around a bit, my character's real estate agent called, and it was ok. Then, up in the my character's (Michael) bedroom, I found a crumpled up note in the trash. Evidently, it was written by the previous homeowner, and he was going insane over voices in the galle




Just played an hour-and-a-half game of Halo PC CTF on Blood Gulch, a full 16 people (8 v. 8) with all vehicles and heavy weapons (rocket launchers and fuel rod canons) while listening to the "Hello Zepp" track on the Saw soundtrack. We lost, but...   UBER ANDRENALINE RUSH!!!



Woah! Not Cool!

So I was playing Prince of Persia: Warrior Within today, and I realized something my strategy guide fails to mention: the Light Sword, the most powerful secondary weapon in the game, actually hurts your health when you hit an enemy. You get it as the Sand Wraith, in which your health constantly goes down anyway, so I didn'y really notice it until I started using it in combos with my Water Sword against the Dahaka. So if you ever play that game and find the Light Sword, be wary of it and use it i



Mahri Rant

Someone in the talkback topic said it best: 2007 took off soaring with awesome Barraki and even Matoran and Hydruka. Nocturn gave the year an extra lift. Gadunka, Hydraxon and Maxilos & Spinax are jst as cool. But then, Bionicle 2007 had a major crash landing when the Toa Mahri arrived.   I was quite excited about having the story be completely underwater -- it was new, different, and I liked it. Then we saw the Barraki. They fit into this environment so well. I was loving how the sets beca



Toa Mahri

Saw the pictures of the Mahri from ToyFair on Brickshelf.   I REALLY hope those are extreme prototypes. They have a LOT to work on.



Prepare For Glory!

Sorry. I'm really excited for that movie 300.   Anyways, today my brother, my dad and I went up to Guitar Center in Cherry Hill (NJ). It's. Freaking. AWESOME. They got harmonicas, guitars, drumbs, keyboards... I was in heaven. I prefer an electric guitar, but man, those acoustics were BEAUTIFUL. And they had such a great sound. I got to mess with some guitar pedals, too.   Ah, man. No amount of words could describe how awesome it was.



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