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Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon...

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. I am just popping in to share what on my mind currently and at the moment, the topic is Pokemon. Why this exactly? Well, the news of supposed "sequels" to Pokemon Black and White has kind of been motivating me to really try and beat that game. Argh...But I can't since school and work are keeping me too busy to spent more than an hour on the game.


So yeah, my mind been plague with thoughts about Pokemon for past few days with many of these thoughts, not surprisingly, being about its future on the 3DS. And yes, I know that Black 2 & White 2 are on the DS, not the 3DS, and personally I don't really have a problem with them being on the DS since Black & White looked amazing on the DS. No, what I am referring to here is what it could have in the future on the 3DS.


In particularly, I would like to see an application made by GameFreak or Nintendo for the 3DS that a Pokemon PC, you can drop the DS Game's Pokemon in to transfer into the 3DS games with ease. It would be kind of like how we had the Pal Park system to transfer over Pokemon to Generation IV, but without the need to re-catch them (Well, I guess they could have that feature. Although I would much rather they not.).


Of course, this feature should not be available to actually used in the game until after you beaten the Elite Four, so that the game can still encourage you try new Pokemon of current generation. Plus, it would keep things fair since Gym battles and fights are made in mind set that you are just starting out (Although technically you can't command Pokemon at level 100 until you have your eighth badge, so trying to use your old Pokemon would not work very well here, unless they are low level.).


Another thing that comes to mind, which kind of ties into the above idea, is that I kind would like to see my past trainer character being transferable to next game much like how in Animal Crossing: Wild World, you could transfer yourself into Animal Crossing: City Folks game for the Wii (Expect in this case, you retain some of your stuff such as your previous badges, trainer card, and Pokedex status in the previous game.).


Admittedly, I can see why this would not work per say because art style between generations tends to change a lot and for that matter, it would require extra coding into dialogs to account for fact that you are an experience trainer and all. I do think it would be kind of nice though to see because than Pokemon games could have actually sequels to them because you would be following the life of one trainer (At the very least, one trainer per generation.).


Plus, there could be reasons in the game for why you would have to start your journey all over again in this new region with a new starter. Like for example, the evil Team of that generation could have stolen your Pokemon at the start game, thus give you motivation to want to defeat the team to get your buddies back. Or maybe your Pokemon from the previous game are being held by the local Customs agency until you beat the Elite Four in their region.


So yeah, if you ask me those would be some nice features to see in future Pokemon games. I imagine some of my ideas here are really not possible to actually do. But a man can dream, can't he?


Alright, I think I have ramble here enough about Pokemon, so I am going to stop here. Again like last entry, I am sorry if this bored you guys. Hopefully I can write up a more interesting entry for you all in the future. Until then, see ya, BZPers.




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Generation V's method of transfer from the Gen IV games really is leagues above the Pal Park. In about 5 minutes, you can transfer a whole box full of Pokes in a fun, easy minigame. Sounds like you haven't reached that facility yet, but it really is cool. You basically shoot Poke Balls from a slingshot at the set of six to be transferred as they randomly hop around bushes. :P


But yeah, what I'm waiting for is bulk transfer between games of the same generation, which don't have to be trades. As in, you select a whole PC box and -poof!- it's in the other game. That would be nice.


It isn't gonna happen, but it'd be nice.



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Yeah, I have not experience yet the Generation V's transfer system. Although I did read about it on the Pokemon Wiki, while I was writing this entry. So judging from yours and the Pokemon Wiki's description, it sounds much better than Pal Park.


Although I still can't help wishing that they could just let me transfer a whole box without the catch them again feature to them since it would save a lot of time. But yeah, like you say, it probably never going to happen.



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