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Uh Oh

I got re-addicted to Morrowind. See ya later, life.



Yay For Audio Books!

Kay, I dunno how many, if any, other achools do that Summer Reading thing where you read at least one book (depending on class level) and take a written test on it when you get back to school. I had to do The Great Train Robbery by Michael Crichton, which is probably the only decent book on the list -- it was either that or Boy's Life: A Memoir. ><   Well, I kept putting it off and putting it off to read other books, like Prisoners of the Pit and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, not



Christmas Stuff!

Well, Christmas is over, and it's always just a little depressing after a holiday is over, especially Christmas. However, I still got some neat stuff: Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End DVD The Guardian DVD Live Free or Die Hard DVD Transformers: The Score Clive Barker's Jericho for PC Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 Chapter Wars (Warhammer 40,000 novel) A buttload of socks A buttload of gift cards A fair amount of money Some clothes A freaking awesome Nightmare Before Christmas jersey A little



I Just Gotta Say...

...that things are going very well with a gal pal, if ya know what I mean. *wink wink nudge nudge*   And also that the chocolate cream pie last night was some good pie.



So Tired...

Being unable to sleep in on Saturday because of SATs has thrown off my sleep schedule so much. I've been exhausted since then.   I dunno how it happened, but I banged my elbow on part of a window on the bus this afternoon, and now it hurts really bad. Which makes no sense, because I've hit it in the same spot WAY harder before and the pain lasted only twenty minutes, tops. This has been going on all day. I can move it, so it's not broken. But if it isn't better by tomorrow, I'm getting it x-ray



Omg! I Think I've Figured It Out!

First, before I say what I want, I just gotta say that I am in LOVE with Nocturn. His glow-in-the-dark blue and lime green with organic-looking parts make him really look like a bio-luminescent creature of the dark depths of the sea. He's positively perfect.   Anyways, some of you may remember a past entry about the Brotherhood's plan (click this for the full details). Well, I do believe I have an answer!   We know that Mata Nui's life has some sort of connection (quite possibly a direct one



Best Birthday Party Ever

Just got back from my now 9-year-old cousin's party, and it was awesome; it was during a thunderstorm. Man, it was raining buckets, really loud thunder, bright flashes of lightning, even good-sized hail.   The coolest was the drive home. When we were leaving, it was clearing up and the sun was going down. In one direction was unbelievably dark clouds; in the other direction was orange sunlight through the clouds. It was so cool looking. Then, going down the freeway, for the first time since I w



Writer's Block! Aah!

Yup. Still no ideas on the new contest. Which is weird, because I usually get inspiration from near everything.   Remember all those saltwater taffies I gorged yesterday? They've come back to haunt me. Ooooh... stomach pains... I sure love them, but they sure don't love me.   Gonna go listen to some Nightwish (sweet metal band from Finland; I recommend looking them up). Maybe that'll spark something.   *Puts on "Wish I Had an Angel"*



The Night Lords

My favorite -- masters in the art of terror. Fear is their most powerful weapon, and they use it well. Their armor often has decorations portraying fear and death. One of my favorite characters of any form of media of all time was a Night Lord: Night Lords Commander and Talonmaster Zso Sahaal. They're legion badge is awesome, too (see photo; fanged/horned skull with bat wings).  




Because I so love keeping readers in suspense.   In taking in all of these details, Lesovikk had almost forgotten about the chanting voice, which was considerably louder, though there was no source of it. Trying his best to ignore it, which he found difficult, he walked toward the statue while suppressing a chill. His arm brushed against the structure's foot; the contact seemed to “activate” it. The gems in its angular head lit up with a malicious glow.   “Who awakens me?” The voice made L



Updates On Everything

Hello! Lots of things have been going on around here. First, I'd like to apologize for those that sent me PMs that I never replied to -- I promise I will find time to get to them.   Saturday is a graduation party at a friend's house, so I'll be gone all afternoon and most of that evening. But it's going to be fun, since I've only seen one friend from school since graduating this summer.   Yesterday I finally got my phone upgraded. Now, I don't think I ever brought this up, but my old cell phon



Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean

I'm stuck in Scratches. Gr.   So anyway, I'm sure you've all seen the info from the 2007 Press Guide that Swert got on Maxilos and Hydraxon. I'm still adamant that Makuta and Maxilos are now one and the same. Knowing this, I was listening to a Nightwish song on my "Oceanborn" CD that I haven't listened to in a while: Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean. Listening to the lyrics (or reading along on their site, since their male vocalist is a little hard to understand sometimes ), I found that they m



