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Johnny Thunder

Jedi Master J.


Heya, folks. Today's entry going to be short (*cough* lol Yeah, right. *cough*) one since I do not have much talk about with this topic.


I actually originally going to write this entry about either what I would like to see on the 3DS or on the recent news about the upcoming Pokemon titles for the DS (Pokemon White 2 & Black 2). But well, I decided against it for time being because I do not really enough time to write what would probably be a long entry.


That and I doubt a lot of you cared about that since this is LEGO discussion forum, not a Nintendo Fanbase forum. Although I am sure that I will bring it up at a later entry, so expect to see an entry about either of those topics at some point.


Anyway, as the title above says, I am writing this entry about Johnny Thunder. For those that do not know, Johnny Thunder was an expy of Indiana Jones that LEGO created for an adventure set line. Why am I bring this old fossil up? Because I kind feel like writing short story in Johnny Thunder universe for some reason.


I think it might have a little bit to do with that awesome Hapori Tohu banner (Which DeeVee made and Ray fixed to work as a graphic. Good job, you two.) since it kind of remind me that BZPower has expanded our discussion on forums to general LEGO, so stuff like this, I would hope, would easily be accept on the forums now.


Do I expect to get a lot of replies on this short stories? Not really, especially considering I think my writing is pretty bad. I do think it would be fun to do though, so I am going to do it. Of course, I am going to research the characters some since I am sure I needed a refresher on how they would behave exactly, so maybe it will be good. I highly doubt it will be though, but who knows I could be wrong.


Alright, that's my news for ya. Yeah, I know not very interesting. I am sorry if I bored you all with this topic, but I thought I would share it since it kind of LEGO related. Oh, and while I am here, I might as well just mention that I am think about running a contest that has you created Lord of Rings inspired MOCs. How interest would you all be in taking part in that? Just wondering.


Okay, I think that everything LEGO related on my mind today. Night, BZPers. I'll see you all later.




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This was a short entry? =P


But anyway, short story sounds cool. There's not very many LEGO short stories that aren't Bionicle-related, so it'll be interesting to see this.



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Johnny Thunder was awesome. First year was probably my favorite.


Naw, man, Orient Expedition was where it was at. More of a true Indiana Jones-style globetrotting adventure. And I'm saying that despite having gotten pretty much all of the first-year sets and only one from Orient Expedition.

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