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6. ???

7. Profit.

What? :huh:


Pet = friend

Minion = acquaintance, friend, or enemy in some cases :evilgrin:


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM


It's an internet thing.


Whenever you post a plan with a set of numbers, the last two must be '???' and 'Profit.'

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If I knew every Internet meme, etc., I'd probably be one sad, lonely person.


Minions aren't as close as friends, but I'd say you know them more intimately than a casual acquaintance. And usually they're not enemies...
Yeah, usually. :P



Can't they be hybrids?






[-The Alchemyst-]

Yes, that's why I said at least one; some people make enemies of their own family, and others don't know who they're enemy is.


I think you misunderstood what I mean by acquaintance; I consider someone you know but are possibly indifferent to or only know a little to be an acquaintance. For example, you might have co-workers who share your schedule, but you don't really consider them friends, even though you see them every workday. An acquaintance doesn't have to be casual, so much as you just know the person exists or has existed in the same area as you; in other words, you've crossed paths with that person on more than one occasion but don't really care to get to know them.


It's really more of just knowing a name.


©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM

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