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Gut Tschüs Seniors

Today we had a half day at school, because it's the seniors graduate tonight. I'm not going, but I heard it's going to be held inside because of rain. Oh well, at least I'm not one of them (but I will be soon )   Anyways, we're going back to a Spitty Summer Blog schedule starting Wednesday, which usually starts with you guessing what I had for breakfast, which is usually Captain Crunch, and then a detailed Wonderpets television show report.   So get ready.



Thingy The Thing

Yay!   Just in case you didn't see it already.   Anyways the Pens play tonight again woot go Pens.



Oh No

Two little kids are coming over to my house today.   ...   At least they're not obsessed with proto.



Happy May

Happy May everyone.   ...   Now personally I can't wait for this month to end and get out of school, but oh well.   Also, make sure to check out Exo's new Poke'mon Fashion Line!   ...and yes, I changed my name. so wat?i! =P



Today And Yesterday

Was boring.   Anyways, yesterday I did...stuff. I went over to Ohio to visit my cousins. LITTLE cousins, that is. Thankfully some older cousins were there and we just beat the crud out of them in Mario Kart.   Haha. An entry with no tongues.   Oh yeah, I switched the content blocks over to the other side. Cuz I felt like it.




If you didn't see the "sign" where my Mudkip comic thing used to be, then read it. I'm making this blog a whole lot spiffier.   Except I'm not going to be active much today, so just hold on. =P   And if any of the blog staffers didn't see it in the Blog Q&A, can you answer my question about the I Agwee banners, like, as soon as possible? And I'd like to hear an answer from the blog staff, so if you're not on any kind of staff and you answer my question, I will go into the internet, journe



*insert Title Here*

Well, it's Open House at school today, so I got early. I wisely used that time racing my friend up and down the street and around my house on our bikes. It was pretty fun until the cheating began, so we went inside and played Madden, which I won 38-28 (I was the Ravens, he was the Packers. We each had about 500 rushing yards, which was weird, especially because I was the Ravens) And speaking of football, the Bungles won. ;_;   Just beat Zaktan on VNOLG. Tough to beat...it took me two days.  




There would've been more leetxor action in the title, but as SOME PEOPLE know (), leet is banned on BZP.   But anyways the Pens won. It was a spiffeh game, even though I only got to watch the last part of it. And for all of you "Kids getting faceplanted with a soccer ball in the head caught on video" fans, ...I got nothing. Sorry.   And I watched Happy Feet today. Mumble roxorz your soxorz.



Stanley Cup

Ducks in 7.   I'm not going to be able to watch most of it because of finals this week. ;_;   But I watched Wonderpets today! =D




Hey Bzp people - McBlog is back.   Anyways, I gotta update this place, but I might be leaving for weekend tomorrow, so yeah. Perfect timing to get premier membership, I know.   Woot! I'm an POBZPC now! XD And I earned every single proto point.   Best news since I've been gone - my grandpa mentioned earlier's better. He came to see my school's musical (I was in the Orchestra) and it was all cool.   Other good news - PENGUINS FTW!



Are The Banners Helping?

Over the past couple of months I've noticed a decrease in "I Agwee" comments and stuff in NMQ&A.   Did the banners help? XD   And so far the pumpkins are looking pretty hardcore guys



Story Time With Spitty :)

Once upon a time there was an old construction digger vehicle named Elmer. One day, Elmer and his friends were called to build an apartment complex. Elmer, being an old vehicle, knew that he couldn't dig faster than the new diggers, so he dug as fast as he could. When the digging was complete, Elmer had realized that he had dug the fastest! However, he was so focused on digging the fastest he forgot to figure out how he could get out of the big whole he just dug. So the bad news is that he could



Pink Tidal Waves

I've just found out there's a tidal wave killing the tooth plaque residents in my mouth. Cool, huh?   Anyways, Segways. You know those things? Yeah. I rode one this week, but I forgot to put it in my blog.   Here's a reference picture   And Steelers won 45-7!



I'm Anonymous!

lol i is that   So next time you see an anonymous person in your topic/blog, it's either me or Black Six (or Turakii).



Not Dead

No, I did not sever any body parts in a freak sewing accident.   I just haven't been on lately because I've been busy with school and stuff.   New I Agwee banner soon




Well, I have to do a report on it for Spanish. And it's worth a ton of points.   ...so, anyone know anything about Ecuador?   In other news, there is no other news. So I'm gonna go watch TV.



Wat Kid With Braces

HA I RUINED THE MOVIE HAHA   The best part of Pirates 3 was the big battle over the whirlpool of doom. Flying Dutchman + Black Pearl + Blasting each other over a whirlpool = Ownage   And don't believe the reviews! It was maweseome! =D



Hard Decision

I've really been trying hard to decide to get a Nintendo Wii or an Xbox 360.   The Wii is fun, but not for all games. Plus Xbox has Halo 3.   It's hard.




This is freakin` sweet game. Seriously, I had something to add to my blog yesterday that was really awesome, but I was too busy playing the game.   If I haven't answered your PMs yet...eh, sorry, it'll be a couple of days. j/k



What Am I Doing Up This Early?

Well, I haven't gone to sleep yet.   It's just been video games with my friend since around 8:00 PM. So I'm going to get some Spitty-sleep soon.  



Pumpkin Carving Results!

Alright, so after about eight hours and thirty seven minutes, I finally got the pumpkins narrowed down to three:   BD Dok Sunny   And...after another 35 minutes and 46 seconds, Dokkeh is our winner. His made me laugh the most because I never expected my head to be on a pumpkin.   So, Dok wins your average comedy topic poster and the Tubby Custard Award.   BD and Sunny win Humphrey and one of my cats after encountering radioactive waste.   Everyone else gets all the rocks Danny gets for H



Moving In, Moving Out

- I just got new neighbors. Two little kids. Hopefully they don't bite. (i couldn't resist ) -Three baby birds under my deck, not related to the one who got own'd in the previous entry, just left today after school. One of them was scared to fly, but eventually all the pounding on the deck scared him away. (plus having my really fat cat staring at you must be scary o_o) -It was the last day of school for the Seniors at my high school. They're graduating next week.   Fo shizzle.   I didn't s



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