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I'm So Jealous Of My Brother

He got invited to a really hot girl's graduation party today and I didn't. ;_;   Not to mention he know EVERY SINGLE HOMECOMING QUEEN CONTESTANT. Which there are like 14 of.



Iced Earth -- Dragon's Child

For English class, we had the greatest assignment: find a song whose lyrics had some literary value, give them to the teacher, describe them, and play the song. I LOVE music. Many bands I listen to I think have absolute geniuses as lyricists. She assigned it last week, so I figured that after the Virginia Tech incident, I'd do the Nightwish song "The Kinslayer", which he wrote in memory of the Columbine shooting in 1999. It was so easy to write about its meaning and imagery, and I got some prais



Going Home

In a couple hours, the fall semester will already be over and I'll be on my way home for the winter break until the end of January.   And I feel like the only person in the world that doesn't want to go home and stay here.



May The Luck Of The Irish Be With You!

Happy Saint Patrick's Day, BZPower! I be about 45-47% Irish, fer those of ye who care. Sadly, I've not been to the wee Emerald Isle meself, but 'tis a dream to someday. Looks like beautiful country up there.   I didn't get to celebrate the way I would've liked, because I'm underage, if ye know what I mean. Ah, three more years, though. Not too long.   Me brother and I went on up to celebrate our cousin's birthday today -- 'tis great fun, spendin' a few hours with the side of me family that g



Calluses! Yay!

No, that wasn't sarcasm in the title; according to my uncle, the more calluses I get, the better I'll get.   At what, you ask? Well, today was my very first guitar lesson! He says I learn fast; I learned and have almost memorized three chords (G, D and C) in just an hour and a half lesson! Next week I'm gonna learn how to play "I Stand Alone" by Godsmack, since I told another Prince of Persia fan at school I would.   Sorry for the lack of updates. I've had a rough first week back to school. O



First Encounter Assault Recon

A.K.A. -- F.E.A.R.   That's right. My grandfather finished both F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. Extraction Point (expansion), so now it's my turn. Man, at least with DOOM 3, I got time to get used to everything before the freaky stuff happened. Twenty seconds into this game I'm already seeing people that turn to ash, doors are slamming themselves shut, paint cans mysteriously get knocked off of shelves, and at the end of that first level a bloody Paxton Fettel -- psychopath I'm looking for that has a tel



New Nightwish Single!

Yep, Nightwish is releasing a new single with their new singer Anette again August 24th. It's called "Amaranth". Both a preview of the song and the cover are on their site, and both are awesome. The cover art is positively beautiful. Song's faster-paced than "Eva". And even in the preview, even with a new singer, you can still hear the old Nightwish in the music. Which is sweet.   Anyway... Today's been the first truly relaxing day of summer (considering school's been done for a week, that's no



My Return

I have come home for the weekend plus Monday and Tuesday for Fall Break! I have been able to hop on BZP occasionally, and I have kept up with current storyline, but it's been difficult -- college has been brutal on my free time. But, regardless, I do have some stuff to say.   One, I love Closer to the Truth. Music video is cool, the singer's beautiful and looks almost exactly like Jennifer Love Hewitt (at least in that video). Actually, that's about all I needed to say.   Oh, and have I got a



Over A Year...

So, it's been over a year since I last saw a very close friend of mine. After all this time, I still find myself missing her and thinking about her every day. I don't think I'll ever find anyone else that'll replace her in my heart.   But dwelling on the past is something that always brings me down, so I try not to do it. So, with that said, chapter 4 of ED: WMaH is up, for those who missed the entry yesterday. I didn't kill the chapter with too many italics tags, so yay!   A couple days ago,



November Rain

Possibly one of Guns N' Roses best songs ever. Slash is freaking amazing on the guitar.   Also, I'd just like to say that I think Michael Emerson (Ben in LOST, Zepp in Saw) would do a perfect voice for Takadox.   Don't forget to head on down and read and review *cough* chapter one of ED Part II! *coughpleasecough*




Yeah, some may or may not have noticed a general lack of activity from me this weekend. We had two college open houses, both in Maryland: McDaniel and Hood. Since they're fairly close, we decided to head on down to McDaniel, stay at a hotel overnight, and then do Hood today. Worked out, except that my mother got sick halfway through McDaniel and caught the flu. She managed through Hood, for the most part. But we managed to watch The Mist and 30 Days of Night at the hotel. The Mist was actually r



Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Here's to a wonderful 2008! We spent our night watching Live Free or Die Hard, the unrated edition. It just happened to go off at exactly midnight. Then I called my dad, wished him a happy new year, and went to bed.   Today, though, we went to see Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. Just got back. It was really, really good, with nice songs (it's a musical, after all). I had no idea Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman could sing so well. Fair warning: IT'S RATED



The Guardian Of Time

Sorry for not blogging much lately. One is that there really wasn't much to blog about -- Halloween wasn't anything particularly special. Plus I'm still getting loads of work from school. It's driving me insane.   Anyway, today is not only Guy Fawkes Day (which I forgot to dress up as V for), but also my brother's 19th birthday. Yay!   I'm so glad I have off for the next week. I plan on taking advantage of it and catching up with all my writing, both adding to BZP and doing new chapters on Vot



Random Revelation

You know, while listening to Demon Hunter, I realized that their song "The Soldiers' Song" fits the Toa (as in all Toa in general) so well that it's almost scary. Especially when it comes to the Toa-Dark Hunter War.   Yeah, that was the extent of my deep thought today.




