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Shopping Spree

I GOT A PAIR OF CARGO PANTS YESTERDAY!!! They're REALLY nice!   Why is this something I want to blog about? Because I've been wanting cargo pants for FOREVER but could never find a pair that fit me that cost a reasonable ammount.   I absolutely love pockets in things. It's practically an obsession. I bought a hat one time just because it had a pocket in it. So I guess it's no wonder why I've wanted cargo pants so badly.   I'm telling you, though. I'm totally hooked. I'm now on a cargo-



It's Bzp's Anniversary Already?

My how time flies! (Thanks for the tip, Toa Achilles! I probably would have missed this anniversary if you hadn't said anything)   So I now have blogging privilages... what to talk about...?   I've just finished watching the last of the Gargoyle episodes... you know the Gargoyles show, right? It's from Disney, and it's about a bunch of creatures that turn to stone during the day but come alive at night and fight crime, but everyone's scared of them because they look strange? I think they



There Is No Way In A Thousand Years!

You are never going to persuade me to do it. Not in a thousand years! Not in a million years! Not in a billion years! Not in a googleplex! I am simply not going to do it and that is final.



First Entry

Hi, folks! GM here, with her first ever blog! Seriously, this is my first blog ever. I have never had a blog in my life before, on BZPower or anywhere else in cyberspace. So if my blog doesn’t sound at all bloglike, than you’ll know that it’s because I have no experience in the matter, whatsoever!   TO CONTINUE!   I’ll start with explaining a little about myself, I think. My current occupation is book-collecting. If you were to see pictures of my room, you would probably be struck dumb a




I am carving books. Tiny books. Coin size replicas of some of my favorite fantasy novels I have ever read (I prefer fantasy). So far, I have made a miniature of Peter and the Starcatchers Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo and Eragon. I am also in the process of making Raising Dragons, the first book in the Dragons in our Midst series by Bryan Davis, and possibly a few others as well. Hopefully I will be able to put the pictures up in my blog in time. If not, you'll just have to wait unti



Howl's Moving Castle

We went to blockbuster today and got, among other movies, Howl's Moving Castle. It is one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen. Howl, during the short duration of his blonde period in the movie, reminded me strongly of Setzer in Kingdom Hearts II, with his too-big multicolored coat slung nonchalantly over his shoulders.



Finished It.

Who has read the book Capt. Hook, by J. V. Hart? It's interesting. And very weird. It details the life of Captain Hook before he became Captain Hook. It's kind of weird, because, on the one hand, he's the villian. On the other hook, while you're reading the book Capt. Hook, you kind of see a fair(ish) side to him. Compaired to most of the other characters in the book, he's the hero. When the story ended, I got the impression that Hart intends to make a sequel to it, for there is a serious



Oh, My Goodness!

I just saw a Neverland book at Walmart! I bought it! It's really good so far. I like Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson's way of writing. They're funny and serious all at once.   The last Neverland book focused on the rescue of a mermaid from a carnival. This one focuses on a forbidden cave the Lost Boys explore in the hope of finding a treasure (to impress Peter). In both books, the Lost Boys are helped by the natives of Never Land (mainly the chief's daugters).




There was this one person on ebay who I bought something from... or at least tried to. It turned out that he didn't have the item that I purchased... that he'd put it up by mistake. I mean, he gave me a full refund, and I guess I believe that it was an honest mistake, but I'm still upset that I didn't get to have the item I wanted.   ...   Oh the wonderful things I put in my blog during my limited time of blogging privilages!




Has anybody here heard of the anime/manga called Dragon Drive? I've watched a few episodes on you tube, and it seems pretty cool.



Click Here

MAY THE FLEES OF A THOUSAND CAMELS INFEST THE ARM PITS OF ALL WHO READ THIS BLOG AND DO NOT POST!! (and may their arms be to short to reach)   *ahem *   I gave the humming bird picture to my dad. I stayed up until midnight to finish it. After I was done with it, I went downstairs to find the paper-cutter to cut the picture down to the proper size so it could fit in the frame (I have a few frames in the basement always handy in case I need them). Axel was watching TV. I sat down on the coff



Not To Worry, Fair Viewers!

I have wrested control of my blog back from Drakegaurd. That little dragon thinks he's so tough (he's actually only as tall as your hand. Not including wingspan)   I can see that the only reason he took over my blog was because he wanted to know the answer to that riddle he posted. I told it to him a while back, and it has been bothering him for weeks.   ~GM~



Chocolate, Diapers, And Book Reports

I had to work on reading a book that mom wants me do a book report on this summer this morning. It’s true that I like books, but this one is so difficult to understand, especially with the style it was written in! You have to read and reread and re-reread a sentence, go on and backtrack to understand it. I suppose I’d like it more if I didn’t have to do a report on it. During summer break.   I’ve heard that Christopher Paolini didn’t take summer breaks (he was homeschooled, too, by the way)



Happy Birthday, Dad!

My dad’s birthday was two days ago. I wanted to draw (and frame) him a nice picture of some humming birds, because he likes humming birds (all kinds of birds, actually. But hummingbirds are his favorite). Or a Monster From the Black Lagoon picture, he likes the Monster From the Black Lagoon, too. But I’m late with it. I’m always late with birthday presents. And Christmas presents. And stuff like that. That frustrates me.   My dad is very cool. He’s like an encyclopedia, because, when h



Ho Hum...

I made a deal with mom. I have to do school for however many hours she wants, but I can do whatever I want for that time. (if I want to do a bunch of things, or if I want to do just a couple of things, or if I want to do just one thing, I can do it. But I have to do whatever it/they are for however long she wants… which is going to be, like, 3 to 5 hours, I think)   Peter and the Starcatchers is a great book. In it, Peter is sent from his orphanage home (along with other orphans, who later



Ardbarks Are Taking Over The Country!

WalMart no longer carries the kind of wood I use for carving. All the wood they carry now is little flat wooden slabs and wooden dowels of various widths. I have to go to a certain craft store in the next city over from mine to get my wood. Most annoying.   Isn't it weird? I've found that a lot of the stuff I buy often, a store stops stocking. You'd think that the more a certain product was selling, the more they'd want to keep it in stock.



Ramblings Of An Eccentric Artist

I want to make a poseable figure! Is that too much to ask? To be able to make any type of figure I want poseable? Just having them jointed isn't enough anymore! They have to be able to hold a position. I'm trying out wire right now. Wire and clay. It's getting on my nerves. The clay always gets finger-printy before I stick it in the oven. I think I'm just too used to using basswood. With basswood, they only way you'll make an impression is if you gouge it with a knife. But then it tak



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