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I Got A Raise?! What?

Jedi Master J.


Hey, BZPers. How are you all doing today? I hope you all doing well.


Me? Well, I am doing good at moment, especially considering I just noticed that I got a raise last week on my paycheck (Which I just confirm with my boss today is not a mistake and if anything, he thinks they went too low with the raise in my pay rate.). Athough I am kind of conflicted about how to feel about the raise since part of me feels I do not deserve it, while another part of me feels good about them recognizing how hard working I am. *shrugs*


Hm...Maybe I will be able to go to BrickFair for the first time in my life. I mean I just did quick calculation of cost of traveling to there by train (and back), registration fee, and hotel cost and it came out to about $456, which based on my current financial situation does not seem like it will end up hurting me too bad (Especially considering I am only taking one class next semester since that all I need to graduate with my degree.).


Although then again, I should probably also be calculating in bus fare and food cost as well in this, so it will probably be around $600 (Note: This is rough estimate, so it is probably not right as I do need to do some research on how much bus fare is in Virgina and whether or not there any cheap fast-food places nearby to get something to eat.). But yeah, I think I might be able to afford the trip. :)


Anyway, I am sure you all are tired of listen to me ramble about BrickFair, so let's move on to something else. Hmm...I do not know if you notice, but I did not post an entry yesterday after watching new FRINGE episode this week.


Why that? Well, the main reason is I was too tired to write one up yesterday, so I went to bed instead. That and considering talking about it would be spoiling stuff for those that miss it, the entry would of just been me saying how much I loved tonight's episode, which does not really promote much discussion to have about it. So yeah, I am kind of glad I did not write that entry. I did loved yesterday's episode though and I am starting to think that season 4 of FRINGE might end up becoming my favorite season.


That's all I can really say on FRINGE at this point since anything else would be a spoil and spoilers are evil. What should I talk about next? I guess I could mention that I am going to be making content block with my 3DS Friend Code, Pokemon Black Friend Code, and Steam Account Name in case any of you want to add me on those things. Which if you do, please PM me, so I know to add you as well. Oh, and while I am the video game topic, does anyone here know if the WiFi for 3DS version of Mario Kart any good? Just wondering as I thinking of buying it maybe.


Hm...I think I am out of things to say, so I guess this is it for today's entry. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have good day. See ya, BZPers.




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So yeah, I am kind of glad I did not write that entry. I did loved yesterday's episode though and I am starting to think that season 4 of FRINGE might end up becoming my favorite season.

Season 4 is definitely the strongest in terms of telling a compelling, coherent story, which is why I'm also really enjoying it. The only real issue I have is how much the alternate universe characters are taking the back burner. You would think since the universes are connected now that there would be more play between them.

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Yeah, I have to agree with there. Although I do think they did a good job with it in the Astrid episode this season with the interaction between the alters.


But still I do agree this season has not really been giving the other side characters enough screen time and sadly this is looking more and more like the last season of the show.



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