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Guess What Else!

I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.   Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Guess What Else!

I just beat FFIII! The ending was awesome-- a lot more satisfying than that of FFIV--- And every last speck of the game was brilliant. The 3D rendering of the game was perfect, and I'm sure all the fans loved it. I hope they do more games like this, because I sold my soul to it.   Other News..... I'm now a grandmama, hear? *sniff* My grandbaby was born at 6:30 this mornin'. He weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and *sniff* he's the cutest patootie you ever saw in your life. I'll post pictu

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

My Newer Art Topic

Okay everybody- I have just closed my art topic, which you probably didn't notice anyway. But it is only temporary; I am creating a new one. I am thinking about, along with this new art topic (which will feature more abstract styles), adding a new rating system, in which a member PMs me with their ratings, 1 through 5, for all of my art. I will post the averages next to each piece. What do you all think?   P.S. My grillz kooler then yers.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Well, I'm volunteering for Beta Club by babysitting for this organization thingymabobber... Kinda fun, actually. I can't get a new comic up today, I'm too busy. But I can still listen to Padora. They have computers at this place, so that's how I'm using it. Technically, my mom said I was banned from using the computer today, but she doesn't know. Well, I'll be roaming around, as always... Np paint pic today.... Actually, I could... Maybe I will. Who knows.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh, Somethingelse.

I drew two pieces for Artwork 1 yesterday and today. Grag Farshtey as a toa, and Gali. Here's my final fantasy-type description of Greg:   Toa of the Pencil   Name: Greg Farshtey Type: White Scribe Weapons: Iron Pencil Attacks: Pencil Push Element: Graphite Weakness: Cheese Puffs   Like it? Good.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


lawl, i said lawl   .....   I'm back in school. Wah. I have state testing coming up in the next few weeks. That's, believe it or not, one of my favorite times of year, not because it's intriguing or even mildly interesting in the least, because believe me, it's not. But it is one of my favorite times of year, because testing means....   NO HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   .....   (lawl

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Hi. I'm Braindead.

Well, Hey. No replies? Well, I had little time to work on this yesterday. Anyway, Today's memorial day. The day to remember all the veterans... As well as to remember ME. I'm dragging the N&K crew to see a theatrical presentation of... ME. YEAH! (claps).... If I had anything meaningful to say, I'd say it. See 'ya!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Lawl 2.0

Ha, gotcha, I really didn't have anything to say this time.   I just felt like posting another entry.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

I'm King Of The World!

I biked a really tough mountain trail today. Loads of fun, but dad broke his seat off, the dummy....   Anyway, lots of fun.   Now, I have to go to some performance my sister's doing, that I really don't know much about. She went to a camp all last week, and now she's performing. I guess I''ll find out what it is when I go.   Not much more to say, except...   I Make Comic 100 NOW!   Everyone come see this MONUMENTAL event!     See ya, suckers!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


I'M HOME!   So anyway, I loke was watching Monday Night Football and they were serving llama at an NFL game.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Strange Stuff

Okay, got the new lego mag. Strange, strange conversation Between Hakaan and Jaller in the comic.   Hakaan calls Jaller ugly, thinking that toa masks were to hide ugly faces.   Jaller says he's seen dead rahi better looking than Hakaan.   Well, I'd say Jaller is ugly even WITH his mask on.   Anyway, today.   Got to get ready for camp, leaving on Wednesday...   No Nid! Don't go!   And I finally got my trombone and baritone out again today...   My 'bone needs major treatment. .....  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Bike Race

I did a 14 mile bike race today. It was fun. It went from our Baseball stadium through a big park, to another big park, and then we turned around and went back. There was this one part with huge hills my mom told me not to do, but I did it anyway. Who cares, it was fun. But on the way back, I took the easy route on mistake. But it took me, like, I don't know, an hour and a half?   I'm bored now. Probably gonna watch Spaceballs again... (Great movie, but slightly offensive. Little girls

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

A Desperate Idolistic Plea

Please, please don't vote for Sanjaya. Something is clearly wrong, in that everyone is voting for him. He's got barely any talent at all.   If you do vote for him, I'll compare you to this:   Picture removed because it eventually disturbed me and I think it disturbs everyone else. ~~~~~~NiD!!!~~~   You've been warned.  

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

What A Boring Day...

My dad is forcing me to clean my room all the time I'm not on my PC... Of couse, I'm actually playing my DS most of the time I'm up there... Yeah. I'll probably watch Spaceballs again. And listen to Pandora, can't forget that. XD

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki


Dang, it's not 7 yet? I thought it was like 8. Well, I got up early 'cause our friend who used to live here and now lives in Birmingham was staying with us, She's a doctor, and she had to get up early to go to this conference. So I get the first access to my home PC I've had in 2 days!   ON NEW SMB: I UNLOKED WORLD 4 AND 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Oh No...

The rest of my family wants to watch "The Parent Trap 2". The original. I can't stand the first one, and I can't stand what I've seen of the second one either. What makes them, so bad, I couldn't tell you exactly. Maybe it's the terrible 50's music. Or the terrible haircuts that make them look exactly like this boy I know. Who knows. But all I can say is, HELP.

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

Aauuuggh! The Female Voice-overs!

FFVII: Advent Children.......   It was at some points great, and at others completely depressing. The climatic action scenes were great, but the movie progressed extremely slowly, it was repetitive, and worst of all, the script was awful and the female voices (and some effeminate male voices) were terrible. It was like Star Wars Episode I all over again. Ugh...... The 4 stars, I can now see, were taken solely from a few great scenes. Oh well.....   Hey, check out my new profile pic!    

Angry Nidhiki

Angry Nidhiki

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