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A Short Story

Once upon a time, there was a young toa named Tahu. One day, Tahu was at school, and the teachers handed out a bunch of useless papers. Of course, all the young toa didn't care, so they folded them all into paper airplanes. Well when Tahu was on the bus, he decided to throw his airplane out the window. He briefly saw the airplane find its way into the mouth of an unsuspecting Lady Kopaka before his bus rounded the corner. Tahu went home, turned on his Wii, and forgot all about the incident.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Bike Race

I did a 14 mile bike race today. It was fun. It went from our Baseball stadium through a big park, to another big park, and then we turned around and went back. There was this one part with huge hills my mom told me not to do, but I did it anyway. Who cares, it was fun. But on the way back, I took the easy route on mistake. But it took me, like, I don't know, an hour and a half?   I'm bored now. Probably gonna watch Spaceballs again... (Great movie, but slightly offensive. Little girls

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well, internet was out ALL DAY yesterday! I guess my comp was inhabited by the evil spirit of Melvin......   So I dressed up as a nerd. Algebra book, copy of "Newsweek", and a sign that says "I'm a level 99 Black Mage" (really am.....)   Other side's written in leet, so I can't show you. (In written text.)   Pictures soon.   P.S.   THE NIDHIKI & KREKKA CHRONICLES: THE MOVIE II: WHEN TOILETS ATTACK IS OUT!!!!!!   GO SEE IT!!!! NOW!!!!!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I'm bored. I went to church today, my dad was preaching... it was funny. There are two services, and people in the second came up to him, and "thanked him for comig today". It's kinda weird when people don't know they go to the same church.   Anyway, I finished my AC11 entry, it's posted in Artwork 1 as well. It was about me getting security to protect me from Krekka. I did a comic today, as usual.... Yeah.   Like my work? Good.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I Finally Beat New Super Mario Bros.!

I finally figured out there was an encrypted trick in the last level.... interesting. Well, beating the boss stage wasn't actually too hard.... The boss stages are really easy. I was busy today, no new comic.... Well, anywho...   I ROCK!   Thank you very much...

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Krekka With A Gun

So I got bored... Another random concoction of Microsoft Paint (2001) Copyright 2001 Mirosoft Corporation.... Yeah.  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Nacho! Get Back Here, You Fat Lard!

Woah. I saw Nacho Libre with my friend today. Woah. Really, really weird, I tell you. First of all, don't Nuns have vows of like, anti-marriage? Second, since when did Jack Black wrestle?   Well anyway, at least JB's in it. It's actually pretty dang funny. Insane, yes, but funny.   BTW, did I mention that I downloaded all these "Jack Black on the set of Nacho Libre" podcasts off of iTunes? Really, really funny. If any of you freaks have it, download the podcasts with Jack Black. Very

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


"So now you're a toa" is getting an enormous amount of votes. So I need the most help I can get. This is the first time I've ever made it to te finals in an Artwork Contest, and I'd greatly appreciate support. And I have an offer:   The person who votes for me the most times gets a philly cheese steak. (From Philadelphia)   Heh-heh. You know, it's kinda silly, because, heh-heh, you can only vote once, heh-heh. Ha...... XD   Well, yeah.   NEW POP QUIZ!   1. What is a fractal?   2. Doe

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Metroid Prime .... Over?

Not quite. But I amon the last boss. So to celebrate....   POP QUIZ!   1. WHat's my current eye color? ( I don't update my blog page very often, may have changed).   2. Am I Cooler than Spitty?   3. What is the color of my left big toe?

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


If you live in the U.S., today is election day. And that means you have to go out and vote! Under 18? Don't let legal age stop you. Because it is your duty as a citizen to vote on this day, whether or not you know anything whatsoever about the candidates! If you can't decide, pick the taller one!   You go do that, while I watch Indecision 2006 tonight.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Secret Message#78198-5398901589158938

11000010101001010100100000000000000000010100101010001001010101010 10100100000101111111101001010100010101001010101010100101010101001 10010100100010101010011011001010100011010101010010101010010101010 11111111110000000000000000000000001010101110000101011111111111111 10010000110010100100001101111111111111111111111111100000101001010 10001011101010010101010101110000110101010010110101010101010101010   -________--_____-----____--___---__---___--__-------____---_____---____-   If you like decipher

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I like pie...... And I'm not here.....   In case you're wondering, my brain is on vacation. I am totally out of it, and I feel like killing Krekka... like I don't always. Anyway, is LK not back til like monday? Golly. I am bored.   My playwriting teadher's taking us to a cofee shop on Friday.... yay.   I'm writing a play called 8d wars... and Ray's the villain.   PIE...............

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I'm Ba-ack....

Well, I got back from swim camp today. Hooray. Actually, I liked it a lot. Met lots of new friends, and actually had fun swimming. Wow. Also, turns out I'm good at volleyball....   Several good things:   A)Went from 1:15 to 1:06 on the 100 Freestlyle. B)Went from 17 seconds to 14 seconds on my 25 Butterfly C)YEAH! I broke 30 on the 50 free for the second time.... WOOTETH!   We nicknamed this kid Speedoman, 'cause he wears a Speedo. AACCKKK!   And then last night, 8 people stayed in

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Not So Fast, Noobs!


Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


HELLO. MY NAME IS ZO-23498941898519385358085018503108358. I HAVE INTERCEPTED ANGRY NIDHIKI'S BLOG IN ORDER TO SPREAD THIS MESSAGE:   10001000100111000010101010010101001010101010101101011001011010101010101.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Guess What Else!

I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.   Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Guess What Else!

I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.   Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Hi. I'm Braindead.

Well, Hey. No replies? Well, I had little time to work on this yesterday. Anyway, Today's memorial day. The day to remember all the veterans... As well as to remember ME. I'm dragging the N&K crew to see a theatrical presentation of... ME. YEAH! (claps).... If I had anything meaningful to say, I'd say it. See 'ya!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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