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New Blender Usages

"Bassomatic".   Google. It. NOW.   Comment with your response. Don't worry, nothing breaking BZP rules.




I got them organized!   *parties*   Now the question remains:   Can I keep them that way?   -=< >=-  



Family Coming!

My grandmother is coming up for a three-day-visit tomorrow.   Which means I have to clean my room of all the Bionicle I have.   *smacks head repeatedly*   -=< >=-




I have the nastiest burn on my right index finger.   Remind me never to touch the insides of microwaves again. It is a serious hindrance to my typing abilities.   And to think that I was smart enough to not do that …



Hot Topics

Have you ever noticed that staff birthday topics are always a hot topic after they're closed?   IMO, the Admins should remove closed topics from the Hot Topics list.   -=< >=-



I Ordered...

I ordered, from S@H...TLR Titan MN (flame me if you want, it's for parts) That System fire-house modular thing that you don't care about



Titan Mata Nui Isn't Such A Bad Set

I can only find two problems: the pistons on his lower body and his lower legs.   Yeah, my order came.   Saw TLR today also, COME BACK BRICKEENS THERE AREN'T ANY SPOILERS!   *ahem*   TLR was actually much more epic and much, much funnier than I had anticipated. I am eagerly awaiting what goodies Tinseltown will produce in 2010 and 2011.   Currently, I'm building the System set I ordered, the City modular-style Fire Brigade. I've been too near the floor for too longm and I'm starting to get



The Christmas Spirit

-----Our alarms went off at 6:00. We snoozed it quite a bit, but by a little after 7:00 we went to Fast Eddy's for breakfast. We wanted to get a small sampling of breakfast goodies in anticipation of a late lunch outside of Fairbanks, and we ordered what we thought was going to be a small meal. We entertained the waitresses with our pre-coffee selves and ordered. What we did not know was that the Eddy's philosophy of Alaska-sized dinners would also be applied to their breakfasts. My two blu



Accidental Trailblazers

-----6:00 in the morning—our newest frequent wakeup time—saw us ready to go a little after 7:00. Our first stop of the day was at a Safeway in Fairbanks to replenish our supply of water, which didn't take that long save for checking out; the store was still opening and there were only a few self-checkout lanes open, which slowed us a bit, but we weren't getting massive amounts. We found a spot in which to stuff the water supply and we hit the road on the Parks Highway southbound.   -----As we



Music Favorites IX - Lowell Liebermann's Nocturne No. 4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDcHnKh2Ouc   Lowell Liebermann is a modern pianist-composer from New York. His music, a blend of traditional structure and profound invention, has made him one of the most popular and most often-played of modern-day classical composers. As a pianist, a good chunk of Liebermann's works have been for or include the piano, including three Sonatas, eleven Nocturnes, and his most famous piece, the epic Gargoyles.   His fourth Nocturne is one of my favorites - although




I don't usually post three blog entries in a row, but those pesky Library minions are keeping me way too busy. As if I don't have enough to do already.   Forever   The subtle waves swept onto the shoreline, lapsing peacefully back upon the ocean from whence they came. The wind was brisk and light, with the most indistinguishable of salty tangs to the air. The sea, such as it was, was slowly and forthrightly climbing onto the shoreline, doing its best to slowly eat away at the footsteps that



I Know You All Will Hate Me For This...

...but Up was not as good as other Pixar movies I've seen. Look, it's not like I hated it, it was alright, but it's not the type of movie I'd buy on DVD. It was just too slow in parts. C'mon, Disney, just get the point across and get to the part we all want to see. I dunno, I just think they could have improved on the final product.   But later my friend and I got in our pool for the first time all year, and that was pretty sweet. We also used some Nerf guns to shot down Bionicle sets, and when



Back Off, Bunda!

...j/k.   Just FYI, my posting font is NOT the same as Bunda's. He posts in Georgia, I post in Palatino.   NO IM NOT A COPYCAT thank you for asking



The Great American Road Trip II - 12 - Grin and Bear It

We left the hotel around 10:30 and, after gassing up, headed out on the Yellowhead Highway to Kamloops, BC.   Within thirty minutes we'd had a bear sighting - a momma grizzly and her cub. We pulled off the road and watched them for ten minutes, but the mother did nothing but eat and the cub did nothing but sleep and occasionally poke his head up above the grass to look at us. This sighting made the count eight bear in three days.   Soon after we exited Jasper National Park. Within two minutes we



The Great American Road Trip II - 17 - In Thu Volcanoe

After breakfast, our destination for the day was Craters of the Moon National Monument, halfway between Carey and Arco in the middle of Idaho, which might as well also be the middle of nowhere. This was the first day in a good long while where there was neither rain nor the threat of it, and we spent the sunniness and breeziness of the day to our full advantage.   Soon after leaving Mountain Home on US Route 20, which took us all the way through the Craters into Idaho Falls, we saw a full-blown




I added a quotes content block.   Check it out!   -=< >=-



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