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I'm Not 'bad' Random...

I'm just insane. Squid Ammo is fun, and I blame BK for coming up with 'Skwid Mizzels'. It's true. Anyways, if you'll excuse me, one of the prisoners in my dungeon won't shut up... I have to go put some homework away, yeah, that's it... You saw nothing, capice?



In A Morose Mood...

Just don't feel happy right now..... When I think about myself I feel like the world has shelved me... But they can't keep me there forever.... I'm not going to stay there...... Sometimes I just hate 99.999999% of the world........ I put so many efforts into my world, but it all collapses around me from the cruelty and disrespect I receive... Sometimes it's apparent like a shove or an insult...... Then there are the 'looks' and the 'tones' and those little things that tear me piece by piece... I




Let myself sleep in, coz my mom's driving me to school. I don't have to be ready for the bus! Yay!     Mondays..... EVIL DAYS OF EVIL THAT ARE DAYS AND DISPLAY THEIR NON-COOL (As in, not cool evil like Johnny the Homicidal Maniac evil) EVIL OF EVIL ON DAYS OF MON!     The gnomes..... They're behind this! Of course, How could I not seen it!     ^ I haven't taken my medication...........     I'm listening to the Marilyn Manson version of 'This Is Halloween' again and again... I love the mu



Gotta Be Catchin' Me A Bus Soon...

To take me to the concrete death trap. However, since it's so cold, I'll just be waiting at the door and I'll run out when the bus comes. It'll probably be ridiculously late again.




Today I have to turn in an English assignment (thankfully I did it) and I need to do something for French class I forgot to do over the weekend. I can't remember what I dreamed... Gotta go now.



* Screams On The Inside*

I gots me some pent up rage... It's bad for me... RAAAAAAAAAAGH! ARGH! GRAAAAGH! RRRRRH! NARGH! JRAAAGH! GYAAAARGH! ARGH! RRRRGH! NGH! GRAAAAARGH! ARRRRRRGHK!   Okay, I let the bad anger out... I'll just use the rest of it to fuel the void that is my motivation for standing around answering stupid questions about my Tabby Cat project tomorrow...   GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHAAAAAAAAAGHYAAAAAAGH! RAGH! Okay I had to let that one out. For some reason, doing that feels good, like sayin




I rode the bucket of yellow scrap metal to the concrete death trap, and here I am using electricity.   I'm gonna be going to Florida soon, for a week or so. This will explain my absence, for anybody who's curious.




This popped up in my head about ten minutes ago... It's not Emo, if you might think it is after you read it, just a thought or two on existence and whatnot.   I have lived   and the fact is   I will die.   When I search   for purpose   a reason   a goal   something true and corporeal   I learn   that how I die   is how I have lived.   It makes more sense   than the words uttered   by those who content   themselves to be a friend   to me but are strangers,   their words lacking c




Just woke up. Drinking Diet Coke, and yawning.   I finished some Social Studies homework last night, did soem research for my project on Red Tabby Cats, those adorable orange cats.   Went to see a doctor yesterday, for a monthly appointment, about my medication. I go once a month and my mom and I tell the doctor how I'm doing with the medication, and the verdict from the doc is usually to keep taking the pills. The thing is, though, the pills kinda make me angry. It's easier to keep my tempe




Just got up, and I have about four periods of standing around talking about my project when people ask to go before lunch and then my other subjects.   Listening to the Marilyn Manson song "The Nobodies" right now... Now I'm listening to 'Tourniquet'...       I've been working on my art skills lately... I'm going to have a COT art topic up sometime soon... Myeh...




I just realized, hundreds of hours of my life have been stolen by those moments in class where I'm sitting doing nothing or am confused. I'll blame my stoopid meddycaychin.



Tis The Anti-miracle Of...

