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You Are Now Enlightened

For those of you who don't know, Core Dimension, also known as Etcetere, was not only an outstanding artist and MoCist, but one incredibly solid dude. If I were to make a list of the top five most solid dudes I've ever come into contact with via BZP, he would definitely be on there. Not to mention the hüpoolugging shmawesomeness that was his blog. He's been inactive for almost a year, now, and everybody who's anybody really misses him. So, in his honor, I'm doing something I haven't done s



Wow Is The Word

I just realized that the only reason Exo has more comments total than me is his blog's been around longer than mine (both before I started mine and my hiatus of non-premiership).   He gets an average of 16.518817204301075268817204301075 comments per entry.   I get about 24.658009.   Also, so that I can continue getting more comments,     so i here you like jd0922



The Fivesday Tue

Did you enter BBC 49?Do you plan on entering AC 15?What's opinion of the Mistika?I'M OLD DOKUMAAAAADo you miss Etcetere as much as I do? I bet you don't CHOOSE WISELY



I'm Still Back!

I couldn't really go a day without blogging, so I felt the urge to post this. At the same time, I don't want to distract attention away from the fact that I've returned from the abyss of 8-10 months without Premiership... so I'll reiterate my prior sentiment.   I'M still BAAAACK!   Now that that's off my chest, time for the moment you've all been waiting for--the progress report of the things that have changed since my last entry (August, wow). The "list"... which is, of course, the list of gi



Cool Ways To Say Shut Up

These work best when you're having an argument with someone and they say something that completely blows you out of the water. Rather than concede defeat, employ Kevin James as your rodeo clown.




Goin' to see "Yeah right, Dokky" skate this afternoon.   but WHARS MY CEE BREEEEEEZ   BTW vote for #6 thanks =)



Speed Man To The Rescue

Hancock looks pretty winful, IMO.   Oh, and I completely forgot to mention one of the other girls on the list yesterday... she's another one that's potentially too old, but from what I understand, she may be interested in me anyway. So we'll call her... hmmm, I can't think of anything.   So post your ideas as to what I should henceforth call her here. >=D



Oh My Freaking Gosh!

I'M BAAAAAAACK!   *Tuesday five* Didja miss me? =D Do you love me? =D *insert three more questions here*



The O Rly Factor

Well, I was just talking with Schism, and we were discussing the random absurdity "O RLY" when he said, "What about the O RLY Factor?" which I just found hilarious, seeing as I watch the Oreilly Factor all the time.   So, just wanted to get that out in the open.   EDIT: Say, guess what!   And I even emailed him with it.




Welcome to Llama Llama Blog, the official home of.... wat???   You all might be wonder what wat??? is.   A lot of the time, you will notice that in the Q&A forum and a few other places, a lot of the time is spent asking relatively easy questions (i.e.: How do I make an image hyperlink, What are the maximum banner sizes, etc.). While this is certainly not a bad thing for members to ask these questions, I feel I might be able to help and relieve to moderators of some tedious work. Therefo



Interesting Coincidence

Sarda and Idris... interesting Matoran names. Idris is actually a word in Arabic, I believe... but that's not what this blog entry is about.   Let's combine the names of Sarda and Idris... Sardis. The Greek word translates "those escaping." Interesting, because Sarda and Idris are trying to escape the pit and/or Karzanhi.   Just a random coincidence for y'all.



Blog Entry From Da Hood

sup homies fo shizzle   This is basically the last blog entry here until (1) I renew my premier membership, (2) BZPower has another anniversary, or (3) I decide to post another spam entry later today.   New...   I'm gonna try out for acoustic guitar on our church's worship team. Prayers = the helpful.   That same goofy grin that was infecting KIE the other day has now reached me, what with me having a short phone conversation with Unattainable. I had to call her because when I mailed her an



Those Darn Homeschoolers

Alright, well, in my homeschool association, we get these emails other homeschoolers send out to everyone. Now, since 82.3% of homeschoolers are absolute outcasts of society, we get some... pretty dumb emails. You know, from weird people.   Like there will be an email with the title "FREE WINDOWS XP NEVER USED!" Only upon opening it do you see the true content of the message, "Does anybody know where I can get a free mint Windows XP?"   Well, the reason I say all this is because the other day



No Snow Here... Oh.

While everone's running around on BZP going like,     ...there's still no snow up here in my neck of the woods. Oh, sure, it flurries a couple of times. It even snowed enough once for Rachael and I to write messages to each other with our feet on the driveway. But have we had more that 0 inches? Noooo.   So next time you get on BZP and brag about how you have snow, keep in mind the mood I'm currently in....     You have been warned.



S Wootsday Five

What banner ad is at the top of the page right now (if inappropriate, do not specify)?If you could name this blog, what would you name it?Will you miss this blog when my premiership expires on the 21st?Have you ever posted a theory in S&T?Do you play an instrument?Let's drink to the last Tuesday Five.



News On The Female Front

Well, I just called Happy Happy Joy Joy. She's going to a coffeehouse with me tonight from 7-10. Woot. =D   And, uh, Blue-Eyes now has a boyfriend. She met him out-of-state, though, so like... that can't last long.   But lately I feel like I've been liking HHJJ less and liking Unattainable Goal more. But I don't know. Maybe I'm just being shallow, maybe it's just Unattainable Goal's attractiveness. But I know I have a much better shot with HHJJ, and I don't want her to slip through my fingers



Hhjj Vs. Blue-eyes

Well, I know you all want to hear about my... love life again.   I can't tell whether or not HHJJ likes me. 50% odds either way. However, blue-eyes is gaining ground... she's starting to also look like a 50% chance.   So the two of them are duking it out.   ...in my imagination. I'm actually duking it out with myself to figure out which one likes me.   Oh, and tropical fish. There's your randomness.



This Is Madness

I've been thinking... primarily about how to revamp my image on BZPower.   First, I think a lot of my reputation has been tainted by the cruddy artwork I've posted over the years. Sure, my more recent stuff is -okay-, but I feel like the only really good stuff I've drawn has yet to see the light of day on BZP, while all my dumb doodles are what I'm known for. So I want to start publishing a lot more artwork... mostly Shounen Manga, but I've been contemplating an eventual crossover to Shoujo.  



Omg Like Update

Well, seein' as I'm getting blogging abilities along with the rest of the non-premier members this week, I figured I'd drop on by and bestow my aweesumness upon yous. =) =) =)   Happy Happy Joy Joy is in Texas, or at least was a few days ago. Waiting to hear from her.   Blue Eyes I think might -possibly- have a boyfriend now, but I asked someone who said they knew of no one.   Procrastination... still goin' strong.   And lo and behold! A Tuesday Five! Should I renew my premier membership? Do



The Last Tuesday Five For A Long Time

Cheers. *raises shot glass* What is your opinion of the Toa Mahri? What was the last Bionicle set you bought? What's the weather like right now? What's your favorite song? What did you eat for lunch today?



We Are Happy Day

Happy Happy Joy Joy just got back from Texas.   Blue Eyes might have a boyfriend.   And this other girl who I've know for a while that I really like... hmmm, she's from my youth group and lives across the street from my grandparents' old house... we'll call her "The Precious," since she is like, completely unattainable, is still... unattainable.   a hawt pirate's life for me 8D



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