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Here's The Deal... With More Detail



Okay, so I won't be on Wednesday to Sunday, like most of you all know. The reason is because of a huge party a friend of mine is throwing, and he wanted me to be there to celebrate, I accepted and am now going to be stuck on a plane for most of tomorrow (Wed).


I'll be on in the morning of Wednesday, maybe, along with some of the afternoon. If I get on at night, I got lucky. As for Thursday, no. I won't be on period. Friday, I might get on now and again, but I'd probably be easier to find on XBL (Gamertag is Rakaru). As for Saturday, probably not. I'll most likely be visiting with another friend, and us three'd do things that say "I HAVE A LIFE." That night I'd most likely be at the movies.


As for Sunday; MAYBE, But I have my doubts about it. At night, when I'm home, I may be on, or I may finally get some healthy sleep.


So; I will most likely not be answering any IMs/PMs/Emails/Comments/and such. If I post in a topic, it means I was able to steal some time.


Just keeping everyone updated on that.


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