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Jan-jan Is Back!

In case no one has noticed, Janus has rejoined the ranks of Completely Off Topic Forum Leaders, which means I'm not the only one who handles approval requests. It's a process that can be so stressful sometimes, so it's always good to have help.   Oh, and he gets a new nickname.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Storms Of Life

It was a slightly crazy weekend. Friday we had to worry about tornadoes in my area: one came really close. My house survived intact, and my church had minimal damage (unlike another, which had the roof torn off). My family and I spent like half an hour in our hallway, having only some power fluxes.   Then on Monday (yesterday), there was the horrible news out of Virginia. I'm saddened by this, as an American and a college student. It was so close to the eighth anniversary (this Friday) of that



Psst, Kid, Wanna Buy A Star?

I didn't think it was real, as I'd only seen it on television shows, but apparently there are real websites that let people purchase stars. That's one of the dumbest, most pointless things I've ever heard. O_O   Anyway, if you need gift ideas for my birthday, I'd like a star near Orion.*   Entry word: Panicky Example: If you don't wash your dishes properly, you might find the inside of a panicky.   *Please don't buy me a star.   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM




So I have an Adobe suite (woohoo), but I don't have the license key yet, so it's currently just a trial (boohoo). It was easier to get Microsoft Office 2007 set up.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Where's The Beef?

So I got Pridak, but I'm not totally impressed with him. I do like the feet, big as they are, so that's not my complaint. What bothers me is he's somewhat lanky for my tastes, but less so since getting an idea from Pekel's review. (Funny that I should read that before making this: I was about to when I noticed the review.)   Anyway, one thing that bothers me about the lankiness is that it's almost as if Pridak wants to collapse. Something that seems desparately needed is some armor, which leads



Your Signature Here

Because five lines is sometimes not enough to say all we want to say and some of us like to change our signatures from time-to-time, I decided to do something. (No, I didn't change the rules.) I decided to dedicate a place in my blog to signature sayings for the departed lines: I call it the SignatUrchives. Mainly, it's for when I'm going to change my signature, but I thought it would also be nice to record other people's, as well; however, it's only for people who are changing their signatures,



Seemingly Harmless

There is nothing that doesn't effect you; for every action (or inaction), there is a positive or negative effect. It may not happen in the short term, you may not see anything noticeable, but in the long run, others will see it.   As much as I hate to just randomly use a bunch of quotes to make my point... "Practice makes perfect." (Just don't practice procrastination.) "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." (And for every inaction, there is someone telling you to get up



Pearl Harbor Day

So it is. And the generation that lived it is dying out. Such is how life goes, yet we pause to reflect on what has gone before.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Civic Duty? Check.

As the television, radio, newspaper, and other media advertisements have so "graciously" pointed out over the last few months (it seems that long anyway), today is the day we get to vote. Something that every US citizen 18 and older should be proud to do.   It may seem to be something trivial, but after what the people of the past fought for, it shouldn't be taken for granted. Even people in other countries long to have some say in how their government is run or at least who runs it. Of course,



Professional Web Designer

I finally made money for helping design and further design a website. I didn't get paid much, and it was for a family friend, but it's still a start.   In other news, I've basically been gone since before the 4th (very fun weekend), and then BZP slipped into an offline coma on Wednesday. Add to the fact I'm taking a college class for July/early August. So if you sent a PM since around that time or have need of my attention, I ask you to be patient and not to think I'm lazy.*   *Just becaus



Has It Really Been That Long?

I guess I really should have posted this Wednesday or at most yesterday, but I was a bit busy, and it kind of slipped my mind. It's been three years.   Funny enough, I did mention something about global conquest in that topic, but I guess Global Moderator is just as good.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Not Quite Lego Posters

There are some perks to working retail:     I got these from the valences at work once they weren't needed. Whenever I get room, I'll have them on my wall.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Road Trip To Air Trip

So I just got back from this thing called "road trip." I traveled from Texas to New Jersey and spent time there for about a week (train trip to Philadelphia one day). Now I've got to get ready for a trip overseas that leaves Friday. It's a crazy busy summer.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



I Just Realized...

The first day of this year was totally binary... except I think I saw a two. Confounded 2 making binary not binary.   Also, at first I pasted the phrase "I'm very versatile" that I had copied earlier from elsewhere; thus, I made the title/entry combo initially "I just realized I'm very versatile." I wish I had known sooner that I was versatile.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Video Games Live!

Nutshell: It's a symphonic experience with video game visuals.   I saw it presented by Dallas Symphony.   It was spectacular.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Irony Strikes Again!

So I've been working at my college's bookstore for the past few weeks, but that's only the beginning of my tale.   Thursday late morning/early afternoon, my college had a social to welcome students to school, and there was this contest in which we put our names and phone numbers. So I'm at work that night, and I get a call telling me I won some prize and when and where I could pick it up; of course, being at work and not having time, I figured on waiting until yesterday (Friday) to pick it up.




I have nothing interesting, if even mildly, to say, so here's a poem from someone I'm positive you've never heard of. I just wanted to do something different than usual.   Even in the wilderness, Some flowers can grow, But once they take root, They will not easily go. ~Nate S. Wheaton   ©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM



Curse Of The... Appropriately Placed Metaphor

Yeah, a few days late and several dollars short (figuratively), but I guess I should say this sometime, and I don't like to have multiple entries for one day.   Anyway, I must be bad luck for the team that loses the Super Bowl because for the past several years, I have wanted the team that lost to win (before the event began obviously). It's not because I'm sure the losing team's better or feel it's a sure thing. In fact, I'm not a big sports fan: I just like to root for someone, so I go for th



I Gave It To The Peach!

So apparently there's a new Veggie Tales movie coming out this year about "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything." You know, for guys who supposedly don't do anything, they certainly seem to have a lot of credits to their name.   I guess if they actually lived up to their name, it would be a pretty boring career.   Drat the luck: I can't find a way to work a good pun with "fresh," "veggies," and "comedy" in there anywhere. *Weeps*   ©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM



Quote Marks Don't Work And Are Not Allowed

The title's a bit misleading, as this is a dual entry for two things: quotation marks in reports and reporting things that are not allowed.   Many times I see reports that should read with the quotation marks like so: "Such-and-such" topic, but the quotation mark reads as: " I don't know if that's just how it is for me, but that's how I see it.   Speaking of reports, often I get reports that say some type of topic is not allowed. Generally, it's not necessary to say that the type of topic is



Shadow Complex

Is Super Metroid for Xbox 360 but with a storyline. It's that good.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Brickfest Or Bust... I'm Gonna Burst Now

"Bust" is slang, people!!   Okay, so I'm not going to Brickfest (darn that money and its costiness), but I am working on some MOCs to send to Brickfest. I have a specific number in mind of a certain type of MOC I'm working on to send, but I won't say what either is because it all goes hand-in-hand (hands aren't going to be MOC'd, by the way).   So I'm going to send the BBC Ninjo MOC plus an unspecified number of certain MOCs. Having finished almost half of them, I'll hopefully have the rest fi



Hey Everyone Should Know I Contacted Member X!

First off, I'd like to say there is currently no one by the name of Member X (which is really kind of surprising). Anyway, this is not whether or not Member X does or does not exist or whether said will or will not exist. What I'm writing about is posting to let everyone know you sent a Personal Message to a certain member. Yes, you might be posting to let the person know you sent him/her a PM or asking if said member got your PM, but when you post it, you're also telling everyone else this info



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