...BUREAUCRACY IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM! HOO-RAY! Yep, the school administration is punishing all the school for the idiocy of a few people as usual! They decided we can no longer use the library computers to play games! That's stupid. People are going to break that rule with glee, and if the school expects the raucous simian-imitatory behavior will cease, they're wrong. People will fill up the library to congregate and waste air as always, and games will be played flagrantly. But they mentioned not



The Death Song

I'm listening to that right now, off of the Marilyn Manson album Holy Wood (in the shadow of the valley of death). It's a great album, I've listened to it a bunch of times already... I find it sickeningly ironic that I ordered an album with themes related to the Columbine shootings the day before the tragedy at Virginia Tech. It's just such a morbid coincidence.     On to what this entry is really for: To bring your attention to several recent entries of mine that I believe deserve some more co




--"Lamb Of God", by Marilyn Manson. It's a haunting track, and you should listen to it, it's message is truthful: We're obsessed with violence. And it's still good music regardless. *elbows BK* The song's alike to 'The Nobodies', another Manson song.




I'm working on a Bionicle Horror Story right now... I'm styling it in a Lovecraftian manner.   ...   Not much else to say...     ...   Well maybe there is...   Oh yeah, I think the Dead RPG is close to dying of malnutrition... Can anybody rescue it? *Glares menacingly at BK*     And the Politically Correct Police can't get me... I have my Logical And Thought-out Realization That Christmas Is Not A Crime Rifle with me, take that!



80's Gi Joe And Tmnt Tv Series Fans

Aside from both being shows that ran like 30-minute commercials, do you know what they have in common?   Answer, fans who hate any new rendition of the franchise and mistakenly think that the series and toy line was the original. WRONG. The 80's several-inch plastic GI Joe figures were not in fact the origina GI Joe action figures. While the TV series may have been a pioneer of violent, cliche 80's cartoon programming with moral messages at the end, the action figures were not the very first. T




Just woke up a little while ago...   I changed my blog settings from 'Approve All Comments' to 'No Approve', and for some reason, nobody's commented. I don't know why. And could somebody pweeeeaaase comment on my poem? I spent a while on it. *Makes sad face* Don't make me hunt you down and smack you.



Sad Statue

I'm going to be posting the lyrics to "Sad Statue" by System of a Down. I'm doing it because, random as it is, it's thought provoking. It certainly makes my brain whir. So without further ado... --"Sad Statue", by System of a Down. That song is one I recommend you listen to NOW. There's all the meaning in the world to it, but you'll have to interpret it for yourself. It's well worth listening to, even if you don't usually. System of a Down makes GREAT music, I have to say... Seeing as I have



Update To My Cot Art Topic...

Check it out, lots of art there if you like dark things.   Anyways, it's Saturday, hoo-ray, time to... I dunno, exist?     Seriously, go check out my COT art topic.




Just woke up........... I'm so tired... My body's kind of shaking... Ah, I've just had my first Diet Coke of the day. I'm still yawning, though. I'm so sleepy and disconnected....... Sometimes I like getting up early, sometimes I don't... The early bird gets the worm but the second mouse gets the cheese.




I've been getting all philosophical with myself lately, and the song that is also the title of this entry sums it up very well. --"Question!" by System of a Down. What happens when we die? I'd full well expect our bodies and brains stop functioning and we're gone like that *snaps fingers*, but there's the eternal question of "What happens after?" (Not to get philosophical/religious/political here, though, I'm just saying) This song also gave me nostalgia, even though it was released around 2




Now the 'post new topic button' has changed on my computer from a Harry Potter image to some lady... *Sigh* My medication must be giving me delusions..... Or whatever they is called... First the little voices were gone, now this...... I mean, um, uh, I'm a normal person! Yes! I am!   *Plays around with little creepy figure thingy* You saw nothing........ GLORMPH! HLORGHCK! Mmn, that never happened, um, it was a weather balloon! Yes! It was!




Man I didn't want to get up today... Urgh... I was so sleepy headed...   I was out sick yesterday, I forgot to say.   I hope I didn't miss anything important in class......   I forget what I was dreaming about... Might be because I didn't fall asleep for a long time...




The MCAS were easy. I had to write a long composition, and I think I did pretty dang well. Of course all that means is I've managed to memorize a particular set of "information", one pertaining to how to "properly" write an essay, but hey, if I can rub it in, it'll do. So there's still more horrible standardized testing left- Hurrah. Some people took forever to even finish their rough draft, let alone their final draft of the composition. This one guy in my French class was late because he had t




Hurrah. Nice to have some time free on my hands, even if it's just a weekend.   I'm listening to a good song called 'Hocus Pocus' by a band called Focus. (not kidding.) It's a strange but good song.     I haven't much to say...



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