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Oh, Really?

So there's this whole big pointless phenomenon with a shortened version of the phrase "Oh, really?" Well, while playing Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass, I noticed Linebeck used the phase, so I did my best to get a picture of that particular scene.   Honestly, it's not a great picture, and it's a bit hard to read, but I don't have a capture card or anything.   Anyway, I decided to expand beyond that and made these:   This one is so-so in the thought process.   Somewhat in honor of the



Office 2007

...is a terrible crime against computer users of all ages. Leave it to Microsoft to take the simple and make it complex, thus defeating the primary purpose of computers.   I hate every piece of software that I have used in that suite. Word 2007's problem is command placement; it doesn't help if one doesn't know what category something is under or that I have to click/right-click on the circle in the upper left to access certain commands, considering it wasn't that way before. PowerPoint 2007




I totally just finished reading BIONICLE Legends #11, and I so did not expect that. I never saw it coming.   *Hugs spoiler policy*   Takanuva's Blog makes so much of the book seemingly already read though.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



O Dde S T Game To Play

I have it. Not played it yet though... been too busy.   I have time off now from work for a few days, but I don't feel so good right now.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Nothing Works Right!

Oh, this has been such a terrible weekend, and the "festivities" aren't over yet. Our microwave fan is going out; our oven doesn't ov(?), and family computers have been wanting to not connect to the Internet.   I liked that microwave: it's lasted thirty-some odd years: I think it was a wedding gift for my parents or something like that. (That's what real technology is. Take that modern technology!) For the past several years, it's been pushing itself anyway: there were times when it just needed



Not Quite Lego Posters

There are some perks to working retail:     I got these from the valences at work once they weren't needed. Whenever I get room, I'll have them on my wall.   ©1984-2010 Toaraga EAM



Not Feeling Jovial

A good friend of mine passed away Tuesday night. While I only knew him for a little over a year, I really got to know him during that time, and we were even working on some video projects together the past couple weeks. If he was nothing else, he was a hard worker; considering his physical limitations, he was the hardest working person I knew.   I couldn't even bring myself to buy one of the new sets we had in stock and plan to review it once I got the news yesterday, and other things I had p



Not A Toys R Us Employee

Saturday was officially my last day as a Toys 'R Us employee (unless I go back later): December 11, 2008 - July 10, 2010.   Now you may ask why I quit my job (or maybe you don't care), but rest assured, I had good reasons. No, I was not malcontent or hateful of my job (though I had off-days, same as anyone else), but I had reasons for leaving my job of nearly 19 months.   The main reason was so that I would be able to travel. I've already mentioned the missions trip to Hungary... which is stil



No Longer Walking Everywhere

Remember this? There was a reason that event took place what seems like so long ago. To anyone who cares, I now have a driver's license (or as the manual would put it "driver license"); I got it last Thursday and have been using it to run various errands when I can.   Before anyone asks, never you mind why I didn't have mine sooner: numerous factors and all that. I'll just state the only one you really need to know: I possess the abilities to walk and ride a bicycle (yes, I have had to walk a b



New Year, New Color

It's probably a more subtle orange, verging on yellow-orange, but it's probably easier on the eyes.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



New Xbox Experience

It's very interesting. Then again, I have only checked the whole thing for just a bit, but I do like that the Guide doesn't basically block the whole screen now. There's still so much more stuff to learn.   Quick Launch is good for the disc-based games... unless you mean to check out the game info and not play the game just yet, as I was trying to do more than once. It's nice for the Library games though.   Install game to hard drive is win, especially for multiplayer games to get certain



New Gamertag

After the few years of having Toaraga as my Xbox Live Gamertag, I finally changed it. Unfortunately, the name I originally wanted was apparently too long (15 characters max), so I went with another one after several different ideas.   Hyper Text MaLe   I'll give 5 non-cents to the person who gets that.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



My Two Year Plan

I get to be the best man at my best friend's wedding in about two years.   And tomorrow he begins basic training in the army.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



My Political Platform

A dictionary in every home and a thesaurus in every garage.   A definiendum in all domiciles and a synonymous tome in all domestic vehicular parking structures.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



My Calendar Expired!

What should I do? Should I buy a new one or send my old one in for a replacement? I just can't go through life with an expired calendar. After all I went through to make sure it was timely and up-to-date, I just don't know what to do.   Of course, it's not that far out of its expiration date, so I could always keep it for a rainy day. Who knows; it might eventually come back into style.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Most Epic Song Ever

"Crayons Can Melt on Us For All I Care" by Relient K. It's even better if you don't know what to expect.   ©1984-2009 Toaraga EAM



Monk Won't Be The Same

For those who enjoy the show Monk, it just won't be the same. The man who played Dr. Kroger (Stanley Kamel) died of a heart attack last night.   I just wonder how this will effect things.   ©1984-2008 Toaraga EAM



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