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What I Learned While Bzp Was Down

-How to make a coke bottle explode -how to make genuine snowballs. -you will get weird looks if you run around a grocery store on a shopping cart singing party like a rockstar -it is hard to explain to people how to use aimexpress. -Burger King employees often refer to the names of simpsons characters wrong. (like for example, they said they had Matt Groening! what the heck?) -When you are at the drivethru of a resteraunt for half an hour while the employees dound like they're just playing



Yes. I Bought Your Colgate Toothpaste, The One With Tartar Control.

To buy list (In terms of Lego):     -Icarax -Gali -Onua -Krika -Gorast -Takanuva -Mazeka -Yellow Jetrax -Vultraz -Jetrax T6 -Axalara T9 -Rockoh T3 -Brickmaster -All the Agents sets -Some Racers Tiny Turbos     The real reason i made this entry? Umm, I don't know. Well, I got my Main account on Neopets back, and I'm trying to see If I can enjoy it again. (If anyone on there is lending FQD, ZDAP, Gray, etc. Free, PM me. I've got a 33 Month old account with retired avatars and wha



Third The Shrek

I WATCHED IT   But Artie sounds alot like Haley Joel Osment... and there wasn't enough of Puss N Boots owning evil dudes.     » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «I was expecting Shrek to just take the sword and kill Prince Charming in the end. Eh.  It was allright. Shrek 4 should be interesting, with the Ogre Babies and all. And i'm anticipating the Puss N Boots Movie coming out in 2010.   If Shrek was owned by Disney, it'd be great in KH.    



Blog Time

It's BZPower's 5th Anniversary!   I'd put up a Dancing Kitten..but... I can't find one.   I am hoping that I can go Premier before the week is up.. Thanks, Admins for allowing us regular members to blog!   Anyway..I'll blog about random stuff.. Um..yeah




ILL ADD STUFF TO MY EPIC AND COMEDY LATER OK THANKS and im gonna start sierra mist comics! B)



Avhokki Power

I GOT AN AVHOKKI   And i drew Tahu, Gali, and Onua 08 ideas..but they well..suck. They were doodles after a Test. My Idea includes Onua with Photok's Mask, andBlack Pirdka Feet, Tahu with Tanma's Mask, And Red+Yellow, Gali with SOlek's Mask, etc



Hydraxon Thoughts

To me, it looks like he was abandoned during design, and was never completed. The double o rods are just sticking out there with no purpose, The legs are too bland, The Cordak blaster is out of place, the tubes are placed weird, The hands get fusturating, The Matoro Mahri weapon pieces on his arms cause trouble for poseability, his left arm weapon is out of place, The back is too dull, and there's not enough silver. And also, the only new piece is his mask.   So yeah, I'll make a revamp of him




im one of many thats a bit dissapointed i the new rule oh well..it may be for good. but i am going to miss being able to do insane noobish things in spittys blog       R.I.P CHATSPEAK ON BZP     thank god, now only if chatspeak was illegal in general



Camp Rock Is Overrated.

Seriously, it is.   I fell asleep when I was watching it on the premiere day.   From what I understand, some poor girl gets to go to some band camp where members of a famous band work, she writes songs, lies, falls in love, or some stuff like that, I'm usually either sleeping at this point, Or i've changed the channel.   The songs weren't that great either. "Too Cool" and "We Rock" were the only decent ones in the movie.   Demi Lovato is really creepy...Her mouth is huge. o.0 And she's got t



Pretty Images And Inika Coolness

I like the Premier Image I have...   Anyway, I'm down to about 12 Bucks in my PM savings.. because of my mom, who forced me to use my $20 to Buy Inika.. Oh well...   Let me just tell you that Matoro, Hahli, Jaller, and Hewkii are pure awesome.. Comment away for questions and I shall awnser them.     EDIT: I just went to TRU and Bought the last Hahli they had! She is awesome- her mask is the Most Feminine EVER, and her color scheme is great- Blue and white give her a more Oceany look, s



The Past On Bzp

lol, ivebeelooking back at my posts as a newbie... XD     man, was i crazy. i went insane when someone said there wouldnt be Lego Nintendo. XD



Hunt For The Mahri- Part Viv

Today i plan to go to Walmart to capture Hahli and Nuparu. Or some others.   And i will attempt to photograph the display.



Revival Topic Thing

THANK YOU BLACK SIX. Now this will be much easier to remember, and hopefully cut back revived topics.   I say we celebrate with pudding!



Tdi Dvd

From what I've heard, the recently released Total Drama Island season 1 DVD sucks.   Can DVDs from Canada play in American DVD players? If so, when a most likely better one is released in Canada, I'll try to order one.     Oh, and this is the last day of premier perks? Oh well. Seemed like it would be tomorrow or so.




I noticed that I bought the following "groups" at specific stores:   Barraki: Bought all at TRU Small Sets: Bought All at TRU Mahri: Bought all at WalMart Titans (no store exclusives); Bought all at Target     Weird coincidences.       -KW-




Advice: Never go into a BK after ordering through a Drivethru and get ketchup and a refill. The people will be amd at you.   gah.   half asleep.      



Summer 08 Nuva Ideas

Here are my ideas..   TAHU: Tanma's Mask in Red. Metru Red+Yellow. Red Round Inika Feet. Flame Sword, etc Regular Inika Body, Gold Carapar Shoulder/Leg Armor GALI: Solek's bask In Blue. Blue Clawed Inika Feet. Blue and Light Blue, etc   ONUA:Black Pridak Feet.Photok's Mask in Black, etc



Haha! I'm Posting This In 2007!

Yes, I am one of the last people to experience 2007! MUAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!     um...yeah.     I think someone just exploded outside.




My god. My school is giving me math problems in my math homework at a 5th grade level. I'm not complaining! Better grades




Barry hit 756 last night. Yayness. I say he should go all the way to 800 before retiring.. i liked his comment on ESPNnews when they asked him whats next.. "baseball, (since the word he used will probably offend some people, and its probably filtered, so ill change it.) Heck yeah!"     i dont want back to school school smellz then agagin, BTS shopping can get me some cool tshirts and ds games and stuff   speaking of which, i need to get a PS2 soon.




The pic comics will take a LONG time. And i will start a new sprite comic soon and stuff.   Oh,i wrote a songfic too.



Well, Today

I learned that I completely fail at playing Volleyball. What I find extremely strange is that I was hit in the face by a volleyball going at a high rate of speed... And it didn't even cause a slight pain.   I also managed to convince five people during break that I didn't speak English.. All of them I knew. And I have spoken to in English before. "Je ne parle pas anglais" (GEH- NEH- PARRL- PAH ON-GLAYS) can be very useful.



Oh No

..no. No. Nickelodeon. What is wrong with you? You put up a Catscratch Happy meal Promo, then cancel the show during the Promotion.. This is one of their best Nicktoons (Up there in the Top 3 with Invader Zim and KaBLaM!) It's better than Spongebob by far. Spongebob is getting old. Cancel Spongebob. Not Catscratch.   Please, Nick, renew it for at least 2 more seasons.   Anyone agree?         -KW-



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