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Chocolate, Diapers, And Book Reports



I had to work on reading a book that mom wants me do a book report on this summer this morning. It’s true that I like books, but this one is so difficult to understand, especially with the style it was written in! You have to read and reread and re-reread a sentence, go on and backtrack to understand it. I suppose I’d like it more if I didn’t have to do a report on it. During summer break.


I’ve heard that Christopher Paolini didn’t take summer breaks (he was homeschooled, too, by the way). He just finished one grade to start another. But, I think I value my breaks too much to do that (not that I have much choice in the matter), even if it would make me a genius.


I think I’m going to get a sitting job, coming up. I believe I’ll use the money to take my cousin out for sundaes. Fudge sounds good. I love fudge. But I loathe chocolate (Milk chocolate, to be precise). It’s weird, because I can have spoonfuls and spoonfuls of fudge, but I can barely choke down a Hershey bar (I like milk chocolate if it’s just coating some things, though. Like Reeses peanut butter cups, and Butterfingers, and Yorks, and Snickers…)


Hey, I have an interesting story about a Snickers bar. Once I was in a group thing (to this day I don’t remember what exactly they were talking about, but) they were doing something where they asked for volunteers to come forward (I was not one of the volunteers, by the way). They had these paper bags that no one knew the contents of. The volunteers were to reach into their assigned bag and (I think) eat whatever it was they pulled out. One of the things that was pulled out of the bags was a mushed up Snickers bar in a diaper. Nobody would eat it. Not even any of the boys. I couldn’t believe it. It was just Snickers bar (a bit squashed up, sure, but OK otherwise) in an obviously-just-pulled-out-of-the-pack diaper. So, when I was absolutely sure nobody else was going to volunteer to eat it, I said “I’ll take it!” and I enjoyed a perfectly good (if slightly mushed up) Free Snickers bar, while everybody else stared on in fascination (I think some of them clapped, too… I still don’t know what the big deal was)




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I don't! At least not milk chocolate. Fudge I like, though. And things that have some chocolate, but don't completely consist of it.



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