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Entries in this blog

I Made A Moc

What, Seran made a MOC?   How weird.   Better check it out before it runs away.   -Seran



To The End Of The Journey Of Glittering Stars

I'll be most impressed if anyone knows what the titles refers to.   Anyways, I've finally done something I've been meaning to do for ages. I've now started writing my first BZP Epic, City of Dreams. It's based around the city of Hapori Metru, and will hopefully feature several BZPers. So, if you know me, expect a PM from me soon-ish.   If you can't get your novels published, an epic on BZP is the next best thing.   -Seran



B B C 42 Progress - 2%

Well, I've finally decided what to make for my entry. Which is a start, I suppose. Two MOCs. Maybe more, but two main ones. Maybe brown and red. Maybe not. Maybe pink. I don't have any pink pieces, but that won't stop me! Or maybe it will.   And it looks like there will be no silver or gunmetal in sight. I'm still waiting for a contest where I can use my ridiculous amount of gunmetal pieces. Maybe I was a fool to buy them in the first place?   It's such a lovely colour though...   EDIT: I've



Updates And Other Miscellanea

Reserved my copy of SSB Brawl today!Amusing in-jokes make the last few days of school funnier than ever.July brings forth MOCs.Maybe I'll buy Toa Ignika, I want that mask and those nice black fairings.My new sunglasses look awesome, yay!New haircut! Now even more girls are crowding around me at school (that one's not so yay).Teachers handing out chocolate are the best sort of teachers.My clever skills saved a photo frame, and thus a friend's coursework.Weather isn't too hot or too cold.Birthday




I was watching the Mahri mini movie on Bionicle.com, and I suddenly realised that the music isn't the same as the MP3 you can download. It's totally different.   -Seran



Lemon Club Gets 105th Member

The Lemon Club welcomes its 105th member, Toa Viran! Who'd have thought that the Club would expand so much?   And now, we have a Lemon Party for you all. Yay!   -Seran



A Holiday Surprise From Toa Axzaa

Aren't you all lucky? Toa Axzaa is writing another epic series, and here's an extract from it...     Yes, the new epic stars the Toa Xion. I was going to write it myself, but Axzaa asked really nicely, so I've come up with another epic instead (see the previous Blog entry).   -Seran



B B C 43 - 99% Complete

Yay! my manta is nearly complete...I just need to tweak the details a little bit. And there's the slight matter of the cannon...should giant robotic manta rays have cannons on their armoured backs, or not?   -Seran



Blog Exclusive Moc 1

I was looking through my archives of stuff from my old two computers, and found a single photo of this really old MOC:     According to the photos, I made it in October 2005. I think it was meant to be a form of Makuta. It's something of a rarity, as 2005 was when I got cancer, so I hardly had time to make MOCs.   Enjoy.



Great Moc Idea

I've had a great idea for a MOC for a whle now, and since I've had the morning off school, I've finally started building it. I don't want to spoil the surprise, but let's just say that the spine from my Proto Manta is very useful.   Oh yes.   -Seran



I've Changed My Name

Just as a little test, I've changed my name. Now I shall be known as Seran, which is a lot easier to type than Seranikai. If it doesn't work I'll change it back, so I won't lose anything.   Seran



My First Rant - No, Not About The Mahri.

Today, I'm going to rant about the game series, Baten Kaitos. More specifically, I'm going to rant about how understated it is.   I found Baten Kaitos completely by accident. I was watching a DVD of game trailers that I got free with a magazine, and clicked the wrong link. I immediately found myself watching something that would change my life.   The trailer was outstanding. Full 3D, interesting plot, great characters, and the music was amazing. The story of Baten Kaitos revolves around island



What Happens Next?

I've been thinking. And that's not always a good thing. Some stuff happened today. A lot of stuff, actually. And I realised what's been bothering me for ages - it's lonliness. That could quite possibly be why I refer to myself plurally whenever I'm not concentrating, and actually talk about myself in the third person sometimes.   Seran wants a boyfriend.   -Seran




So, happy Singles Awareness Day!   Although, this year Seran kind of isn't single, because he's kind of going out with someone...but Seran isn't entirely sure if said guy is really what Seran wants, but yeah. Fun.   I know I said there would be MOCs. I know. But unfortunately I realised that I don't have enough pieces to make the Mata Nui MOC I was hoping to make, although I did get as far as making the head. Pics if you want them. And then there's Makuta, still lying in several pieces, becaus



Deck The Halls With Two Magnas

Some of you might remember my entry for BBC 36, Magna GX, which was crushed, not even passing the preliminary polls. I quite liked the design, so I made a couple more for this contest.   Click the image to see the full size entry pic. Or visit their exciting topic here.   The story of these guys is vaguely interesting, and goes like this:   A long time ago, I was wandering through Tufi's blog, and saw her comment about people continually making 'infernal humanoids' for BBCs. I realised that



City Of Dreams - Chapter 1

I've now posted Chapter 1 of my epic, City of Dreams, in case you can't tell from the title. And there's the first guest appearance - but who is it? You'll have to read it to find out.   Shameless advertising. You've got to love it.   -Seran



How I Feel

I like art. You may or may not have noticed. But it's true.   I like expressing myself through art. You cannot do that at school. You have to make art that will get you a good grade. The examiner doesn't care whether you merely made something to express yourself or not.   But I do it anyway.   I hope to be using my blog more like a blog now - like a diary. Hopefully, that'll help me a lot.   I can hope.   -Seran



Fantastic Thought-provoking Friday

Do you ever wonder why alliteration is so amazing? No, neither do I.   Anyway, awful jokes aside, it is now Friday, in case you haven't noticed. You can even check on the pleasant little calender over on the right somewhere. But has anything interesting happened that I can talk about? Well, my mum came back from a holiday in France and brought me back lots of lovely French biscuits, which have now all been consumed. Shame really. So now I'm at a loss as to what to talk about.   I know, I'll en



Depressed Updated

Gah. I thought I was over it, but apparently not.   I went to visit a university yesterday, and I really liked it. Pretty much a good thing, as it's the only uni I could actually go to. The only thing I'm not sure about is making new friends there, but I'll just have to see what happens, I guess.   Didn't get any work done at school...I just messed around instead. And now I regret that. Kids, do your schoolwork now, it'll only come back to haunt you later.   Still undecided what to do with my



The Rift Is Reformed

So it has. A new year (yes, I'm a little late) deserves a new layout. And thus a layout I have made. The little comments for each block thingy should help you find you way around the Rift. Hopefully we won't have quite so many people falling in as we did last year...   -Seran



Vaguely Interesting

Help   I don't know what I clicked on, but I found this page. It seems fairly useful, so I thought I'd share it.   BTW, I know it's in an obvious location. Bio has pointed that out. But   1. I'm bored   2. I wanted to blog about something   So it fits nicely.



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