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I Now Realize

Now I Realize that it's too hard to trust anyone these days. Because you'll trust them with something then they go and ruin the surprise..     >_<



I Is Back

After almsot a year of this gathering dust, I have turned $7.50 into badnwith.     I will now post random things. And this will soon be awesomeness.         I hopefully will be able to gather some more proto... i have like 2 boosts away from being an POBZPC       post comentz



I Hope So

Inspired by T-Hybrid. Sora   Franchise: Kingdom Hearts First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (On a Nintendo system)   Why?: First off, CoM was a popular game on the GBA, one of the last big games for the GBA, and KH is a big franchise. Square Enix and Nintendo have been rather friendly lately, highering the possibilty. He would be awesome. You can't tell me seeing Sora fighting Snake, Pikachu, and Samus wouldn't be awesome. His moves would likely all involve the keyblade,



I Hate My School.

I am possibly in one of the worst schools. I pay $5 for a Dance ticket, and the principal sees me and says i can't come, and its her fault she wasnt specific in an email to my mom. I couldnt go in because of grades. Because my current teachers are abnoxious and get me stressed so i cant focus, meaning bad grades. It's not as if the thing was free. It was a paid event. It's like saying someone cant go into a concert they paid for because they have a small minor criminal record. If i do not get m



I Hate Dreaming

I hate dreaming.   I know i've said this many times before, but when you have a good dream, it sucks to wake up.   Because i had a dream where Walmart had 2008 Sets. D:   -kW-



I Eat Zoo Pals

My cereal was nice to me this morning.         It gave me 6 Free Songs!         -hugs Cinnamon toast Crunch Box-       Listening to: Everybody's Fool- Evacscence      



Hydraxon Thoughts

To me, it looks like he was abandoned during design, and was never completed. The double o rods are just sticking out there with no purpose, The legs are too bland, The Cordak blaster is out of place, the tubes are placed weird, The hands get fusturating, The Matoro Mahri weapon pieces on his arms cause trouble for poseability, his left arm weapon is out of place, The back is too dull, and there's not enough silver. And also, the only new piece is his mask.   So yeah, I'll make a revamp of him



Hunt Or The Mahri- Part Viii

I have contacted a local Walamrt who claims they have spotted the toa mahri. i will go to their store soon and attempt to find these Toa.   My journey will hopefully be over by the end of the day.



Hunt For The Mahri- Part Viv

Today i plan to go to Walmart to capture Hahli and Nuparu. Or some others.   And i will attempt to photograph the display.



Hunt For The Mahri- Part Vi

I wandered into a toy store yesterday, to find they had BARELY any lego at all.     No luck at all. Whats going on/   EDIT:Kmart says that they got the mahri, but they will unpack them tomorrow. so in the morning im going to hope for soem mahri.



Hunt For The Mahri- Part V

gah, the TRU on hold music is terrible. and it old the woman i was looking for "the new line of the lego bionicle sets, the line is called the M-A-H-R-I, the set numbers range between 8910 and 8915" and the woman said "yeah we have bionicles but i need a set number" >.>   the operator at kmart was VERY hyper o.0   and traget and walmart wont have the mahri untill august their loss



Hunt For The Mahri- Part Iii

A TRU in another county claiemd they had the Mahri,s o we drove over there, just to see they havent unpacked them yet, since they dont have room oon the (messy) shelves.       So im complaining to TRU. I am sick and tired of them lying to me. Hopefully they will shoe that they are sorry... perhaps as gift card.



Hunt For The Mahri- Part Ii

everyone doesnt have them.. >.<   one walamrt wont have them untill AUGUST XD     as i post this, im calling KMart, hoping for luck.....



Hunt For The Mahri- Part I

So far, no luck. just really weird people, like this dude who thought i wanted a PC. o.0   Really, how could someone get PC out of "i was wondering if you hjaave a certain lego bionicle set in stock, the set number is 8911"     So far, noluck. D=     PART II COMING TOMORROW.     And E3 is coming up, i hope they give us cool info. If it was closer, id try to go.   And then there's the Allstar game tomorrow...i hope the NL wins finally...   and tonight be the home run derby thing, and tha



Hunt For The Mahri Part Vii

Status report. It has been about a month since my quest to find the Toa Mahri has begun. Asking the humans at stores such as Walamrt, Kmart, Target, and TRU has given me nothing but annoyance and lies. The intelligence of some of them appears to be low. Where are these Toa.I must find them. As i type i am on hold with Walmart. I am in hope that i will speak with someone who willg ive me good, truthful news of the Mahri being seen and capture two or so for me. My hunt has ventured into other c




I posted this entry late, i know.   HSM2 was ok. In order of best songs..   1.Bet on it 2.I Dont Dance 3.All for one 4.What Time is it 5.Work this out 6.Everyday 7.Gotta go my own way 8.Fabulous 9.You are the Music in me 10.



How To: Make A Gatorade Bottle Explode!

Step 1- Emply out a 31oz bottle of gatorade Step 2- Put salt in it. Step 3-put sierra mist in it. Step 4- Put Two Poppers in there, with the cap screwed onto the bottle with the strings. Step 5-Shake up and throw high. (In street) Step 6-Run



Horrible Service.

I know i will not be going to Longs again anytime soon. In fact, my dad will likely be talking to corprate.   I went there last night (October 5th), planning to take advantage of a sale ending today. I found no Pepsi, and they refused to give me a rain check. REFUSED> I left my cart in the middle of the store and left angered. This was horrid service.



Home Run Derby

I wish i was there.   Im watching it right now, and all these people in the bay. -waits for one of them to fall-   I think they could have picked a cooler band to play...     I hope the NL wins this year...     I wonser how many baseballs are at the bottom of the bay....     POST COMMENTZ   edit:HAHA ALBERT PUJOS AND VLADAMIR GURRERO GOT DISSED BY THAT ANNOUNCER DUDE




Ciao gradico la torta e l'anello di formaggio è stato distruggere noi deve andare ai bordi di messaggio pieni di nuova gente e formarlo in modo da mangiano il cereale li ringraziano per il vostro tempo




This picture is this morning's topic:  



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