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idk my pal

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I think I did something to my leg... I can't walk without the pain present. And it hurts a lot more than it did earlier ><




I smashed my toe with a very heavy bed.   My toe now looks funny.



Our Cat.

She is so adorable when she's all hyper and rolling around like a psychotic madcat on a bed. <3




There are some opinions best left unsaid; less feelings are hurt that way.



Oops I Vanished Again

Haven't been online in a while, but a lot of stuff was going on so I didn't really have the time!   Anyway, a lot of it was making medical appointments and getting new prescriptions and that, along with adjusting to them. Was pretty excited about that, since one of them is estrogen c: (Other one just makes me drowsy/sleepy as a side effect so).     But I'm now a ceramics student at a studio nearby, so that's neat. Just something fun and interesting to do before the next school year starts (which



Ooooooh...it An Entry O.o

Today I went to see that new animated Star Wars movie upon the insistance of my sister. It was just one battle after another, the droid commander and the droid sergeant are my two favorite characters. <3 » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « "I can't see them."- Sergeant   *Peers over the edge, slips and falls yelling*   "Get back here Sergeant!"- Commander   Droid Commanders and Droid Sergeants are so kewl. Everything else was okay, not really my favorite... » Click to show



Ooooh, Oooooh Look What I Boughtz! =)

I dun have a working camera, but I bought that LEGO AT-TE tank thingy.   Rex and the battle droid I call Sergeant came with it along with Anakin and Ahsoka along with a clone and that Rotta glob of green.   I haven't finished it yetz, but I madez the figs and STAP vehical that came with it 8D



Only In Your Dreams...

Will a mail-man be out in the middle of the night, delivering a package, and then be randomly attacked by a harpy while in Cloud City.



Online Testing, It's The New Thing For Spink!

I just realized a bunch of tests I have to take are all online. From grade/rank tests, to the test needed to get my driver's permit (Which I totally could've gotten seven months ago), to a ton of the school tests for next year.   Of course, out of all of those, I'm primarily looking forwards to doing all of the driving tests. I'd like to get them out of the way ASAP so I can get my driver's permit and then, in a year, I'll have a full license. It won't be any issue to get that, either, as my m



Online Purchases

posting this everywhere but ngl i'm pretty psyched to have the skirt i ordered finally   it feels nice and not cheap even though i got it at a decent price, it fits perfectly fine and looks rather flattering on me. just need to buy the other parts to make an entire outfit since it doesn't go well with most of my shirts (maybe a sweater i have would work better) it's red/black with a sort of flowy floral design on it (the flowers are black) and idk i like it.   i did want a black/purple one but i



One Thing I Look Forward To.

Brick Fair 09. I was recently reminded of it by my parental guardian who said that we'd be going for sure unless family matters would get in the way. (If they got in the way).   So, I'm excited for it to come already, and stuff... so... yeah.



One Thing

I forgot to mention that I had been in Member spotlight yesterday. That made me feel special. =D



One Other Thing I Do Miss.

I really miss having a huge, really open field/meadow that had all of these flowers, enwreathed by amazing, and magnificent trees that smelled of a very potent pine. No one ever went to this area, so I did a lot, and it was really nice to just have some music on your iPod/MP3/Whatever and just lay in the grass and flowers, staring at the sky as clouds passed by, with nothing but the sound of the trees and your thoughts. It was so quiet, so peaceful, and probably one of my favorite places I've ev



One More.

One more essay until I'm done with them, besides for the one due next week that we haven't been completely told about. In other school news, I only got one question wrong on the Biology test of the Semester so far (Tested on everything we learned in the class this semester), and I got all the honors questions correct (Makes me feel smart, that does). In French, all my grades have been perfect so far, not one dwindling away from that perfect score (Except, I might've gotten some wrong on somethin



One More Interesting Disussion

In class a student asked if they could tell a joke, answer was yes and here is how it went;   "What did the farmer say when he lost his tractor?"   "I don't know, what did the farmer say?"   "I lost my tractor."   How it was said and the timing of it all was perfect enough to make everyone just laugh a bit at that.



One More Entry

It's Bionicle Rex's Birthday. Here's the Topic; Topic Now go wish the hardworking man a happy birthday!



One Less Day.

I'll be back in one less day, meaning Wednesday/Thursday not Thurs/Fri.   Saw Terminator 4 -- it was cool. Got two "new" swords, since they were both owned by Grandpa and need polishing up and cleaning. I was actually surprised I got something to tell the truth, but I was informed that no one knew what to do with the swords and no one wanted to chuck them out, so I got them. *shrugs*   Going to the funeral in... I dunno, a few hours maybe? The ride there will be anywhere from 2 and a half hou



old moc stuff

i found pictures of my old moc i made during a panic attack a few years ago and i kinda wanna find where i put her so i can finish her




The poll in the other Entry still stands, I suggest leaving a vote or something... please?   But that's not what this entry is for;   Alright, so I was asked to blog about this, but I will not say who asked in case they'd prefer to not be mention (It's not a "they" it's a single person), but I felt like I should anyway.   Now, from what I have seen, BZPers can have logical, well thought out and said debates. Now, flaming and arguing are not debates, and those generate from "debating" about so



ok one more

i have discovered the way to increase my enjoyment of the videogame Heroes of the Storm is to pick Kharazim, go full damage, and play the One Punch Man theme in the background



Oh... Darn...

Reading some posted information on my school's website, I was apparently supposed to request a locker weeks ago... during my lunch period. I know that they were shouting about something, but in the lunchroom you can barely hear yourself think. So now I think I should get this all straightened out so I'm not like "Umm... what do I do now?" on the first day of school ><   And I also get all the new teachers for classes... I hope they are nice ._.   Oh, and I really am begging that the ten




I forgot to mention that I got the highest score out of my class on some letter thing I completely forgot about until I was handed it back.   Only got one point knocked off, and that was cuz I didn't check to make sure that every word was single spaced. [i'm saying between the words -- not the lines], so the fact that someone caught that surprised me.




I think I get math. I taught all that I missed from Monday to myself and did my work without flaws.   And I am very suckish at number-y stuff.



Oh! Oh! Here's -My- To Do List!

- Get hair to cooperate for once in its miserable life (hopefully for all of BFair, but it'll prolly look dumb for another year) </3 - Do the "luxury" packing (backpack full of stuff, like my camera, tablet, a few books maybe, my notebook, possibly my 3DS and -maybe- a small MoC or something) - Get all of my music back on my iPod (it was acting up so did a restore... on the wrong computer -__- ) and maybe add some more... maybe. ((Stop screwing up the song I'm lip syncing to << >>



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