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The Great American Road Trip III

Well folks, it's that time of year again - Sumiki's annual whirlwind tour around North America, and the third year in succession in our evil plot to turn a continent into a backyard.   After over 16,600 miles in over 60 days in the first two Great American Road Trips, not to mention the sanely paced road trips of my younger and more vulnerable years, I have been in 42 states and exactly half of Canada's wonderful provinces. Looking at a map and checking off the places I've been in leaves a consp



Metus Helmet

Why does everyone think the Metus helmet is overused in contests/MOCs? IT'S AWESOME!   -=< >=-



Brickfair Want

The more I see pictures and accounts of BrickFair, my longing to have been there multiplies by two.   I SWEAR I WILL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO BE THERE NEXT YEAR.   AND BRING STUFF.   *evil crackling*



Representation, Part II

Specifically, with regards to the gender imbalance in modern media:   I'd like to see a story where, during the writing process, the characters are completely fleshed out and developed. Genders would be assigned at random at the end by computer generation, so as to avoid any unwanted author-based prejudices.   Obviously this example refers to a book, but the same process could go for anything.   (I was going to say more, but I think this pretty much speaks for itself.)



Admin For A Day

Had a few entries like this a while back, but like I said, that was a while back, so it's time for a redux!   Basically, if you had sole control over BZPower, who would you appoint to different Staff positions? Why is optional.   1) A Forum Admin steps down. Which Global Moderator do you promote? 2) Which Forum Leader fills the now-vacant Global Moderator slot? 3) Which Forum Assistant is promoted to Forum Leader? 4) Which member is promoted to Forum Assistant? 5) You need a new reporter.



2013: A BrickFair Odyssey

We're taking our time going up to BrickFair this year, getting there in two days instead of one. We're just about to head out the door towards Richmond.   I'm pumped!   And I have lots of hats!   This is exciting!



Top Ten Animals

1. Opossums 2. Prairie Dogs 3. Cats 4. Marmots 5. Llamas 6. Meerkats 7. Hedgehogs 8. Platypuses 9. Narwhals 10. Crabs




ham sandwich, pope pablo v, in&out beard, eljay's mask, adultman, onion, jaws 37, jens, 8volt train, knob hobble Valendale: "Bricks Out for Bionicle!" We all get orange 1x1s for our badges Even Hevin Kinkle Kevin Hinkle gets Bricked Out for Bionicle #dontcrinklethehinkle2k16 BZP+TTV Panel, Maddison asked at the end if she dreams about farm animals Italian lunch! Three members stuffed into the hatchback of the Pablomobile Pablomobile is no longer Colombian soil but now features the pat



Going For 5000

My dad bet me that I could make it to 5000 posts on BZP before he gets to 500 posts on another forum that he's a member of.   I accepted.   BRING IT ON!   -=< >=-



The Great American Road Trip - 5 - Carlsbad

After spending the night in Amarillo (where my dad suggested that we get back home by way of Maine), we got back on the road. Like last night, though, there serendipity in navigating Amarillo's confusing street layout: we saw from our car the Cadillac Ranch, which is a number of upended Cadillacs, trunks to the sky, half-buried in dirt. It is the exhibition of Stanley Marsh III, a man who got involved with the pop art craze. He also reportedly has purchased a number of billboards in the Amarillo



Nobody Understands

Everyone seems to be panicking over the end of Bionicle, like the storyline's ending too.   *ahem*   I feel like I'm the only person who read this.



I'm The Rpg Newb!

Holy crunchy cranky petunias, Sumiki joined a RPG!   Now to figure out the rest …



Baseblog - April 27, 2010

Note: Most of today's notes are from LewaLew but adapted for use here. I also added details.   • Johnson's epic CG: You'd think they'd take him out sooner - winning by nine runs and all that - but consider that it was a three-hitter. With 12 Ks. And he drove in three runs. Who says pitchers can't hit? • Washington walks in the losing run in the tenth: Amazingly they don't have a losing record. (It's important to LL, at least, considering who the other team was. The Windy City was really fighti



And You Thought Longcat Was Long.

That is all.   Comment nine bypasses the word filter. Please edit that out, and then you can republish. <<DV>>   Hmph, the things that happen when I'm away.



Tuesday Tablescraps - 8/26/14 - Miniland Hatpile

A collaboration between Pablo (Zatth) and I at this year's BFVA for the Mini-Con. I did the hats and we both scrounged the vendors for the rest of the parts (although he came up with more of the body parts than I did).



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