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Entries in this blog

And The Winner Is...

I now present the winner of the Blog Name Contest....   (that was a hint ) And the winner is... Takua95, for his suggestion of "Cressona's Croissants: Fresh from the Grille!" Why he won: 1. Randomness 2. I like Croissants So, in honor of his victory, I proudly present him with the prestigious Cressona Award for EPIC WIN:     Display it proudly wherever you want to, to show your EPIC WIN-ness. (like in your blog ) Also, thanks to everyone else who entered. I now present you all w



Blog Question!

Simple question here: Should I start to type in blue, bold text, or keep it normal? Like that. -Cressona   Comments edited at the request of someone named DV, DV's request deleted, entry re-published. -The Cressona Institute



My Dream... O___o

So, two nights ago, I had this dream about the 2009 sets, the glatorians. (It's okay to say that name, cuz of Snoopy's topic in GD... [/is too lazy to provide link]) I've also seen the leaked pictures (don't kill me: I didn't know they were real until it was too late :0). In the dream, I'm in Toys R Us, or K-Mart, or somewhere, and I walk through the LEGO aisle and I see... the glatorians on the front of the boxes! I get really excited, of course, so I start looking at the boxes and everythi



Meaningful Content

So, yesterday, I was out running, and I was thinking why my blog is so unpopular when I'm so popular. After all, I only have one approval and an average of around two comments per entry. The first thought I had was that I'm not actually popular, but then I dismissed that when I realized what could be the real reason: My blog didn't have any meaningful content. Well, of course I got to thinking what I could do to make this blog a little more meaningful. I thought that maybe some interesting



I Had To Do It...

The Cressona Institute for Higher Art presents: a true work of art... Tahu Mata!   :-) /|_|\___ _| |_ -Cressona



Research Begins

I got a great idea for an epic the other day (it's actually a very old idea I've had since 2005, but I forgot about and now it's changed a lot). I'll release the teasers slowly and over a long period of time, giving me time to write it as well as hype it up, (I follow the Takuta-nui philosophy of writing the entire story before you start to post it) but I will tell you that I'm going to be researching the time period the epic takes place in... and it's in 2002. Speculation begins. Or not.



Blog Contest!

Yeah, you read the title right: I, Cressona, new Premier member and owner of a 5-entry blog (or however many it is), am holding a blog contest. I now present: the Blog Name Contest! Read on for more. Or don't. You know, whatever works. (if you're one of those people who likes short blog entries, skip the following two paragraphs of random nonesense) Hey, my first extract. Looks kinda nice, wouldn't you say? Really adds to the quality of the entry. I like it. So, yeah, what was I sayi



Emerging Fluidic Master!

My second entry for the day. I'm leaving here today with 1602 posts in the bag, and a brand new rank next to my posts. I'm an Emerging Fluidic Master! Celebrate with me! :happydance: (and, yes, just to let you know, I am going to do this every time I get a new rank). Wow... Emerging Fluidic Master... that has to be one of the coolest rank names, right? I mean, I know it's just Gali Nuva, but "Fluidic Master" sounds really cool, for some reason. Add "emerging" onto it, and it sounds even



My Blog Name

I've decided to create my own entry in the Blog Contest, and make it the temporary new name for my blog, because I don't have enough entries to justify ending the contest. I'd like opinions on Why things are the way they are and aren't going to change no matter how much everyone wants them to: good, bad, great? Oh, yeah, and I got Tahu and Krika from K-Mart the other day. They're great, and the Nynrah are probably the best projectile launchers out there, but Tahu's doesn't work so well for s



Grand Moff Tarkin

Feel free to use where applicable. Also check out, and use, my two new content blocks: Y? and CUZ I SAID SO. XC practice was cancelled yesterday, because a storm blew in right around the time practice was gonna start. I would have ran in the rain, but the captains were scared. I might try to get some Mistika sets today, if I have the time. Last time I went to K-Mart, there was no Mistika there, but maybe they just got the delivery a little late. Also, I'm really starting to like Mazek



What The--

I'm only rated four stars in my profile and my blog? What's wrong with you people?! -Cressona



Content Blocks And Mistika!

I added a content block! I think it looks cool, and adds a lot to the blog. What do you think? If anyone can think of anything I should add to it, let me know. I have the personal photo, rank image, proto, spinny, and some other stuff, but it seems like a short list... That's really it for now. Oh, I guess I should also add that I changed my banner and av again. I'm making the link to my blog a little more obvious now ("my blog"; you think anyone will realize where it leads to? ), and I'




It turns out that people actually do read my blog... only I've had to approve all comments, so I thought no one commented. It took me almost half an hour just to approve the few comments I've gotten, so I'm definitely unclicking that little box in the menu. Just wanted to let everybody know that you can all comment however much you want now, and be able to see it as soon as you click "add reply". But remember, I still have the power of the delete button... That's all for now. Oh, yeah, a



I'm Premier!

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, July 15th, 2008 -- a date which will live in infamy -- BZPower was suddenly and deliberately given a new premier member known as Cressona. BZPower was at peace with that member and, at the solicitation of Cressona, was still in conversation with him and looking toward the maintenance of peace in the forums. Indeed, three weeks after Cressona’s local post office had commenced mailing his pr



New Blog Name

I changed my blog name to exercise in futility today. Because nobody reads it, so any entries I make will be... well, an exercise in futility. And it doesn't help that I can barely spell exercise. -Cressona



New Banner/avatar!

I don't know why I'm writing this, since anyone who's seen me has seen that I've changed my banner and avatar, but what's the point of a blog if you don't use it, right? So anyway, I got these from the kopaka video in the Kopaka gallery on BS01 (that's where I get most of my images: BS01. Great place. ). Originally, I was just going to make a bunch of them and put up a topic, but I thought this looked cool, so I switched it with my previous golden hau set. I might go back to the hau when I




No big update this time, just wanted to add a new entry since there hasn't been one in a while. As per pompomperson's suggestion, I'm going to be creating an official blog entry where people can submit their names to join the Revolution and help make my official update sections more accurate and, unfortunately for the reader, probably longer. That's not for right now, though, right now was just a placeholder to keep the blog active and hopefully bump it up to the first page of the Community Bl




Watchmen comes out tomorrow! I'd have gone for a Watchmen theme or something, but at this point it'd be too little, too late. lol@expression I'm going to see it tomorrow, I think, and from the trailer (which I got on my iPod for free, only to realize that it was still a waste because I'd only really watch it like once anyway ), it does look really good. The snow day on Monday still has me thinking a day behind, though, but when I catch up I'm probably going to realize that I'm not gonna be a



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