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Progress Report

It really feels like the WIP from six entries ago is going to end up using every single black axle/pin I have. Probably won't quite get there, but I don't remember the last time I built something with so many of them so close together. It also makes me really glad I've been stocking up on random green and lime Technic pieces for the past few years, because I've used a heck of a lot of them.   Relatedly, I feel like I should just buy extra copies of the interestingly-colored pieces from certain

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Green Again

Okay, I'm feeling happy again now. I was a rather depressed last night, but I'm better now – a day of bright sun, at least six inches of snow on everything, and just a normal day at school will do that to one.   And yes, a normal day at school can make one happy. As exams were last week, we got them back today – I wound up with an A+ in Biology, French, and Latin, an A in Advanced Algebra, an A- in English, and a 97 in History (not sure what letter grade equates to exactly). I am happy. Altho

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Triumph Of Green

I'm not sure why I titled this that. Maybe it's because in the space of about a week, all the trees around here have suddenly gotten their leaves back... I'm also listening to The Memory of Trees again at the moment, another source of green, since the song always makes me think of an immense forest with bright sunlight filtering through the leaves...   But the "triumph" comes from the fact that I finally finished my research paper! I spent most of the past week writing it, and I really hate wri

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Music: Jack Sparrow and The Kraken, Hans Zimmer Mood: drained but happy   So midterms are going on this week – today was Advanced Algebra in the morning and World History II in the afternoon, which have left me drained but happy. I spent most of yesterday reviewing for Algebra – the class being equivalent to taking both Algebra II and Precalculus in one year, it's thoroughly exhausting, but I'm finally on top of things around it. I actually understood the formulas for sums of sequences, explic

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Marching Back In

Happy Second of March!   Item of business number one: Meet Takadox! He's where I've been for the past week or so or more. Hence my lack of activity. Coupled with the fact that after February break, all my teachers seem to have decided to dump large quantities of homework on us, which didn't help. But I finally finished and entered AC13 yesterday afternoon. Reviews are, of course, appreciated as always...   Item of business number two: I went to New York City last weekend, where we saw The F

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

This Wasn't The Plan Either

I usually don't get involved in these mass popular effort-type things, but I had an idea last night for a banner for the 10th graphic novel, and since I can never resist making banners, here it is:     That's a link, by the way. Seems like a worthy cause.   Feel free to comment on the banner itself and things like that here. ~ ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Kongu Remix

I probably had something specific to say here, but if I did I've forgotten it. Sooo...   Finished my revamp of Kongu! Explanations are (and comments should go in) the topic. I considered keeping the Mask of Summoning, but I had decided earlier on that the Kualsi looked much more like Kongu than it did. Plus I drew his mask in something of a hurry and didn't have time to restyle the Mask of Summoning to look Kongu-like.   Henry and I have determined that the worst possible way to die would b

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Ubiquitous Absense

Since part of the point of a blog is to provide updates on one's life ...   I've been absent from a lot of things for the past few days. Saturday and Sunday were spent playing the VNOLG at length (Yes, the L is staying in there; I can justify it!), which is highly addictive and left me with a lot less time on BZP than usual. Sunday evening, I began to come down with a cold. Not altogether surprising, given that a host of people with whom I have class have been sick. Scratchy throat (swallowing

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Well That's One Of Them Down

CALCULUS IS OVER. Not until next September do I have to do large quanities of math again. Whoo!   The exam itself wasn't so bad, but there were some annoying free response questions about limits that I had no idea how to do. The with-calculator multiple-choice was really easy, and everything else pretty much the same level of difficulty as we had been reviewing... And since we had been reviewing for a whole month anyway, that wasn't really hard.   And now I get to go and panic about Euro on Fr

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


I feel the need to splurge about this somewhere.   Yesterday, at long last, I watched Glee for effectively the first time (all I had seen before was about fifteen minutes from "Wheels"). Since, you know, I've been at college the whole time it's been on (no time to watch) and don't ever watch TV or TV shows anyway. But, a couple friends and I got pizza and had a Glee-watching party for the benefit of the two of us who hadn't seen it before.   And.   I'm in love. Only an afternoon and I'm addic

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

I Almost Feel Lonely

"Ack! You're all bony! You're not as comfortable to hug." "Look who's talking!"   ~ me and Youri   All of my best friends are leaving for college within the next two weeks. (Except one, because Chicago starts way later than everything else.) It makes me very sad, but then I remember that I will keep in touch with all of them, and that we'll get together whenever they come back over breaks, and that makes me happier.   In the mean time I'll send them presents and random stuff periodically. And

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


So titled because that's what the weather's been like at various points today. We've been having one of those annoying April snowstorms. And it was spring just yesterday, too. Hopefully it will be warm and green again next week...   Because then I have Spring Break! At last! Goals include finishing the current chapter of QfLD (unlikely, but if I really try I might make progress!), working on drawings I have going, finishing a short story, and perhaps entering BBC 42.   Other news includes that

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

When In Doubt, Flee To Egypt.

