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I Hope So



Inspired by T-Hybrid.





Franchise: Kingdom Hearts

First Appearance: Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (On a Nintendo system)


Why?: First off, CoM was a popular game on the GBA, one of the last big games for the GBA, and KH is a big franchise. Square Enix and Nintendo have been rather friendly lately, highering the possibilty. He would be awesome. You can't tell me seeing Sora fighting Snake, Pikachu, and Samus wouldn't be awesome. His moves would likely all involve the keyblade, and perhaps sometimes cards (due to the GBA game being CoM, which uses cards for 97% of the game or so) Perhaps he could pull a Pokemon Trainer and have Donald, Goofy, and Riku do a little bit of fighting for one of his moves as he steps into the background. Only for a little bit though.. He could also have his various forms to be used in the game. And of course, a Moogle Assist trophy wouldn't hurt..Axel? Oh heck yes. He could use the move he did before he died in KH2 as his attack as an AT. That would be my favorite AT.And of course, i'd love seeing Sora whacking various Pokemon with a keyblade.


No, Mudkips aren't in the game, but They should be. :P

And the stage could be the Destiny Islands..Or The Worls That Never Was..yes. TWTNW. YES.

And the Music could be the Organization XIII Theme. So here's how i want KH to be in SSBB, if it gets anything. And Summons wouldn't hurt. :D AAnd FYI One of the companies involves in making SSBB is called "Sora", coincidentally.






Music:Org. XIII Theme

Moves: See above


I can picture the "Sora joins the Brawl!" Movie now..

Mario, Snake, and umm..i guess Samus are walking in TWTNW. Mario hears a noise, and turns making his "Wha?"-like noise, where Sora appears, and summons his keyblade. He prepares for battle, where it cuts to scenes of him whacking various characters with his keyblade, using cards, while playing the Org.XIII Theme, Simple And Clean, or something. He then gets into a sword fight with Link, and various other stuff, then showing his final smash and all that good stuff.

Final Smash: Hmm..maybe turning into Final Form..Or cooler, "Keyhole Seal"- He takes his keyblade, and does his keyhole-seal thing, using the chaaacters like he'd use whatever item, like in KH2 he uses the icecream thing to. Then the characters get zapped by the light beam thing (Sorry for the wording XD) and sucke dinto the keyhole, then they get spit out, where Sora gives them a more pwoerful whack with the keyblade.


Yes. Now Nintendo, reveal Sora. How about on Christmas? That'll be a good present.


Cloud would be awesome, but yet impossible. D=


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Please note that I am a KH fan...


And I don't see this as likely at all. If there would be a SE 3rd party character (And at that, we don't even know if there will be another 3rd party character - it was said that there would be one or two in addition to Snake, and we've already got one...), it would be Cloud.

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ET, pelase tell me one game Cloud has been on that was on a Nintendo system..CoM does not count. And i;m rpetty sure it was said there will be 3 3rd Party Characters.


Sora is much more likely than Cloud- Don't get me wrong, i think

Cloud would be AWESOME, but he isn't possible at all. AT perhaps?

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ET, pelase tell me one game Cloud has been on that was on a Nintendo system..CoM does not count. And i;m rpetty sure it was said there will be 3 3rd Party Characters.

If CoM does not count for Cloud, then it can't count for Sora either.



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But he still appeared. So, if you're going to rule out one character because they had that one appearance, then the same has to be done for others - you can't pick and choose based on fanboyism. And that would mean no Sora, because CoM wouldn't count for him either.


Besides that, Cloud is much more easily recognizable as a SE icon than Sora. That increases his chances.

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Just because the character is well-known doesnt guarantee a spot. If they released FF7 DS or something like that before SSBB, that might be different.

It was barely an appearance. He appeared in a couple scenes, and he was a card. oh wow. Sora was the main character.

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Cloud would have higher chances regardless, since he is more iconic than Sora.


But seeing him on a Wii game might make me puke up blood. Cuz he belongs on Sony stuff, same with Sora.



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