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Sweet Satisfaction - April Haul

Transformers Masterpiece Shockwave Star Wars Black Series Kanan Jarrus Transformers Masterpiece Tracks Star Wars Black Series Ahsoka Tano BIONICLE Protector of Stone BIONICLE Ikir Creature of Fire BIONICLE Tahu Uniter of Fire BIONICLE Umarak The Hunter Star Wars: Dark Disciple Star Wars: Heir to the Jedi Star Wars: Aftermath Star Wars: Maul: Lockdown Don't really feel like writing up too much today. Put as short as I can: love everything I got this month (some I didn't expect to or e



Pokemon White 2: Day 3

Well, got my fourth badge and explored a little. Didn't do much else besides evolve... Oh, well, almost everyone.   Chirox, Crobat lv. 27 Macku, Azumarill lv. 26 Espeon, lv. 27 Pumbaa, Pignite lv. 26 Lucario, lv. 27 Elekid, lv. 28   Really debated on whether to get an Espeon or Umbreon. I like Umbreon's look more. A whole lot more, actually. But Espeon gets a better attacking move (and Umbreon's more about defense anyways) in Psychic, and my in-game teams have always lacked a Psychic type.



Pokemon White 2: Day 12 - Champion!

After getting my whole team to level 60, I finally chose to face the Elite Four. I actually had some difficulty given half of them are weak to the Psychic and Ghost members, but I pulled it off with no problem. But then I saved my game and for most of the day studied for an exam...   That took 3.5 hours...   So as a victory celebration for completing it I faced Iris.   And won!   My first Hall of Fame team of the game:   Chirox, Crobat lv. 60 Megawatt, Electabuzz lv. 61 Pumbaa, Emboar lv. 60 A



Pokemon Omega Ruby: Day 6

Slow progress again today.   Remember yesterday when I observed I hadn't found a Mega Stone in a while? Well, I've found 5 in the past 24 hours. Unfortunately, they're all still just for old Mega Evolutions (And I did at least check Sharpedo's... looks like I'm not getting that during this playthrough :/). One in particular had me a little bummed: Manectite. I swore off using a Manectric since I used one in my original Ruby run and didn't want to repeat that. But if I had just bothered to check



Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India

It's not been long since I last posted and I already beat my next game, Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India.   Maybe it was because China adjusted me to the mechanics, but I did not find this game nearly as difficult. The only real difficulty was self-inflicted, as I chose to make my first run be an attempt at beating the game without killing (because Achievements). I wasn't wholly successful, but it did mean going a little slower at times and being a lot more methodical. It was almost fun heh. P



Photo Shoot 13 - Battle Droid & Clone Trooper S.H. Figuarts

Felt like getting back into taking pictures of my stuff lately. Got a bit of a backlog of things to post even haha. From back in December, here is... One really awesome Figuart and a pretty okay one.   Battle Droid   Still love this thing. By far one of the best 6" figures I have.   Clone Trooper   Meh... And I'm still finding it hard to get this guy to look good in shooting poses.   ~|ET|~



Smash Bros Demoing

I was fortunate enough to be given a code by a kind gentleman on Tokunation, so I've been playing the demo for a good chunk of the day.   Despite my numerous problems with the game's development and everything said throughout... I knew I'd still get it, for both 3DS and WiiU, and knew I'd play them a lot.   And just this little bit on the 3DS has reinforced that so far.   I've mostly been playing as Mega Man, and man is he fun! Definitely going to be one of my go-to characters.   I just can't ge



Pokemon Omega Ruby: Day 7

I really did not play much today on account of Thanksgiving. Barely any progress was made as a result. One interesting note is I did finally find my first new Mega Stone with Sableite (not that it was hidden that well heh).   The rest of my time was spent trying to get a good (read: Adamant) Groudon. Ohhhh boyyyyy... Mascot Legendaries are actually hard to catch! I am genuinely surprised but also please. Unfortunately the silly long cutscenes (only thought of as such since I have to keep doing



Merry Christmas! - The Haul

So, I finally got the Desmond hoodie I've been wanting! You can also see next to it the awesome Star Wars blanket my mom made for me. It's soft and big and warm and yeah.   Since I was late getting into the whole 3DS thing, I chose Christmas to catch up haha. I've only played MK7 so far, but I'm loving it so far.   Also got a new Xbox controller. My first since getting a 360. And it's the super cool Halo 4 one! Can't wait to break that thing in. And of course there's my first Halo book.



