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Dr. Suess Homg

Today was a fun day at school. I got to watch a Dr. Suess Sing-a-long movie! It was almost better than the Wonder Pets DVD I have!   But anyways, the Pens are going to lose tonight. ;_; wahxorz



Zom- Er, Yay, I Have 2000 Comments

Well, it seems that I have over 2000 spam comments in my blog, the 4th ever to do so. Yay   And jeez, I was just trying to announce my new blog...>_> I wasn't trying to complain, I was just following the rules.



Sleep Deprivation

Yesterday I went over to my friend's house. We ended up playing PS2 from about 8:00 to 6:30...in the morning. It was awesome, and took a lot of Mountain Dew. I ended up only getting 2 hours of sleep today.   However, I'm still hyper from the Mountain Dew. So yay.



Lol Guys

My activity is going to be limited for a while, and I promise I'll have the musical when I come back.   kthxbai



What Am I Doing Up This Early?

Well, I haven't gone to sleep yet.   It's just been video games with my friend since around 8:00 PM. So I'm going to get some Spitty-sleep soon.  



Blog Title Block

I have Blog Title Block. Hah   Anyways, the weekend was fun, blah blah, it was cold up there, though. I had the sniffles for a day ;_; Sniffle sniffle.   Right now I'm working on my entry for Art Contest B, I MIGHT enter A, but probably not.



Happy Holidays

Because if I said "Merry Christmas" I'd probably get sued. j/k   Hey guys, sorry I haven't been active lately. It's just I haven't felt like getting on BZP at all, there's just no inspiration with all the new sets (how terrible they are).   But I stopped by to wish you all a "Happy Holidays". So enjoy all the junk that Santa brings you tomorrow.   And if I feel like I'll make a new I Agwee banner for you guys as a Christmas present. And also, make sure to comment, because last time I posted




Tomorrow I may post my new comicz. Or comic. I have the characters and stuff all ready to go.   Also, if you post a video of you singing "Tomorrow" from Annie, I'll give you a free "Oggleworf". Great deal. ;P



Please Before You Post In A Debate

Look at what you're typing before you actually post.   Because there's been some recent ones around BZP lately and some of what some people are typing is just gibberish that has made me laugh.   Please the internet is serious business.   That's all for today.




Come on Steelers, you should know better. Out of their first 13 plays, 10 were passing. Against the worst rush defense in the league. >_>   GO BROWNIES! :happydance:




Well, guess what I saw today? Yeah, Pirates of the Carribean. It was a pretty cool movie, but before I give you my short review, if you go there expecting something better than the original, well, you're wrong. I mean, it's still good, but the original is still better.   SPOILERS SPOILERS proto SPOILERS SPOILERS       First off, Davy Jones is pretty cool. With his tentacles of doom. Yeah, the plot of the movie is for Jack to find Davy's heart. If you stab it or something, Davy dies. Sounds e



The Return Of Princess Spittiette...or Not.

If any of you guys remember from two years ago, Exo started calling me "Princess Spittiette", which was because my little cousin had a princess birthday party. And no, I didn't dress up as a princess. >____>   Well, today was her sixth birthday. So Happy Birthday to her.




Ok. Tomorrow I don't have school. But I have TONS of homework.   It sucks. ;___;



El Randomo!

Ouch, today my contacts made my eyes hurt like yabba dabba dizzle doo...I had to throw them away during the middle of the day, because they would get dried up anyways. (couldn't find a case to put them in)   But I've been busy uploading a bunch of stuff in the Random folder on my maj. Super random stuff in there. If you're ever bored it's like...a lunchbox full of delicious goodies.   ...   fo shizzle.



I Dont Get It!

It could've been better but I'm sort of short on time here...   Now everyone go post in the Staff Survivor 2 topic. kthxbai



I Guess You All Wanted An Entry Yesterday

But I didn't update because I beat Through the Fire and Flames (expert) on Guitar Hero yesterday! So now you're wondering "hey but that song only takes seven minutes to do so you still had 23 hours and 53 minutes to update".   Well, I just didn't get too it. But Trans-Siberian Orchestra was awesome. I didn't get to sit up in the seats though, we were on the floor (on chairs, of course), so I was kind of disappointed. However, it was better than I thought.   Oh, and whoever can get me one of th




...I forget what I did today.   Don't sue me.



The Browns Didn't Dissapoint

...to get owned, that is.   Roethlisberger = 4 TDs = ownage.   But anyways, I'm watching the Chargers-Bears game right now. And those Charger uniforms are darn ugly. Except for the helmets, which are pretty spiffy. Why don't they use those awesome light blue ones? No idea.   I'm looking forward to seeing Shawne Merriman sack Rex Grossman. =D



Heinz Field

I went on a tour there yesterday It was awesome, we got to go down in the locker rooms and stuff.   And if you don't know what Heinz Field is, it's where the Pittsburgh Steelers and Panthers play football.   I'll get pictures up later.



Is That A Pie?

Uh...I don't really know what I was doing yesterday, but I couldn't get on BZP to update this thing   Anyways, I've been playing Ultimate Spider-Man. Really fun game, especially when you play as Venom. Tossing cars into people has always been one of my goals in life >=D ...and breaking backs. Yay backs XD   So yeah. Is that a pie? No. Good bye XP



Bleh 2

Heh, I haven't updated this thing in a while. Stupid blog. *kicks*   Anyways, yeah. I'm eating steak at the computer. It tastes good



Ok Guys

I'm finally not busy so I can spiffy up the blog and make some more I Agwee banners.   ...even though I still have to write 25 more reports about the cultures of random countries in the world. D:   So if you live in Antarctica and the Penguins start going crazy and attacking your house, send me a news article about it.



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