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Late Night Rambling: Raffle Reminder, Doctor Who, ect.

Reminder: The raffles that I am hosting here end on November 30th at 11:00 PM EST. So if you want to enter for BZPower shirt or TNG Miru, then you better be quick as you don't got much longer.   Hey, folks. It been awhile since I made an entry, so I thought pop in again with a bit of update. That and well, obviously as stated above, I want to remind you that my raffles are closing soon, so you folks better get a move on if you want to enter in those.   But anyway, here is a quick little update f

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My LEGO Lord of Ring sets are on there way...

So apparently folks, I am going to get my LEGO Lord of Rings package a lot sooner than I thought I would because according the tracker, it should be arriving at my home by today. Which means that by the time I get out of work today, it should be sitting in the basement somewhere just waiting for me to open them. And man, I can't wait to get my hands on them.   But anyway, I am posting this entry to kind like poll your opinion on what I should do with these seven sets. So yeah, you got three op

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Random Entry - JMJ is not very smart...

Hey, folks. I am just popping in to let you all that I am not brightest lightblub in the world. I say this because I somehow thought it was a good idea to walk on the grass at my college and rightfully so, slipped and land on my butt. So yeah, my school/work pants are now strain with mud. Of course, I did manage to get some of it off my pants with paper towels from the bathroom. But I am pretty sure that didn't do a whole lot of good and technically it is going to get much worst later in the day

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.


You know I seriously thought I might of just been overreacting yesterday about Nintendo's presentation. But now I don't really know since I kind have even more mix feelings about their presentation after hearing their line up for 3DS, especially considering it is not nearly as large as they seem to implied it was and there was pretty much no new title announcements. *shrugs*   Oh, well, it is nothing to get too upset since the games that I want (Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance, Pokemon Black

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

2.1 Entry 5.2: I Found Something To Do.

Hello there and welcome to my blog again. I just thought I should tell you that I found something do, so you don't have to answer my question for Entry 5.1. Of course, if you still want to pick one feel free to do so.   Anyway, what I found to do was get some work done on my secret writing project for Bzpower. The project in my opinion is shaping up good so far. I am hoping I can finish before my summer vacation ends.   I got a question for you all: Would you all be interest in seeing a prev

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Criticize Me

Hey, BZPers. Today's entry is just plain and simple going to be an entry open for you all to criticize me. Why am I making this entry? I am doing it because I think it could serve me some good to see how you all view me. That and it is good way to gage how I need to improve myself as a person; whether it be personality wise or how I write things here in general.   So yeah, criticize me here if you want. That's all I going to say here, so thanks for taking the time to read this and I'll talk to

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Warehouse 13, Alphas, and Rambling! Oh, My!

Hey, folks. I just finished watching both Warehouse 13 & Alphas today. And man, I can't wait until to catch next week's episodes from both those shows, especially from Warehouse 13 since I am really interest in seeing where this season's plot is going. But yeah, I kind of little too early to talk about these episodes and I don't want to spoil anything for anyone by babbling on about them both here.   So instead of doing that, I guess could ask you guys a few things here. Like for one, am I a

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Math Problem of the Week

Game 1:   Attention, all yoctograms!   Solve this problem: The reciprocal engine in figure 1 consists of a crankshaft OA 100 mm long and a connecting rod AB 250 mm long. In the crankshaft position shown α = 40°. a] Determine the angle β and the distance OB. b] If α is 90°, what is the distance of OB? c] If α is 0°, what is the distance of OB?   You have 200 minutes. Incompletes will be erased.   - JMJ 2012 Sho Minamimoto

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Entry #5: Brickfest Moc, Bzpower, And Algebra I

Welcome all to my Blog! Well, do I got news for you all or what. Here the news:   Brickfest Moc: Well Neyo, the future Dark Hunter is going to be send to Brickfest. Everything is ready with Omicron, all I got left is to send it to him on August 1st. So it too late for you to say you want to see Yato, the Dark Hunter there. Well, that it on Brickfest Moc.   Bzpower: Well, it looked like Lady Kopaka's entry in S&T contest doing well from what I see. But beside that I have been think about w

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Johnny Thunder

Heya, folks. Today's entry going to be short (*cough* lol Yeah, right. *cough*) one since I do not have much talk about with this topic.   I actually originally going to write this entry about either what I would like to see on the 3DS or on the recent news about the upcoming Pokemon titles for the DS (Pokemon White 2 & Black 2). But well, I decided against it for time being because I do not really enough time to write what would probably be a long entry.   That and I doubt a lot of you ca

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

*losing His Inner Light*

*somehow gets the four Shadow Leeches off himself to speak* Ever since I brought Chirox at Target, his shadow leeches have did nothing but swarm me for my inner light and it has been no fun. Can't they feed on someone else like Pridak or some Turaga of Water that I hadn't name yet instead of me?   Maybe I should raise Takanuva from the dead in my collection, so they can go after him instead of me as I am sure he has more light than me. That could work...*rush to get Mask of Light, only to find

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pottermore And Ponies

Hey, folks. I am just popping in to tell you all my Pottermore information since I saw a couple others share that stuff here in their blogs. And well, I thought I might as well since I do have an account there and all. So below is my information on Pottermore:   Username: SpiritAsh54 House: Hufflepuff Wand: 10-3/4" Ebony with a Unicorn Core, Surprisingly Swishy   Yeah, I know Hufflepuff is not exactly an awesome house to be in (It is, after all, last place in the House Cup, at least according to

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Random Entry: Modern JMJ vs Young JMJ

Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to ramble about random stuff for a bit. So yeah, this will probably be one of those free flowing thoughts entries that I occassionally write here.   Oh, wait...You probably wondering what the title about. Well, I thought I show you folks two pictures of myself since well, I thought you folks might be mildly interested in seeing what I looked as kid compared to how I look today. So yeah, here is a picture of young me and here is a picture of modern me. Yes, I am

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Vacation Time!

