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Entries in this blog

I Like Chocolate

I like chocolate. Do you? I hope you do. It's okay if you don't, but just realize that if you don't you're missing out on the best-tasting thing that's color is brown.



Guess What?

ME: Guess what?   YOU: What?   ME: I forgot.   YOU: No, tell me!   ME: Fine... my dog is pretty.   YOU: We all know, dude. Why don't you just stop saying that Cleo is pretty?   ME: I just asked Cleo. She doesn't like you.



Entry 2: Jan. 7, 2007

Well, this morning, (unlike yesterday) when I woke up, I didn't think about BZPower. I only thought about it when I was eating my breakfast. So the moment I was done eating, I got on BZPower.   Finally, the first poll I made made it to Hot Topic #10, and then 9, and then 10 again. Sure, it's not up at the top, but it's a start, right?   I left BZPower for a few minutes to play BIONICLE Heroes. I'm 61% through the game. I might be done with it by March. But I'm unsure about that.



Entry # 10: Last " Entry #... "

This isn't my last entry. This is just the last entry that I'll be saying "Entry #..."   Okay. That's basically it. Also, my last entry made a record with number of comments: 5! 5 comments is the most number of comments in my blog... ever! Can we beat that record? Only time can tell...   -------------------------------------------------   "Man, I wish I had the Mask of Time." --My brother



Kiiden And Dazra

Hey - I made another epic. It's called Kiiden and Dazra.   Here is the link: Kiiden and Dazra.



I Suck...

A list of things that I am not good at:   HALO: The Library (Level)   Getting reviews for my epic (does anybody read it besides me?)   Not sneaking chocolate chips from my cabinet (they just taste too good! I hope my parents don't read this entry...)



How Fast Can I Type The Alphabet?

abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz   That took me eight seconds. I had my brother (The Toa of FIre) time me. I know that it seems kinda slow, but I half-messed up at the end.



Call Me What You Want

Go ahead. Call me what you want. Cleofan, Cleofan119, that guy who thinks he's a moderator... do I look like I care? Oh, right, I forgot - you can't see me.



The Six Matoran Ending!

The Six Matoran, my favorite epic I have written, is coming to a close. It is in the process of being written, and I would like to give away a few epic moments from the finale.   Highlight the following at your own risk.   All of the Six Matoran will meet each other. Saror will escape from his cell and attempt to kill Esta. Kirri leaves Tuko by himself after a brief argument. The ending may give you the shivers because it's so cool.




Makuta conquered! I have conquered Makuta successfully. I wonder what I will be next...



Finale Preview!

Here is an excerpt from the finale chapter of my epic, The Six Matoran.     Ruso ran to catch up with Noru. "Why did I need to know that?"   Noru stared at Ruso. "Because I just felt like telling it to someone. If you want to help me find it, just go to Ko-Metru.   Ruso nodded. "Let's both go there. I'll help you look for that Rahi."   So Ruso and Noru both left the archives and jumped in a chute that took them to Ko-Metru.   -------------   Irt looked around. There was no one is sight. Th



New Guitar

Well, it's been a very long time since I've last posted. April, actually. Anyway, I just started guitar lessons back in August, and today, I bought my first electric guitar! It's really nice. It's called the Reverend Jetstream HB.




This contest is similar to the one I did awhile ago with one of my other epics, The Six Matoran. In that contest, you'd come up with a name for a character, and the best name got to be used as a character in my epic. The winner also got a PM with the completed epic chapter before I posted it.   This contest is similar, but not exactly the same.   In my latest epic, Barro is trying to solve a mystery based around a dream he had and the fact this his friend died. I want YOU to come up with a cha



Not Much Bzpower

I haven't been on BZPower a lot, because of HALO. It's so fun and addicting, and it's taking my BZPower time away from me! But I'll try my best to stay BZPower-oriented.



Story Ideas

Here are some good '07 story ideas for you to play.   1. Have all the past enemies join forces for an ultimate battle against the Toa Mahri.   2. Have the Barraki defeat the Toa Mahri for a change.   3. Have one Barraki turn good or a Toa turn bad.   4. Have the Barraki pretend to be good and then have a battle against the Toa Mahri.   5. Have th Barraki lose all their squid so they only have their weapons.   I'm running out of ideas.



My Epic

I just made an epic! So far I only have the first chapter, but I think that this will be my best epic ever!   Chapter 2 now up!   Click here to view my epic!




If you haven't read my signaute already, I'm going camping until the end of the weekend, so don't expect anything from me until after that.



3 Years

Not that any of you really care, but today marks my 3-year anniversary here.



Entry #8: Bionicle Heroes! ( Jan. 16, 2007)

I beat BIONICLE Heroes today!   Well, not really. I got the Mask of Life, and I unlocked the first bonus level. I think I'm seventy-something percent through the game. What happens when I finish? I can't wait to find out!



Halo... Again...!

Well, I finish "Shafted", but now I'm stuck on the level in the snow. "I would be your Daddy" or something. If you've got any tips, could you let me know? Thanks.       ~Cleofan119




Here's an interesting bit of information:   In my epic, I have a character named Bikonn. Bikonn was the name of a character in one of my other epics. Weird, huh?  



No! And Then Yes!

I went to the LEGO store today, but the Toa Mahri weren't there! NO! But now we're gonna order them. YES!



My Opinion

Happy Valentine's Day everybody! I am about to post my opinion on Valentine's day:   Oh - wait! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time.   Anyway, I am about to post my opinion on Valentine's Day:   Love. Roses. Hearts. Boxes of Chocolates. Mmmm... chocolate. I think I'll go have one right now. *Eats chocolate* Okay! Anyay, Valentine's Day is about love. Love to a boyfriend, girlfriend, mom, dad, aunt, uncle, granmother, grandfather, friends - anybody! But Valentine's Day isn't just about l



Entry 4: Jan. 10, 2007

Sorry that I don't have a lot to write today; I didn't have a lot of time on BZPower. I went to my grandma's house until 6:00 pm, so that's why I didn't get a lot of time.   Okay, well, finally, I got another comment on my blogs. Not many people comment on my blog.   EDIT: Yay! I'm a Steely Visionary! Yay!   ~Cleofan119



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