View From The Sky

Yesterday was the last day of classes for the semester, so all next week is finals, then I go home Friday afternoon. Wow, I can't believe my Freshman year of college is already done and over with. I'm going to sorely miss my friends over the summer. Maybe we can work something out to hang with each other during the break, but I got some really great friends here.   As such, one of my friends offered to take us on a little trip today for some serenity before our finals. We went to Sugarloaf Moun



I Have Decided

...On an element to use, magnetism or gravity.   Two factors led to my choosing of magnetism: I just watched X-Men 3 half an hour ago and after seeing the stuff Magneto can do, magnetism could be even scarier in a world where 90% of it is metal. The other was one brought up by BCii; one with the power of gravity (who has an actual personality, unlike Nuhvok-Kal) would think on a much more galactic scale, which isn't really in the character's mind. Granted, he doesn't really start off on any kin



Lotf Survivor: Second Challenge

Not. Happy.   First, I put up a new chapter of ED last night, starting the epic final battle, so be sure to check that out.   Anyway, today was our second challenge for Lord of the Flies Survivor. In this one, we got little marker boards to write down answers to questions. We also got a map of the island from the book with a grid over it. Depending on how many people are in a tribe (for us, it was two tribes with four each, and one tribe with five people), you'd put down "X"s on coordinates in




Just played an hour-and-a-half game of Halo PC CTF on Blood Gulch, a full 16 people (8 v. 8) with all vehicles and heavy weapons (rocket launchers and fuel rod canons) while listening to the "Hello Zepp" track on the Saw soundtrack. We lost, but...   UBER ANDRENALINE RUSH!!!



I Did It! Part 2!

Took five times, but the Dahaka is finito! That was the most grueling battle I have ever done, more so than the Empress in the regular ending, more so than the Vizier in the third game, and more so than Ares in God of War. But it was SO worth it.   Yeah, that's my entry. Pretty lame isn't it?



What Big Teeth You Have!

Actually, with Kardas, it should be "My, what big everything you have!"   Yes, it took my brother and I two and a half hours last night, but Kardas the dragon and his matching Vezon are built. He. Is. MASSIVE. Not as tall as Ultimate Dume, but as far as overall size goes, Kardas beats all. Yes, even Voporak.   One drawback to him: he's EXTREMELY delicate. Granted, it doesn't take much posing to make him look awesome, but I accidently tapped his wing a little too hard once and his whole right l




Well, last night I saw Beowulf in digital 3-D. Having not read the poem (yet, we're starting in school soon), I didn't know what to expect. My mother, who did read the poem, said that the basic story was accurate, but the rest not so much.   However, for what it was, we both liked it. Although I have to admit, it was pretty morbid for just PG-13. Any time Grendel was around people was pretty sick, so just a heads up.   What I think I really liked about the film was that SOMEONE finally realize



It Starts Tomorrow...

Yep -- tomorrow officially starts the Finals. I'll have my English Final second period, and then the first ten questions of my Chemistry Final fourth period. Friday is my Algebra Final and the rest of Chem. Then I'm off Monday and Tuesday, then Wendseday is my Cooking Final, and I'm done!   Gah, I just want to get these things over with...




So as of now I'm listening to a track from Volume 2 of the Halo 2 soundtrack called "Unforgotten". Beautiful piece, especially the piano. After seeing some of the cutscenes from Halo 3, I can't wait for that soundtrack. Marty O'Donnell is an amazing composer.   Anyway, I was writing a new chapter to ED today, and I've decided to bring in a character everyone thought was dead, and I'm sure I won't regret the move -- it just adds to the epic-ness that this third part is. Vengeance of the Dead wil



Hey Guys!

I'm massively bored, and have been since getting back from college. Planned on spending at least a good chunk of the break catching my brother up with season 5 of LOST, but apparently I have to wait until after Christmas.   So anyone want to come find me and take me someplace else to have a lot of fun? Please?



King Tutankhamen

So, we went on over to the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania for the first time since I was, oh... four? I'm seventeen now. Needless to say, it's been a while.   But from Februrary through September, they've had a special exhibit (the Franklin Institute is kind of a "touch everything" museum): Tutankhamen and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs.   It was so awesome. Now, I've always loved ancient Egyptian stuff, but hadn't really been involved with it for years. This renewed my inte



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