Hey, folks. I am just pop in mostly to say I am officially on winter vacation from work now. So yeah, you folks will probably be seeing me online more for next nine days or so.   I must say I am excited since it means I have time to work on a vary of projects that I want to do such as writing up a LEGO City: Undercover review here. That and maybe check out what happening in RPG or Short Stories forums. Man, this week is going to be fun!   But anyway, since I am going to have quite a bit of free

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Tired And In A Pokemon Mood

Hi, folks. Today's entry is going to be a short one since I am kind of tired. And well, I'll be honest with you guys that I have not really done anything today that is newsworthy for you guys to hear. I did however just watch the anime style trailer for Pokemon Black and White 2.   And not only has it gotten me kind of excited for those games, but it did renew my interest in getting back into the swing of my Pokemon Black play-through, so you should probably see an entry from me tomorrow about

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Belated Holiday Loot

Hey, folks. I thought I share what I got this Christmas with ya. So yeah, here's the list:   - Clothes - Shoes - An electric razor - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Official Soundtrack from Club Nintendo (Given to me by my sister, Azul) - Two collectible Minifigures from Series 11 (I got the Evil Mecha and Welder; Once again, my sister gave me these.) - House M.D - The Compete Series from Amazon (I brought this for myself and it got here on 24th, so I guess it counts. =P) - FRINGE - The Final

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Movie Review On Underdog

*expect visitors to burst into a laughing fit because a fifteen year old had watch Underdog, the Disney movie*   If you are wondering why I am doing a movie review instead of Bionicle set review that because my camera is broken and I won't be able to take pictures of the sets. Now I bet your wondering why I doing a movie on Underdog that because I seem that movie last week and I think it too late to do one for Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix for I seem it months ago.   Okay now on to th

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Pre-Pokelog: The "six"-Man Band

Hey, folks. I am just popping in real quick here to post a product of my currently active (Meaning I am actually playing the game now) Pokemon Black binge. Of course, I am sure you all are wondering exactly what could this product. Well, if you know your TV Tropes, then you can probably guess that I am going to post a list of what I think my current Pokemon team could be classified according to Five-Man Band principle.   Why am I doing this? Because it was a fun little thought that came to my

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Mid-term Week Has Ended...

Well, it has ended. Now I just needed to wait for the grades to come in. So far, I only know of four classes with my grades on the Mid-Terms. Below are the grades: Global Studies=88 Biology=110 Applied Physics and Engineering=94 World Literature=94 Algebra II=95 Drafting II=82   The only Mid-Term grades left are Drafting II and Algebra II, so when I see them on my school grade page, I edit this entry with the grades. I personally hope they are good. But I won't know till my teachers update the

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Driving Lesson #1

Hello, BZPers. How was your Saturday today? I hope it is good. Oh, and mines? It was alright, I guess. Not much went on. You know the usual. No wait...I went driving today for about two hours at night in an empty Penn State parking lot.   And I must say I am very very very rust at driving. That's not really surprising though since I have not been driving since sometime last year. Although it also does not help that I am very nervous and paranoid while driving, which I guess explains why I am no

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Tuma-tastic Night (Nightly Rambling)

Hey, folks. I am just pop in to just give a general update with me since again, why not since I don't got anything better to do.   Now before anyone say, "Wait...I thought you were going to be gone for rest of month or something," I should point out to you that I say I was thinking about taking an internet break, not "Oh, yeah, I am definitely taking one." So yeah, that may still happen or it may not. Of course, that don't mean I am not doing anything to proactive this month to be more healthy

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Alright, I'll Admit It...

Alright, I'll admit it I am a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and I can't understand, for the life of me, why anyone could hate on this show. I mean, seriously what is there to hate in a show that teaches you moral lessons about friendship? Nothing as far as I can see.   But anyway, I am going to try and keep this short, so I do not annoy the people that do not want to hear about MLP: FiM. With that in mind, I might as well mention that I have only been able to watch all of season 1 e

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Belated Pokelog - Sleepy Edition

Hey, folks. Apologizes for not getting this up earlier, I kind of got distract last Sunday with Wii U news stuff, so I wasn't able to get around to write my Pokelog for Saturday's playthrough. And unfortunately I do not really have a lot of time to go in depth as I normally do with these Pokelogs, so instead I will just be focusing on the highlights.   The following are the highlights of my playthrough last Saturday: - A battle with Pokemon Ranger inspired this entry. - Leveled up most of my tea

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

My Bzp Short Story Project

I have been working ever since November 2006 on a Short Story that will be taking place in Bzp-Koro (Note: This isn't the only project, I am working on. I am working on another, but I am not talking about that one here yet.). I can tell you here and now that I am completely dedicated to writing this story for it has inspired much of my imagination and creation.   At the moment, this story is about 11 pages long and will be growing large in the future for I have to type all my drafts for story i

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

Recommend A Story To Me

UPDATED: Apologizes for the wait, I should have some reviews up this weekend. And please do feel free to suggest more works for me to read and review.   Man, I am in a reader's mood today. It must be because I got back in swing of reading all those BZPRPG profiles that poured in since my absence from BZPower. Oh, and catching up on Sticks And Stones helps too in that regard (I personally recommended this epic and any of the associated Expanded Multiverse work involving the Cipher Chronicles.).

Jedi Master J.

Jedi Master J.

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