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Entries in this blog

Dedicated To Dimensioneer... Return That Thander!

As promised, I'm dedicating this blog to Big D, but I actually have something to say. (Yeah, gasp.)   Seriously, you are awesome: though a full-grown adult, you created a site for a child's toy line that you weren't afraid to say you too liked. With some help, your site combined with another, and in just a few short years (as opposed to long years?), the site managed to gain the attention of over 30,000 people and growing. Now that's an accomplishment.   But you didn't stop at just having a ba



Days Late... Also, I'm Not Dead

As you may or may not recall, I had a mysterious plan for Monday; unfortunately, I've been sick since Sunday night.   Anyway, for those that have noticed (and for those that happened), I have not been taking RPG requests for the past several months. But I have decided to start taking them again. However, official topics are a different matter, as I feel they are not often needed just because they are requested.   Here's the deal. First, make sure there isn't another RPG too similar to the o



Daylight Saving Nothing

In many places, we celebrate Daylight Savings Time, a sacred and honored tradition passed down by Benjamin Franklin. Okay, so it's not sacred, or even honored; in fact, in my opinion, it's a waste of time. Every spring, we set our clocks forward an hour and "lose" it for about six months, then we "gain" another hour in the fall. So the hour goes nowhere... maybe Time Limbo. But I digress.   I know the tradition started back before light bulbs to save people from wasting all their candles so qui



Dave The Barbarian... But With Rabbits

Yin Yang Yo! is one of my new favorite shows: the comedy style reminds me of Dave the Barbarian. Granted, there's no narrator, and the two main characters are rabbits, and the storyline and plot aren't the same... but the comedy: pure stupidity at its funniest.   There's just something about flashbacks and pointing out the obvious that makes this show's comedy great.   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Customer = Right = Conflict

"The customer is always right." Blah, blah, blah... etc.   Anyway, according to the president of the company I work for, we too are customers. But that means if there's some sort of dispute, we're right, and they're right. But not everyone can be right at the same time: someone has to be wrong. Of course, I totally disagree with everything I don't say and nothing my opponent does.   This PSA brought to you by "Misleading Sayings."   Misleading Sayings: Telling you everything that makes no sen



Curse Of The... Appropriately Placed Metaphor

Yeah, a few days late and several dollars short (figuratively), but I guess I should say this sometime, and I don't like to have multiple entries for one day.   Anyway, I must be bad luck for the team that loses the Super Bowl because for the past several years, I have wanted the team that lost to win (before the event began obviously). It's not because I'm sure the losing team's better or feel it's a sure thing. In fact, I'm not a big sports fan: I just like to root for someone, so I go for th



Crossing State Lines

I'm crossing state lines this week that I've never crossed before.   States I've been in at some point in my life: Alabama Arkansas Florida Louisiana Mississippi Oklahoma Tennessee Texas ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Counting Date

It's June 7, 2008 ("Do you know where you're children are?"). In other words, the date could be written out as 06-07-08-- unless one puts the year first or writes out the whole year, in which case totally ruins it.   We won't see another one of these until July 8, 2009, so live it up.   I'm counting on you.



Cot Role Playing Game Requests

If you have sent any RPG requests that have not been responded to, please post your idea in this topic to have it reviewed and approved.   Other Topics: Guidelines Approval System



Copyright, Copyleft, And The Art Of Copy & Paste

So I've been asked why I use the particular sign-off I do? So I'll just take this time to explain... because I can.   Well, the copyright means the post or whatever belongs to me. If you don't know about copyright, look it up: I'm not a dictionary or legal expert. I just know what I know, and that's the truth.   As is customary, the copyright year(s) will follow after the copyright symbol. If you haven't figured it out, 1984-2006 is how long I've been around; in other words, it's how long I've



Consonants Should Speak Up!

I wonder what brilliant thinker decided it was smart to have silent consonants in the English language. Why are there quiet k's and g's?   Knight's knowledge of the knot is not. Gnomes gnash gnawing gnat. Science has no answer for its silent c.   I guess the answer lies in the puns... maybe.   Bonus: Antonyms and homonyms are as different as day and knight.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Confound It, Rubik

Invented in 1974, the Rubik's Cube still puzzles many of us to this day.   So I've been trying to figure out the one my brother owns for the past few days... longer actually, but it set in my coat pocket since the other day, somewhat forgotten. (Does that really count?) Anyway, I keep getting one color completely solved, but in my attempts to solve for another color, the first gets messed up, and I merely change the solved color. I try to get the corners correct, and that's what ruins the ori



Computer-based Alphabet: C Isn't Computer.

Just for the heck of it and because I was inspired, I decided to make an alphabet based on computer stuff. (Oh dear, I think I'm turning into a geek/nerd... with the glasses, computer knowledge, jokes, and everything.)   A is for Application B is for Byte C is for COBOL D is for Data E is for ESC F is for Format G is for Gigabyte H is for Hardware I is for Input J is for Jumper K is for Kilobyte L is for Linux M is for Megabyte N is for Nanobyte O is for Output P is for Processor



Completely Off Topic Is Not A Playground

Yes, I know there's a slide, some swings, and a see-saw, but that forum has a point.   Completely Off Topic does not mean completely off all topics: there has to be a point of discussion. Don't just make something up and hope discussion happens: that's the starter's responsibility. (Yes, topic starters have responsibility, though it's more implied.)   Completely Off Topic is not a spamming display site: the name does not mean you can go off the topic that's being discussed. Stick to the topi



Come With Me On A Roller Coaster Ride... Or Not!

I now have a dream to ride every roller coaster known to man, two known to monkeys, and one known to a Tibetan grasshopper named Carl. Okay, I made that last part up... the grasshopper's named Steve; Carl is his cricket friend.   Anyway, as you know if you've been paying attention, I live in Texas, home of the original Six Flags: each representing a country who has "ruled" over my state: Spain, France, Mexico, US, Confederacy, and Texas. (Yes, we were our own country once.)   But I'm not writi



Civic Duty? Check.

As the television, radio, newspaper, and other media advertisements have so "graciously" pointed out over the last few months (it seems that long anyway), today is the day we get to vote. Something that every US citizen 18 and older should be proud to do.   It may seem to be something trivial, but after what the people of the past fought for, it shouldn't be taken for granted. Even people in other countries long to have some say in how their government is run or at least who runs it. Of course,



Chameleon Stole It!

Oh great, I have no Interests. I was just getting ready to copy and paste my interests back into the appropriate place when I discovered something.   Before that Spider Staff thing, I think I forgot to save my interests in my profile anywhere, and I can't remember what was there. I have no idea what I like, but if anyone else knows what I like, please me know, so that I may nod in agreement.   I guess this means I'm going to have actually think now... so much for having a computer screen tell



Certification Achieved

As promised, I shall reveal a couple things I had in store. For two of my college courses, I was required to attempt a Microsoft Certification Exam. (To those who were wondering-- you know who you are-- this is the test I was talking about.) Well, here are the results:  (Personal info removed)   I am now certified in Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 and Microsoft Access 2007.   I guess that means I can now fall into the "over qualified" status for certain job searches.   And I must say I r



Categorizing People

People will always fit into at least one of five categories: Family Friend Acquaintance Enemy Stranger ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



Casual Vs Hardcore

Over the past few years, people who play video games have generally been classified into one of two groups: casual gamers or hardcore gamers. While there is no definitive answer to what fits each group, it all really comes down to investment in each video game one plays. While a casual gamer might play something quick with a little free time, a hardcore gamer is probably more likely to stick with a few games at most until everything possible within the games' rules is accomplished (or some self-



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