This is amazing: for once I have very little to do.   My history presentation went well, I have no homework in English or Biology, and I did Latin during 9th period, leaving me with only some History, French, and Algebra left to do. Latin itself was also incredibly easy: I just looked at it and understood it aside from a couple words. Whee! (Even if it was synthetic rather than authentic Latin.)   I've also discovered the perfect song for Roodaka in every way and am working on a picture to go

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Tohunga Continued

They're so fun!   Onepu, Nuparu, and Taipu emerging from a tunnel Two Onu-Koronans with a Huna and a Miru in a quarry One of those watches another Onu-Koronan with a Hau hoisting himself out of a hole Talvi stands guard on the porch railing Lumi pondering Hahli coming out of a clump of dense foliage, the sun filtering gently through the trees above Hahli again, practicing Willpower in a willow tree (with a little help) Marka in a wet bush, for some reason The Astrologer observi

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

English Biology

Bio exam: really easy. Entirely multiple choice. Almost all the questions were unchanged from the tests during the year, so I remembered a lot of the answers just by that...   English: AAUGH. Utopia. Utopia! Too many questions about it! It was the first book we read this semester, and I have barely any notes on it. I was flipping through it for review during the few hours between exams and by chance found what turned out to be the answer to one of the short answer questions, but on another one

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Hewkii Victorious

The age-old question of four entries ago now has an answer: Toa Hewkii.   I still want Toa Nuparu about equally as I did him: both have aspects I want, and I need both for my revamp of Toa Jovan ... I want Nuparu for his claws, Kadin, and general black armor, but Hewkii's iron grey armor, aided and abetted by his chain, won me over. Expect a review and photo shoot of him soon ... during which I may rant about his proportion and identity problems, which I'm resisting the urge to go into now. Mai

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone


Tiring day. Two essay tests, one of which I had to go back and finish during break, which meant that, because of a class meeting for Spirit Week after lunch, I had virtually no free time until 9th period. Then after that came Driver's Ed, followed all-too-soon by a very long (temporally) amount of notes for Euro, Bio, and then reading/notes for English.   ...Somehow, Calculus is currently my easiest class. (Whether it will remain so when we finish Precalc review remains to be seen.) Latin is fu

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Essential Afrocelt

I recently rediscovered a CD I hadn't listened to in rather a while: Release by Afro Celt Sound System. I fell in love with it all over again.   All of my favorite songs (The Other Side, Deep Channel, Rise Above It) are on their album Seed, but I realized that Release completely and perfectly embodies the sound and feel of their music. It's Celtic and African and electronica all blended into one, and the result is incredible and irreplicable and really impossible to describe unless you've heard

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Fun With Derivatives

My life has been rather busy of late due to school and its large quantities of homework (not to mention the immensely disturbing book we're reading in English), so for now I shall give you three words I made up using Latin derivations:   Verdate   Amorance   Sororitous   Your task is to correctly say what they mean. Have fun! My personal favorite word that Dr. Jones has made up is ranine, so you get to define that one, too. It's rather harder than the others.   Meanwhile, I'm eagerly antici

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Fifth Of November

Happy November!   November the fifth, to be precise... Guy Fawkes day...   Oh, Halloween. It was very fruitful, largely in the way of chocolate, which is quite welcome... Leigh Ann, Brook, Jenn and I wound up being the ones to go trick-or-treating, along with two of Jenn's friends. Yes, we did get a fair few raised eyebrows from the people giving out candy. Whee. But we had fun. Jumped in a pile of leaves. Skipped in unison for a few seconds, which caused my hat to fall off...   "Are you lik

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

The Gang's All Here

I just happened to notice the other day that, with the exception of Vorox, the only 2009 sets I have are the heroes of the movie:     Interestingly, these (plus Vorox) are the sets from last year that come with the most recolored pieces. Which is a self-proclaimed trend in my taste, but it's interesting to see that Lego apparently feels similarly, by making these ones front-and-center in The Legend Reborn. Hmm.   Still looking to get Strakk and Metus. I'll check in on my Target later this we

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Davy Jones's Crew

Because the Barraki are very much like them – each one looks like a different sea creature, but they all share a hominid structure, which I've always liked. Even before we knew what they looked like, Greg's statement that they were all unique made me think of the crew of the Flying Dutchman... Plus the fact that the storyline is underwater!   And they achieve that look amazingly well. Ehlek and Mantax, at the very least, look awesome in hand.   To start with, Ehlek has that amazing new green c

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Elegantiae Linguae Latinae

We're starting prose composition in Latin! Woohoo!   Of course, I've done English-Latin translation in 6th and 7th grade, and anyone who's read Empress of the Night knows I love Latin composition. But still! This is so much fun! Even if all we're doing is translating now, not actual composition. I am so looking forward to that ...   And on a related note, the below are your clue of the day to the song I've chosen for Roodaka.   Servatis ad periculum ... Servatis ad maleficum ... – ToM

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

Death Of A Mantis

I really ought to update this more often. I'm sure I have things I wanted to blog about, but a lack of time of late has prevented me from doing that... Since I'm not good at multitasking...   For the moment, however, it will suffice to say that Takadox has made it to the AC13 finals! As always, any and all votes are very much appreciated, especially as I'm in eighth place at the moment. I think it's sort of a given I would love to be doing better than that. Plus the fact that I consider Takadox

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

And -try- Not To Do Anything ... Stupid.

I'll be in the Berkshires (and Tanglewood therein) from the rest of today to Sunday, which, strangely enough, means I won't be here. Going to see various performances and other things. I don't know our exact itinerary, but expect a report of some degree of detail upon my return.   Which also means I won't be around in the Library (since not being here includes not being there, either). So, to echo Cap'n Schiz, don't burn anything down while I'm gone. Burning things is my job. Toa of Heat and al

ToM Dracone

ToM Dracone

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