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Just... Nothing... Really, I Don't Even Know Why I'm Writing This...

My blog continues to evolve: this latest entry not only has no category, no readers, and no comments, it now has no content either. I might put up a content-containing entry later about smileys, but I'd have to write it first, and, you know... Anyway, I still really like Tanma, and I'm actually considering skipping out on a winter Glatorian (that'd be Gresh), and saving up for Mata Nui in the summer. Probably won't come to that, and I'll probably get Gresh eventually, but more on that (kind



Idle Blog

I really have nothing to say here. This blog is just dead air on BZP. Any ideas? -Cressona



I'm Premier!

Mr. Vice President, Mr. Speaker, Members of the Senate, and of the House of Representatives: Yesterday, July 15th, 2008 -- a date which will live in infamy -- BZPower was suddenly and deliberately given a new premier member known as Cressona. BZPower was at peace with that member and, at the solicitation of Cressona, was still in conversation with him and looking toward the maintenance of peace in the forums. Indeed, three weeks after Cressona’s local post office had commenced mailing his pr



I'm Not A Blogger...

I just can't be a blogger. It's been how many weeks since my last entry, and I've haven't updated the blog at all. All this time, I've been posting and posting and posting, but no blogging at all. I got this brand new set-up, cool new format and everything, and then I just don't use it. At all. Well, you know what, I'll try to blog some more, but it'll probably be restricted to little random things, and not really following the cool format I was going to do. I'll get one of those in when



I Had To Do It...

The Cressona Institute for Higher Art presents: a true work of art... Tahu Mata!   :-) /|_|\___ _| |_ -Cressona



Grand Moff Tarkin

Feel free to use where applicable. Also check out, and use, my two new content blocks: Y? and CUZ I SAID SO. XC practice was cancelled yesterday, because a storm blew in right around the time practice was gonna start. I would have ran in the rain, but the captains were scared. I might try to get some Mistika sets today, if I have the time. Last time I went to K-Mart, there was no Mistika there, but maybe they just got the delivery a little late. Also, I'm really starting to like Mazek



Forum Highlights 1: Bionicle Incarnations

Welcome to the Revolution’s first FORUM HIGHLIGHTS. In this segment, we work to highlight what’s been going on in the forums lately: hot topics, member achievements, anything. In this first segment, we’ll take a look at Bionicle Incarnations, a popular forum category featuring the ever-popular Sets sub forum, the Reference Center, home to a good two or three different posters, several other Bionicle-based forums such as Collectibles and Software, and of course S&T, home of Adventurer, Ara




It's the last day before school starts, and I finally finished my summer homework! 11 chapters, over 500 questions, a photo essay, and a book report: finally done! Now I have... 18 hours of no responsiblities before school starts! Just had to let you all know that. XC practice this morning: 8 o'clock. We all almost died, and not just from waking up so early. 6 800's (count 'em, six), all under or around 3 minutes. Not as extreme as some workouts, but it was fast. Now I have the rest o



Emerging Fluidic Master!

My second entry for the day. I'm leaving here today with 1602 posts in the bag, and a brand new rank next to my posts. I'm an Emerging Fluidic Master! Celebrate with me! :happydance: (and, yes, just to let you know, I am going to do this every time I get a new rank). Wow... Emerging Fluidic Master... that has to be one of the coolest rank names, right? I mean, I know it's just Gali Nuva, but "Fluidic Master" sounds really cool, for some reason. Add "emerging" onto it, and it sounds even



Content Blocks And Mistika!

I added a content block! I think it looks cool, and adds a lot to the blog. What do you think? If anyone can think of anything I should add to it, let me know. I have the personal photo, rank image, proto, spinny, and some other stuff, but it seems like a short list... That's really it for now. Oh, I guess I should also add that I changed my banner and av again. I'm making the link to my blog a little more obvious now ("my blog"; you think anyone will realize where it leads to? ), and I'




It turns out that people actually do read my blog... only I've had to approve all comments, so I thought no one commented. It took me almost half an hour just to approve the few comments I've gotten, so I'm definitely unclicking that little box in the menu. Just wanted to let everybody know that you can all comment however much you want now, and be able to see it as soon as you click "add reply". But remember, I still have the power of the delete button... That's all for now. Oh, yeah, a



Blog Question!

Simple question here: Should I start to type in blue, bold text, or keep it normal? Like that. -Cressona   Comments edited at the request of someone named DV, DV's request deleted, entry re-published. -The Cressona Institute



Blog Contest!

Yeah, you read the title right: I, Cressona, new Premier member and owner of a 5-entry blog (or however many it is), am holding a blog contest. I now present: the Blog Name Contest! Read on for more. Or don't. You know, whatever works. (if you're one of those people who likes short blog entries, skip the following two paragraphs of random nonesense) Hey, my first extract. Looks kinda nice, wouldn't you say? Really adds to the quality of the entry. I like it. So, yeah, what was I sayi




So, does anyone approve of my blog? I could some more to fill up that content block down there... Unrelated: working on AP History vocab >.< But BZP's much more fun, so I ended up here instead. -Cressona



And The Winner Is...

I now present the winner of the Blog Name Contest....   (that was a hint ) And the winner is... Takua95, for his suggestion of "Cressona's Croissants: Fresh from the Grille!" Why he won: 1. Randomness 2. I like Croissants So, in honor of his victory, I proudly present him with the prestigious Cressona Award for EPIC WIN:     Display it proudly wherever you want to, to show your EPIC WIN-ness. (like in your blog ) Also, thanks to everyone else who entered. I now present you all w



About That Revamp...

Said I was going to do it some time this weekend, but I got so busy IRL and all that (details? maybe later) that I didn't get a chance to start much of what I wanted to on BZP. Don't worry, though, I'll do everything I can to update the blog and start things off again tomorrow. I've been posting and everything a lot, I just haven't had a chance to really get down and do what I wanted to do. That should change tomorrow. -Cressona



A Separate Peace

Anyone ever read the book? I had to read it for English, and I just spent over 9000 hours doing a project for it, making a movie based on the book. In case anybody cares, it's about two kids at an all-boys boarding school in New England during WWII, and how the war affects them. Kinda. Mostly it's about my character falling out of a tree and eventually dying. -Cressona



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