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To elaborate on the previous entry, what say us BZPerWiiers get right to forming a sort of "clan"? Anyone willing or know someone willing to join BiiZiiPii, give me a PM. (o)




If you are a BZP member who A. Owns a Wii. and B. Has it connected to the internet. Then PM me because I want some Wii Friends but I don't know anyone else who owns one! (o)



Those Dove Advertisements

Make me severely apprehensive, as I hope beyond hope no BZP member takes it up on its offer. May we have some administrative intervention? (o)




Yay... I have no thing to say... I've been negligent on Top Nine's but that's not high on my list of concerns.. So. I'll do something. But It's going to need FULL AUDIENCE PARCIPITATION.   We are going to play Guess What The Next Person is Thinking Of. And we begin: Mayonnaise.   (o)



The Wii

I am writing this from the comfort of my living room recliner. I did mention I had mawsome news, which you might have already guessed, seeing the title of this blogtry. Correct me if I'm not, but I do believe this is the first message on BZP that has been delivered from a Wii. While I'd love to say more on this crunchy Christmas present, it's a painfully tedious effort “typing” a post with a rectangular, if comfortable, white remote. From the Wiinternet, (o)



Stuff To Say

YEah.. Christmas has sorta been occupying me.. I've got a very exciting thing to announce, and im two top nines short, and my cousnins' keyboard isnt very good., Vut i am happy. (o)



Prepare To Be Creeped Out

Souperman isn't the only one susceptible to corruption. It turns out the world's been deceived longer than that. Jingle Bells Subliminal Message (o)



Archivists, Unite!

Something cute that happened today ...   I received in the mail this morning at work a copy of Archivaria, the Journal of the Association of Canadian Archivists (number 61, spring 2006). And who do you think is on the cover??   Tehutti!   I had been in contact with the folks there for some time, and they were just thrilled that we made an action figure of an archivist. So we made arrangements to get them packaging art that they could put on the cover of their journal. So Tehutti lives on, in



Quadratic Man

I have no idea what I was doing. I was bored, typed it in, saw a green check, and was like "okay!"   ...   I'm still Etcetere.



Mexico Iv

Quess what? I've got another grande reason why I haven't been here lately. This past weekend, besides being my birthday (loved the topic guys, you make me feel so proud), included my fourth trip to the lovely nation about 4 hours away. Though we went to the same ministry in Nuevo Laredo, it was quite different from last time. Instead of performing dramas at ministry sites, it was entirely Christmas-gift oriented. We brought presents and toys to all the underpriviliged children, and beans, ric




So recently I got the opportunity to try out the coolest white rectangular prism you will ever spend two hundred and fifty dollars on. For a good year or so the world's been both captivated and perplexed by this little box of wonder. Gamers have gotten so used to the traditional way of playing that most have been afraid to try something new, dubbing this machine all sorts of monikers ranging from "stupid" to "really stupid". But we all know the truth. They're the old generation. The 360 upgr



The Kadigan Museum

What, sayhaps, is a kadigan? Well, you might find it spelled cadigan or kadigin or so on, but to describe a kadigan, here's some various examples: Doohickey Thingamabob Summat Rama Bauble Thingiemajig By definition, it is a "placeholder noun". In more layman terms, it's another word for "thingy". I'm trusting everybody is being mature at this point. So. Let's all make up our own kadigans, shall we? I'll start off: Fribbons! (o)



Top Nine Things I Did This Novermber

1. Fasted from computers. Till now. 2. Went to Fall Retreat at Discovery Camp. 3. Went paintballing. Shot in face. Thankful for helmet. 4. Speaking of thankful, celebrated Give-Thanks-Unless-You're-A-Turkey-Or-A-Sidedish-Day. 5. Misspelled Novermber. 6. I'm going to Mexico again! On my birthday! 7. That'd be December 10th! 8. Tried the Wii. Which absolutely owns and operates. 9. Bought a bootleg Frodo sword (Sting) from the Rennaisance fair.



Top Nine Minus 2

TOP NINE REASONS I DIDNT MAKE A TOP NINE LIST   9. Fridays are my parkour days. 8. I was signing a deal with Krispy Kreme. 7. I haven't had coffee in a week or two. 6. Glottal Episcursis Nganasobe. 5. Get at of my welcome mat. 4. I was under the South 1st bridge. 3. That was pretty exciting. 2. Tuesdays are my parkour days too. 1. I don't actually practice parkour X)



In Other News

BZP is suddenly allowed on my school's computer! Yay! Oh, and I drew this diagram. 2. Innocent building 3. Tidal wave of pink lemonade 1. Projected trajectory of tidal wave Probably the most unnatural natural disaster known to mankind. (o)




So in Mexico we have this particular skit called the Doctor Skit, aka Contagious, and it's basically used to grab people's attention, get them interested, and just plain entertain them for a few minutes. BTW, don't skip the previous blog entry and only read this one. You'd better check out that one too! Here's how Contagious works - A person walks into a doctor's office waiting room, and one by one more people walk in as well. Each one has something wrong with them - someone is sneezing, some



Nuevo Laredo

Truly was awesome. There's that whole "religious" guideline here on BZP, and I'll try to respect that. But I mean, come on! It's sad I have to hold back such good news. Yes, I went on a mission trip with my church and got to reach nearly 1000 people with the Message. It was small, only 16 of us, and only for one weekend, but we partnered up with a ministry down there which boosted our ranks a bit. We spent about 15 minutes for restroom/sandwich break when we got there, then jumped right i



Top Nine Reasons You Won't Be Having A Top Nine Li

st This Week   A. I'm going to Mexico this weekend! A mini-missions trip. B. I'll be spending a LOT less time on my computer from now on, particularly a LOT less time on the internet, and specifically a LOT less time on BZP. We'll see how it all works out.   On a sidenote, I'm going to Mexico! Yay!   (o)



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