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Brady Smellz

So I heard the Pats beat the Colts.   However, the Pats still have to face the PITTSBURGH STEELERS   But anyways, make sure to watch the game tomorrow - the Steelers are going to own the Ravens.   And I was at the home game versus the Ravens last year - and it was pretty bad. >_>   I say Steelers 28-16.




Hey Bzp people - McBlog is back.   Anyways, I gotta update this place, but I might be leaving for weekend tomorrow, so yeah. Perfect timing to get premier membership, I know.   Woot! I'm an POBZPC now! XD And I earned every single proto point.   Best news since I've been gone - my grandpa mentioned earlier's better. He came to see my school's musical (I was in the Orchestra) and it was all cool.   Other good news - PENGUINS FTW!




I went booooooooowling yesterday.   I loooooooooooost at booooooooowling yesterday.   ...fear the stooooooopidness




OMG the BLOGZ ARE COMING   Yeah...there's so many blogs that mine got pushed to the bottom of the pages! :angry:   Anyways, happy birthday BZP   Also, I got shot today Owie.   ...at the doctor's office. Haha Yeah, it sorta hurts ><



Blog Title Block

I have Blog Title Block. Hah   Anyways, the weekend was fun, blah blah, it was cold up there, though. I had the sniffles for a day ;_; Sniffle sniffle.   Right now I'm working on my entry for Art Contest B, I MIGHT enter A, but probably not.



Bleh 2

Heh, I haven't updated this thing in a while. Stupid blog. *kicks*   Anyways, yeah. I'm eating steak at the computer. It tastes good




I haven't updated this thing in a while...sorta forgot about it   Anyways...I'll add something later XP




The Senators are going to win today? BLASPHEMY™ ! GO PENS!11   Anyways, blashphemy™ is my new favorite word. You can use it, but remember, it's blasphemy™   I'm going to my cousin's soccer game today, so that'll be fun. I'm bringing my video camera, and if he kicks the ball into someone's head, I'm definately posting it here.



Bee Happy Pt. 2

Remember this entry? Well, some kid from my school thinks he knows where the nest is: up in a room at the top of the auditorium. This room was supposed to be a regular classroom, but then they realized that it was right where the auditorium was going to be, so they kind of ditched it.   And the kid is going up there to kill them. So it should be hilarious seeing him do that (And yes Exo, it is that kid )



Bee Happy

The auditorium at my school is infested with bees. They've even got a bug zapper for them.   Which is pretty awesome because whenever a bee gets zapped you just hear a ZAP! It's hilarious. XD



Baby Bird =(

Ok...so I was just outside when I saw a little baby bird near a hill on the edge of the woods. Well, I sorta scared it, and well, it flew off the hill into the woods and smashed into a tree.   =(




Well, guess what I saw today? Yeah, Pirates of the Carribean. It was a pretty cool movie, but before I give you my short review, if you go there expecting something better than the original, well, you're wrong. I mean, it's still good, but the original is still better.   SPOILERS SPOILERS proto SPOILERS SPOILERS       First off, Davy Jones is pretty cool. With his tentacles of doom. Yeah, the plot of the movie is for Jack to find Davy's heart. If you stab it or something, Davy dies. Sounds e



Are The Banners Helping?

Over the past couple of months I've noticed a decrease in "I Agwee" comments and stuff in NMQ&A.   Did the banners help? XD   And so far the pumpkins are looking pretty hardcore guys



April Fools 2

The news discussion topic just reminded me about how many people there are on BZP that haven't learned from past April Fools.     XD   People don't take April Fools very seriously...or unseriously...or whatever. And if it were for real, it would suck, but this site is called BIONICLE Zone Power for a reason.



April Fools

Happy April Fools day everyone. As you probably know, there's a new BBC contest and COT and LGD are going to be gone. Fortunately, we already have a new COT, so that's all cool.   I just wished they changed the skin. NemoPower would always be cool.



Another Spitty Day

Yayz.   Well, today, I went over and checked on my friend's cat, cuz he's on vacation. Poor little thing was sneezing a lot. So I gave it some food and it was happy.   Right now I'm working on some stuff for other places, so yeah XP   And later tonight I'm going swimming. Wooooooot   There's my day in four lines. Booyah. B)



And The Winner Is...

Wii   I thought about it for a while and realized that they're some awesome games for Wii, and overall I'm thinking it'll be more fun.



Ancient Fulifilian Proverb

Ok, so I was going to post a proverb here, but I'm taking it some staff member would come in, take it the wrong way, and steal my precious proto that I bought.   Oh well, that's what you get when you're a member of a children's website where all the staff members are either teenagers or adults.   But it snowed today, which was awesome, because it hasn't snowed yet this winter. I would say something about global warming here, but...lulz.



Alexander The All-owning

Today we got to learn about Alexander the Great (even know I already knew a lot about him) in World Cultures, it was pretty cool, because we actually got to watch videos about it instead of reading a textbook.   He was basically like the old time's version of Mr. T.



Acorn Festival

Oh noez, I can't believe I missed it. I really wanted that mushroom furniture j/k   Anyways, my cat turned green today. Poor thing.  



Aah! The Noob Blogs!

tey r takn ovr!!11   Alright, so tonight I'm getting Harry Potter. At midnight. Because I'm cool!!   And no more I Agwee banners until I'm done with it.



A. N.omgrpgsarenotallowedwheresmyproto Q. Z. U.

Astrological Neuroticomgrpgsarenotallowedwheresmyproto Quail-like Zucchini Ukuleles   FTW   Today I've had some inspiration to start up some new comics. Yeah, it sounds lame (especially the condition of Artwork 3 1, 2, and 2), but it might be blog exclusive.



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