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idk my pal

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It makes me sad to see that, even though people seemed interested in it in the planning topic, hardly anyone has made any posts in it. I know the beginning is slow, it was sort of designed that way (as I figured peope would do their own little thing), but is really no one interested in it?   Sort of makes me sad, I had high hopes for it and even went through the pains to plan stuff. ;-;



Oddity In The Mood I'm In...

I'm in a mood to go post something very emotional and involving things to die, I dunno why... I thinks it's influence from the music I'm listening to, some drawing shtuffz and a tad bit of somethings I plan on writing in the future.   I've never been very compelled to type something up where a favorite character of my own dies... I am not going to cuz it'd give too many things away to quickly... perhaps I'll type up a very large list of characters nao...yeah that should do the trick.




Friday;   -Wolverine Movie -Late night TV   Saturday;   -Out to eat -Best Buy -Blockbuster -Target -Sister gets hooked on Final Fantasy -I rent Armored Core, and Gundam Crossfire [i hate the combat in Gundam ><]   Sunday;   -Yardwork from 12:00 - 3:00 PM -Lunch. -BZP Time. -Blog




Absolute madness broke out. A friend I made at school was sent to the hospital during school hours. Why? Because some moron thinking he's "All that" decided to throw him to the ground. It took me every ounce of will power to not through this guy out the window, trust me at that early in the morning and seeing that happen really ticks me off.   I would have sent him to the hospital, but no, I'm better than that and so I simply composed myself while proper help arrived. Person in question was su




The wind is making howling noises, and it sounds like the noises ghosts make in movies. ._.;;;;



Blood Unit

Blood Unit (I rate it PG-13) The blood covered warrior gazed across the rocky terrain that was strewn with bodies and gore. He had caused this, every last life that had been ended. Why? One may ask; because quite frankly he wasn't happy, not ever since they killed probably the closest friend he had ever had. Squish His armored boot smashed through a skull of some strange looking monster which had the blood in the shade of dark purple, and whose brain seemed to envelope the man's f




Iwish I could think of something worthwhile to put here, so I shall put how I feel in the form of a picture...     Enjoy.



a how to

when ur gettin hit by the pizza combo dash backwards



Bzprpg Drawing

It's not that good, I admit, but it was like... the first mechanical/Bionicle based drawing I've done since like... sixth grade. There's a lot of problems with it, that I took notes on a separate paper about (The hands aren't really the same, there's some structural differences. The eyes are slightly off, and the details on the upper legs look pretty flat). But enough of my rambling (and I took a pic of it with a camera... scanner... it's just not liking me). It also looks more Toa-esque than ma



Musical Inspirations

My friend showed me a song recently that made me want to write, or just find, a story where the fate of the world hinges on Pong.   And, like, the characters would challenge each other to these world-changing, mind-smashing rounds of the game with:   "Let us play Pong."   And it'd be all dark and serious and stuff. *makes ominous hand motions for dramatic effect*




There are some opinions best left unsaid; less feelings are hurt that way.



Here's The Deal... With More Detail

Okay, so I won't be on Wednesday to Sunday, like most of you all know. The reason is because of a huge party a friend of mine is throwing, and he wanted me to be there to celebrate, I accepted and am now going to be stuck on a plane for most of tomorrow (Wed).   I'll be on in the morning of Wednesday, maybe, along with some of the afternoon. If I get on at night, I got lucky. As for Thursday, no. I won't be on period. Friday, I might get on now and again, but I'd probably be easier to find on X




So I have a job interview with them tomorrow! (The theaters, not the channel sillies)   Just need to run to get my haircut after school (It's getting long *hasn't gotten it cut since before Brickfair*), shave and find something nice to wear.   What's awesome is that I know how to get there, and to the haircut place, and have my own car to drive myself there in (and to school, so no blechy buses anymore)   Hopefully I get the job *would love to work at AMC*




I can't sleep. I've been trying for three hours now, and I just can't... so I resorted to BZP and trying to find something to do.



Being Ignored.

It's annoying when I'm ignored, after I said something important. It happens the most in the RPGs I help staff, like back with BZProvince, I was ignored a lot in there, but I had the compassion to keep people alive and well.   I just lost that compassion.   Oh, and 400th entry. Was hoping to put pics of Exia [Whenever it comes in the mail =3] instead of text, but oh well.   Besides, I need a good digital camera to take pics, and I have about a week or so 'till it comes.



Blood Unit Part The Second

Blood Unit Part Two (Still rated PG-13) Jack! Wake up will you! The computerized AI that resided in his head basically yelled.The yelling of the AI was acknowledged by some movement from the crimson armored Spartan as he tried to push himself up. His Heads Up Display (HUD) was flashing as he took note that the missile had wiped out his shields, and had damaged the actual armor considerably. Groaning his stood up in his soot stained armor, the shoulder pads were of the HAYABUSA design a




Omi is awesome.   Secondleh;   Well today as many of you could probably guess I hadn't gone to school. Parent says I'm sick, I said "Ok" and I shtay here bored out of my wits for some of the day (not really =P)   What hit me as odd was that BZP was active enough to keep me busy even during school hours, when normally from past experiences it isn't so much. That struck me as weird and shtuff, but still.   Thirdleh;   I learned that we ran out of normal lunch foodz so I had to make myself som



this, the year of 2014

i havent made an entry since last year whoops   but uh comparatively to last year this year's better (like, moving back to civilization) and i'm going back to college (kinda debatable if a week in one counts as being there in the first place haha) but at this college my old AP credits and stuff actually count so it's not wasted effort and money anymore (like i think i have half of my freshman year's worth of credits done on those alone? which is like i attended the full semester at the college h



The After-Fair

Okay, this isn't a full detailed entry full of all my pictures. Oh no, this is but a bored "I did some stuff" with some pictures taken after the fact. Not big images either, so yeah. Actually I only have one more, it's of the stuff I bought (okay some of it, not all of it)     Just missing the Mines of Moria set and the Race for the Tesseract set (if that's what it's called...). Anyways, can't see it but Loki has a giant buster sword hidden behind lil' Takua, and the pink haired person is roc



Math Class.

We watch I Robot (I spell it that way cuz it's easier for me for some reason)   And we talk about the fifty year old book written by Isaac Asimov, and somehow it actually all does tie in to what we're learning so Math Class is at the moment, awesome.



What I Do On A Busy Day.

This is what I do on a standard day of which is busy. (Today)   -I go to sleep sometimes around 3:00 AM which is generally a bad idea. -I wake up at 9:00 AM, and lay in bed for an hour or so. -Get up, skip the whole getting dressed phase half the time, make breakfast and eat it. -Go on the comp to play some of the GuildWars stuff and see what I can do. -Went on BZP to make sure my stuff was working, got two PMs saying that I need to get on AIM, so I go to Meebo since my AIM sucks. -Hour



Additional Things To Speak Of.

I do have a new blog theme picked out to be used, however I must go off to find people who can resize some of the pictures I have, though I dunno who to bug yet. I like the new theme I picked out, as well as the name I decided on and even the subtitle. It'll be fun =)   Oh, and Exo and Bfa, your names now burn my eyes.



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