Coming Soon: My Year in Gaming

With no new Pokemon game this year (that I picked up), my blog was rather lacking in any gaming action. Sure, I picked up a good number, but I never really talked about them. All year long I kept wanting to write out more of my thoughts on various titles yet never got around to it.   Luckily I kept a spreadsheet of all the games I played and beat this year to pick from! Because I'm a nerd like that. Just first need to double check that I didn't end up making entries for some that I forgot about




Yeah I'm a few days late, but I'm also sitting here unable to sleep when I have to get up in 3.5 hours to go to the airport, so I wanted to find something to do.   I want to keep this short. It feels like for the first time, I can confidently say that a year was good to me. I graduated college, I got a job, I'm comfortable where I'm at despite living truly alone for the first time, I got engaged... There were still some bumps along the way (still have some anxiety and other episodes), but as a



Laptop's Dead

Well, my laptop's likely dead. Couldn't get it to start this morning at all. I had a similar experience yesterday, but had hope then because when plugged into the adapter the indicator light that it was on/receiving power would turn on. And apparently wasn't even shut down because I was still signed in when it finally came up.   This morning the light wouldn't even turn on. And after trying for even longer to get any sort of response from the power button, I gave up and took it to a shop...



Christmas Swag

I'm so not a few days late on this... I'm just fashionably late. That's all. Star Wars complete visual dictionary Star Wars themed candy canes Star Wars themed character-shaped soaps 2 Star Wars shirts (...so yeah up to this point, I think my girlfriend's parents have figured out what I like ) 5 Star Wars novels (Planet of Twilight and some of the X-Wing books if I'm remembering right) Star Wars poster (haven't opened yet; going in my room at school so I don't know what it is :3) 1 Assa



Finals Week

After waking up at 10 AM all semester for classes...   I have absolutely not motivation to wake up at 6:30 AM tomorrow for my first final at 8 AM (but need to be there around 7:30)....   This is gonna be a fun week!   .-.   ~|ET|~



King of Vampire! - March Haul

I love this silly thing.   Took another tiny dip into Rider roleplay (and want to keep getting Kiva stuff now, ha) and it's pretty cool.   But kept myself limited to that this month, especially after... I somehow busted my old laptop (which was barely a year and ahalf old) and had to get a new one...   As well as finally, finally upgrading my phone. Which I took this picture with, so can't exactly show. But it's a Galaxy S4 Mini. I'm still getting used to have only a virtual keyboard (gosh am



Quick Update on Things

So that sales thread I wanted to do for my RoboRiders and Throwbots? Yeah I still want to sell them, but then I realized I was going to be leaving in 2 weeks (1.5 now) and wouldnt' be able to sell stuff all that well when I'm not with it to handle it.   Internship ended. Thank goodness... Was starting to get pretty frustrated with that.   And yeah, I go back to school in 1.5 weeks. Yippee...   ~|ET|~



Robits - Early December Haul

And here's the stuff I got pre-Christmas!     I'm very, very happy to finally have both Blitzwing and Shockwave. Even if both were impulse buys and nothing's really been holding me back in the past from getting them. The former I actually do rather like but I desperately need to open him up and get in there with an emery board (as well as find an emery board) to fix that dang shoulder issue... Shockwave, while I enjoy as a big Shockwave fan, does actually disappoint me. That vehicle mode is jus



Bounty Hunting: November Haul

So... Yeah. Star Wars Black Series. Wave 2 came out and I got the two I wanted most. I was a bit worried for a while about Boba, though - I had preordered both he and Han on Amazon within the first few hours after they went up, and although I actually got Han a week earlier than his expected release date, I was told I wouldn't get Boba until December 30th. Now that didn't sit very well with me... So when he randomly shipped just a week after being told that, I was pretty darn happy.   Unfortuna



The Wolf Among Us - Year in Gaming Part 2

This was the very first new game that I played this year. It's also the game that I can say hooked me on the Telltale episodic formula, for better or for worse (...more on that in a later installment).   I mentioned last time my nostalgia for classic fairy tales helping me enjoy the art of Child of Light. This game obviously fueled that fire into an inferno in a different way.   For those of you who may not have heard of the game before, The Wolf Among Us is a prequel story to the comic book Fab



Pokemon Omega Ruby - Day 9

Let me start off by saying, yes, I misspoke yesterday - Flash was not an HM. But I still would have been helpful for Victory Road. I ended up not using it of course and it did strain my eyes to see where I was going... but at least it wasn't a lot I had to get through.   The ending of Victory Road was fantastic. The changes to its scenery were beautiful, the music awesome, and fighting Wally felt important. It was a good fight too. He only managed to take out Hashirama (unfortunately), but sill



From: Hewkii Mahri (BBCC #69)

It has been far, far too longs since I tried my hand at building something. It was still pretty fun to get at it.   Unfortunately, the deplorable state of my CCBS supplies made this particular build a bit of a task. It also took some getting used to just as a medium to craft with. Hewkii wasn't my first choice for the contest, but at least I was able to pull him off to my satisfaction. It's definitely Hewkii.   If there's one thing I don't like, it's the quality of my pictures, but I've complai



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