Just got back from the Atlantic City boardwalk (NJ) for some random reason (no idea, but my mom and grandparents just decided to take us ten minutes before we left).   I am unbelievably tired, yet at the same time hyper. Probably because I scarfed down half a pound of chocolate- and root beer-flavored saltwater taffies on the car ride home.   Still no idea for the contest. Harder than I thought...   Also, still debating whether or not I should go to bed. Either way, I'm signing off!



Deep Sea Creepiness

I got and read City of the Lost today. That is, by far, one of, if not THE darkest Bionicle book to date. Karzahni's got nothing on these Barraki. I've always been fascinated by the deepest depths of the ocean; now, I almost fear it. Especially sharks, if they really act anything like those in this book.   Speaking of which, one scene involving Pridak's Takea and a Matoran is burned into my mind. It never says exactly what happens, but my imagination made of what probably happened almost makes



Guess What?...

First, I hope you enjoy my new photo. I found it on another forum and loved it, and I figured that, knowing this board, you guys would appreciate it, so it's now my personal photo.   Anyway, the real news: GO READ CHAPTER 12 THAT IS NOW UP! Hope you guys don't mind cliffhangers... Not on the level of "Dead Man's Chest", but still...   I've also decided on an ending for part two! Well, I know how I'm going to end it all together, not specific parts. There's only two more chapters of "City of S



Happy Mother's Day

Let's all show how much we love our moms. Without them, we... well, wouldn't exist.   I appreciate that, Mom. Thanks for making me be born.



You Will Lose Everything

I dunno if you guys knew, but the new Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix trailer has been released. Looks amazing. It seems that they cut out very little, which is good -- they cut out almost half of Goblet of Fire. And Helena Bonham Carter is in it as Bellatrix Lestrange! That's SO perfect.   We finally got to eat the manicotti we've spent the last week making in cooking today. The sauce had no taste, but the salad and garlic bread were good (garlic bread=eternal <3).   Also, in the




Obviously, as you can see my new photo, I am currently in love with the Barraki. The idea of Bionicle warlords that look like that green feller is just brilliant to me.   *pictures Ehlek saying "Long live the Makuta" in a creepy and sarcastic voice with a mix between Jeremy Iron's voice and Nidhiki's voice*   I can't wait to see Takadox; he sounds right up my alley as far as evil-ness goes.



Into The Fire!

Just read "Inferno" all the way through. WOW. Quite a way to end the Voya Nui story: on a massive cliffhanger larger than 03's and 04's combined.   Like the last books of past years, there's the hints of next year's story. But in Inferno, there's multiple, not just one like a kratana or a Krakua vision.   This book is different from the rest (at least from those this year); it seemed nothing but battles for the most part in Legends 1-3 (4 gave it a neat little Metru Nui story feel), but Infern



Hopefully Tomorrow

Yeah, hopefully I'll get part 2 of ED up tomorrow. I'd do it tonight, but I had a long day and don't feel like staying up late after playing DOOM 3. I've played that game once before, but it was so long ago and I don't remember 90% of the stuff. So I'm getting freaked out all over again.   Nightwish released the cover of their new single, "Eva". Looks awesome.   So does Transformers, actually. I was a little iffy at first, but the new trailer does it some serious justice (I hope).   Yanno,



Prepare For Your Minds To Be Boggled

First, sorry it's been so long for a blog entry. Rough first full week of school.   But man... A couple days ago I asked Greg some questions that pretty much evolved into a veeeeery interesting discussion about Makuta and the Brotherhood. It's heavily involved with Legacy of Evil, so I'll have to wait for spoilers to be allowed to post it. In short, do you guys remember when Greg first told us about Zaktan knowing things? And when we found out, if we'd be able to piece it together the same way



Perseus Mandate

Well, both F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. Extraction Point have been completed. For those that want to know what happened, but won't buy the game, here's some spoilers:   Kay, so I find Harlan Wade after tracking his daughter Alice Wade to some abandoned facility while she was a captive of Paxton Fettel. When I get there, Harlan beat me to shooting that fat mess Norton Mapes. He told me that Harlan went into the Vault and sealed it behind him; if I didn't get in there fast, either he or Fettel would rel



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