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It's a succeess! My first techno song! It's a bit of bobot music called BeepBoopBop, and it's the starting point for my sonic masterpiece production. I am now officially a technist. I'm .selah.   BeepBoopBop   Yes, the song is terrible terrible - that's how bobot music is. And yes, it's dedicated to BeepBoopBop.com.   FruityLoops is great. I can't wait to actually get a version that isn't the demo. 7 is out. I'll be needing to dload that.   Herruy for not feeling like including my barbecode



Keeva Or Kayva?

So yeah. I notice I begin many thoughts with that phrase. So yeah. Yesterday I went to my first real interview. That's right, interview. As in, Etcetere is soon joining the ranks of Those BZPers Who Actually Have Jobs. I'm going to be an employee. Oh my word. Unfortunately, I haven't much to say on my driver's permit progress, which ought to have been achieved last July. Life goes on. Anyway, check out Etcetere's prospective place of employment. (o)




Well you come to all about Obone_Knob. He is me, but as a gamertag. Etcetere is me that is the umbrella of all of me. But there are sections to me. There is .selah, me as digital maestro. There is Core Dimension, but he is not me anymore. Etcetere who is me is irked by being familiared as Core because Core is not being exist anymore. And there are others who are me who are yet to be specified. Domains under Etcetere who is me are signified by a colon repeated with another colon. Obone is me when



Thesaurus Game

Preserve your enterprise afar humidify dexterous of apiece personage comprehend pardon? I’m exasperating en bearing pro coherent? I’m instantaneously via the dependable synonyms delimited during inspection of the here progression throughout situate awake the shutters proximity to facilitating a consequence of avowal. It devises anticipated happening behalf of a hodgepodge of engaging mesmerizing approach collectively ups. Wouldn’t you encompass the equivalent assessment? (o)



By Your Powers Combined

I am CAPTAIN PLANET!! Captain Planet is my hero. He's just so cool. I mean, come on, he's cool! He totally pones any other superhero wannabe like Spiderman or Batman or Superman or Inserthereman. He's the most mawsome person. Sure I'll admit he's not real, but I'm still tempted to go dump some gasoline in the ocean and see if he'll show up. What other "super" hero beats up eco-villians and dumps them in garbage cans? Only he thwarts their diabolical plans to destroy marine habitat sanctuar



What's Gonna Happen?

My premiership runs out any day now this month. What's going to happen to my blog? Will it cease existance, or will it simply be locked until I decide to send in more money? Anyone with any wisdom on this matter, kindly inform me so I can start copying and saving my blog entries. Plus, everyone should know, my name's going to be Etcetera tomorrow. Try to get used to not calling me CD anymore. (o)




Nobody paid any attention to my philosophy of subconscial creation, not that I put much seriousness in it anyway. Neeways, I present you now with the most thrilling installment, the Ipaedia, the complete compilation of all Ippish lore. I've made a couple entries concerning Ip, and these basically are glimpses of the articles and entries to be found within the encyclopaedia of Ip. And admittedly, much of the Lore of Ip is created on the spot, so I must have some audience suggestion. What sorts



A Cup

Castovre Barrui (or Beriu, with dependance on your nationality) had never seen a cup before. Tharfore, at his first encounter with one, in a shop of Foreign and Exotic Artifacts and Wares, he was so perplexed at such a device, he deemed it to be a hat. But who could possess so small a head as to fit within this particular piece of headgear? He asked verious members of his (rather large) family, though none of them had observed a cup before either. They all had different conclusions as t




I recently rentrered from fundraising out on the streetcorners. Very experiential. About seven of us teens went to some diner and talked with our pastor for a while, then we went out with the intention to do what we did last week. (Just what did we do last week? Tune in next paragraph for the thrilling conclusion!) Instead, we went to Heb, made some posters, and staked out a busy intersection for anyone willing to donate to our various summer mission trips. It was very productive, at least 150$



I'm An Apricot Dispenser!

I happen to be proficient at Game Maker. The sad thing is, I haven't used it in forever. If I had gotten to work and finished the games I'd started, I'd be way > Anaglyph. Which I'm a member of anyway, and have been neglegent in that area as well. Anyways, there's been several good games I've thought of. And I'm making them all my own. I can sprite, I can midi-compose, I can do GML, I can conceptualize, I can dispense apricots. Which reminds me.. Anyways, my newest idea-in-the-works



Been A While

Gah, been 5 days since my last blogtry. It's been a packed weekend, what with Six Flags Fiesta Texas and Krause Springs and friends over every night. It's good to just be alone finally on a Wednesday morning. Anyone ever been to Fiesta Texas? Neeways, I'll come up with some interesting blog entry later. Maybe another short story about Ip. Maybe some in-depth rants about Parable and Taioc and all that. Maybe just another tangent.. on like, water buffalo. (o)



I Love Techno

I do. I guess I've always liked it but had been against the whole sterotypical beep-boop-bop kazzo kind, which now I love just as much anyways. What mainly got me hooked was an online DDR-type game called Flash Flash Revolution, which I can't link to because it has message boards. My favorite techno artists are as follows- SuperGreenX - Lame name, but amazing music. Most of his songs blend in orchestra with ambient electronic, making songs that'd be great for background music in a Myst-typ



What's This, Then?

Well then, ti' seems the big "BeeZeeP" has introduced one blog-type job. Interesting... Well, for an introductory entry, this one's rather lame. Um, yeah. Rest of blog stuff = currently under constuction. (o)



From Fritane To Titripec

Come, hearken to the first of many tales about the, people, places, and hapoccurs within the Realm of Ip. I myself am the archivist of all Ippish history in the fair town of Stesh, and have been given leave to recount the happenings and infoings of two famed cities in our fair land - the cities of Fritane (Fri-tan-ee) and Titripec (Ti-tree-peck). Most consider them one city, and misinformed as they are, that is a very credible observation. For throughout the streets of the two towns, amongst



Prepare To Be Creeped Out

Souperman isn't the only one susceptible to corruption. It turns out the world's been deceived longer than that. Jingle Bells Subliminal Message (o)



Mexico Iv

Quess what? I've got another grande reason why I haven't been here lately. This past weekend, besides being my birthday (loved the topic guys, you make me feel so proud), included my fourth trip to the lovely nation about 4 hours away. Though we went to the same ministry in Nuevo Laredo, it was quite different from last time. Instead of performing dramas at ministry sites, it was entirely Christmas-gift oriented. We brought presents and toys to all the underpriviliged children, and beans, ric




I have the world's mawsomest black bear hamster. Like almost all black bear hamsters, she's got a white patch of fur running from her chin down her stomach, with a remarkable impression of drool. Therefore, I named her Slobber, but after a couple days and deciding that Slobber didn't do justice to the mawsome animal she was, I named her Sage. Sage just sounded cool. My hamster sleeps all day in a little compartment with a shirt hung over it - to block out the light and give the impression of



Happy International September 15th Day!

In commemoration of this historic holiday, I've decided to start a routine. Every Friday, I will have a Top Nine list in my blog. (Because Friday is the ninth day of the week). It's comin' up.. (o)



Top Nine Sgx Songs

9. Coactive 8. Thinking Different 7. A Meal for a Whale 6. Tell Me a Story 5. Kick Your A 4. Crowdpleaser 3. 4F73R M3 2. Synesthetic 1. Mario Paint - Intense Color   Pretend today = Yesterday  Oops. I accidentally drafted then undrafted this entry.   (o)



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