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Good News, Everybody!

I just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to--   No wait, that's not right.   The Giants won the Super Bowl!!   Okay, so this is not just about their victory; it's about my victory. I'm now curse-free after eight years of picking and rooting for the wrong team to win the Super Bowl. That's right; I chose the losing team for eight miserably annoying years. Mind you, I don't usually watch football, but the Super Bowl is something else-- advertisement... but that's not importan



They Won Super Bowl 42!

Holy cow! That was some awesome Super Bowl XLII I may or may not have watched at this point; I still can't believe ______ won. Oh, no one will forget that particular play-- yeah, you know the one I mean. Also, remember that point in the ____ quarter when that player did that action? And can you believe that _____ penalty called against the _____ team by that referee? It makes me so mad! What's wrong with that referee!? On the other hand, I might be overreacting just a bit.   Then, of course, ho



It's Bill Murray Day

Also known as Groundhog Day.   I wonder if his shadow will have some adverse effect on the Super Bowl... that would be so awesome if the groundhog totally messed up the Ad Super Bowl. "False start, groundhog. That's six more weeks of winter!" (Or would that be finish in this case?)   Go Doritos! (I might as well pick a winner in something.)   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Faux H T M L Awesomeness

So I had a thought while working on bonesiii's Blog of the Week: "I have no idea what some of those emoticons are supposed to be." The only way I knew to find out was to check the properties, so that's when I had an idea. "What if I could shortcut the process?" (Okay, not exact quotes and such but bear with me.)   Then I came up with a concept: use the Acronym and Image Tags together; that way when someone rolls the mouse over the image, it tells what it is. After a bit of testing, I found this



Mahalis, Eat Your Heart Out.

Through a little difficulty due to file errors (corruption or some such), I have expanded on some of Mahalis' work.   Year 1-4: (It just goes through each year I've been here.)   Year 1, 1-2, 1-3, 1-4: (This one basically does a counting thing, adding a year each time.)   Support Team/Forum Assistant, Moderator/Forum Leader: (Transition seems less subtle than the other two, but it's only shifty colors, as opposed to spinning.)   Then there's this:   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Oh, Really?

So there's this whole big pointless phenomenon with a shortened version of the phrase "Oh, really?" Well, while playing Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, I noticed Linebeck used the phase, so I did my best to get a picture of that particular scene.   Honestly, it's not a great picture, and it's a bit hard to read, but I don't have a capture card or anything.   Anyway, I decided to expand beyond that and made these:   This one is so-so in the thought process.   Somewhat in honor of the



How About Them Red Sox?

No wait, I think that's a typo.   ==Begin transmission==   I interrupt this blog entry to bring you an important message... okay, an interesting one.   Believe it or not, I was actually going to set up a joke and have a picture of red socks here, so I did an image search on Yahoo. I got several results (far more than I wanted/expected), so I tried some other colors. Same results: way too many. Finally, I put in "socks" and got 1,109,206 results; I then proceeded to Google and got 3,140,000 re



Bloggie Month Follow-up

As all of you who have been paying attention know, I took last month off of writing the Blog of the Week (you know, that thing on the front page that seems to generate very little feedback). The time off actually started the week before Thanksgiving, but that was more in the way of timing than pre-planning it. Anyway, for the month of December, I decided it would be nice to allow the Blog Assistants to pick and write about their pick for each week. It really started as a half-hearted comment, bu



It Gets Me Through The Day

What gets me through the day? Why, the power of positive thinking... and ignoring everyone else. As they say, if you don't like my driving, get off the sidewalk.   Anyway, I didn't go to school today and learn anything, but that's not all. Incidentally, learning is the process of eliminating something you don't know. Think about it and be amazed or confused.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



It's Last Year To You, Buddy!

Has anyone else noticed that the actual festivities take place on New Year's Eve, and New Year's Day goes "back to business as usual"? There's this big buildup to Midnight, but then once that passes, things tend to die down within a short time afterwards. So which day are we celebrating again?   When it boils down to it, New Year's is just another day.   Happy January 1, 2008! May your new year be more exciting than the end of the party you attended.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Don't Blame Me, Omi

So about a week after I got my license, there was a crash with a car I occasionally drive.   Not my car, not me driving   That poor car has been through so much in just a few short months.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Another Milestone Achieved

I've been a Forum Leader for a year now, and I must say it's not always easy ("no one ever said it would be"), but it has it's moments.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Blog Alert Vs Blog Alert

Don't let the name fool you; no one is versing anything.   I don't know who gave the blog the same name as the account, but it can be confusing when referring to one and not the other: the only difference was a space (woot?), which is less noticeable when just having a conversation. Anyway, after some mulling over Bloggie suggestions and personal thoughts, I have changed the name of Blog Alert (the blog) and given it a nice little description.   Blog Alert (the blog) is now Blog HQ.   ©1984-2



No Longer Walking Everywhere

Remember this? There was a reason that event took place what seems like so long ago. To anyone who cares, I now have a driver's license (or as the manual would put it "driver license"); I got it last Thursday and have been using it to run various errands when I can.   Before anyone asks, never you mind why I didn't have mine sooner: numerous factors and all that. I'll just state the only one you really need to know: I possess the abilities to walk and ride a bicycle (yes, I have had to walk a b



On Permanent Guest Stars

You do realize the more accurate term is recurring role. Once you're permanent, you're no longer a guest.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Pearl Harbor Day

It was a sad day indeed (not that I was born yet); something that is more meaningful is that the generation that lived through that is dying out.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Ring What Now?

Has anyone stopped to consider the word "ringtone"? It's the noise (more often than not) played by a phone to indicate to everyone within the vicinity that someone is receiving an incoming call, and phones today tend to come with customizable sounds. Now I have a question: when did a ringtone come to mean full or nearly full songs, not just the melody (or facsimile) but the lyrics as well? If a phone plays a song in place of ringing, shouldn't that be called a "ringtune"?   ©1984-2007 Toaraga E



Casual Vs Hardcore

Over the past few years, people who play video games have generally been classified into one of two groups: casual gamers or hardcore gamers. While there is no definitive answer to what fits each group, it all really comes down to investment in each video game one plays. While a casual gamer might play something quick with a little free time, a hardcore gamer is probably more likely to stick with a few games at most until everything possible within the games' rules is accomplished (or some self-



On Certain Approval Topics

In case anyone cares, I am currently not approving RPGs or official topics. There are over 30 RPGs in COT covering a variety of interest, and most official topic requests I currently get are for subjects that don't really need one. Anyway, I'll at least try to get around to the requests that are currently in my PM boxes.   Also, I don't speak for Janus or Polo X, so you could ask one of them.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Thanks For The Memories

So I had fun last week and got to see family I hadn't seen in awhile; personally, I'm never opposed to doing stuff with family I see often anyway. But I got to do stuff with family members I don't see often, so that was cool.   In case anyone was wondering, that's why there was no Blog of the Week; speaking of that, I have something exciting planned ahead.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Psst, Kid, Wanna Buy A Star?

I didn't think it was real, as I'd only seen it on television shows, but apparently there are real websites that let people purchase stars. That's one of the dumbest, most pointless things I've ever heard. O_O   Anyway, if you need gift ideas for my birthday, I'd like a star near Orion.*   Entry word: Panicky Example: If you don't wash your dishes properly, you might find the inside of a panicky.   *Please don't buy me a star.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



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