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But what happened?


Wednesday I woke up at ten o'clock AM, and had to head off to the airport at eleven AM. We had some trouble going through the baggage stuff as apparently my parent didn't understand that there was a ten dollar fee for putting a bag into the cargo of the plane. Once that was all done, we had two hours to murder. I ate a cheesecake, and fell asleep to pass those two hours.


The plane ride was boring, and a kid behind me threw up and it smelled quite bad for the following hour.


I met several old friends of mine at the airport who procceeded to tell me all about the new stuff they got and how my life was. Well, Two of them got GoW2 Limited Edition right when it came out (GameStop is within walking distance from their homes) and I asked how it was and stuff.


Then Friend A and I got to his home (cuz I was staying there) and we ate too much, felt sick and went to sleep.


Thursday was a bit more boring; we didn't do anything that day, but he wanted to show off his "new" 360 that I had chipped in to buy him for his birthday, along with a few books I brought along with. He told me about the annoying button though. You have to jam the thing hard to get it to work.


I checked up on BZP on Thurs, went on as Anonymous and such.


There was the main celebration on Thursday for my friend, and we ate, took pics and had fun. Then, We all got together and had a Thanksgiving dinner.


Friday was more fun, at the school my friend goes to, you sell these chocolates in order to get a plane ticket to DC. Sooo, we went out with a box, sold it, and then (Much to my persuasion) we walked down to the local "mini" mart, where we both got energy drinks. Shortly after we chugged our cans and disposed of them properly, we headed back to my friends house. We went out at 2:00 PM, and came back at 5:30 PM.


So, then, like on all Fridays of the past, we piled into a car and headed off to friend B's home. There, we did quite the bit of things. First we played GoW2 on Horde which was set on Insane, and we made it up to wave twenny six, then... we got murdered, and ripped to pieces.


Before we went to our Friend's house, we stopped at GameStop where I bought GoW2 the regular edition.


I ate dinner at his house though, and it was biiiiiiiiig.


Saturday was fun, we woke up two hours late, and then had to run to a place of where we had to be. We got a bit scolded for being how late we were. That morning our breakfast was; an Amped Energy Drink and donuts.


It was a festive day, we went to some homes, played some games, ate some food, and we brough Homework boi (friend B) who hadn't done his homework, to friend A's house to spend the night.


We forced him to do his homework, and it was fun.


On Sunday, we had to get up early and had to pick up two other friends via car, and then we promptly went off to Lazerzone, and played four games, ate pizza from Pizza Hut, and overstuffed ourselves. I came in second on the last two games, on the second game me and Friend B were sitting on the ground and watching the lights our guns made when we chot them.


Then we alllll got attacked by friend C's rabid dog... they locked me inside the house... then I had to get to a different door while trying to not get eaten alive.


Also; I saw Zed's name in Green and Watashi's in Blue and so CONGRATULATIONS.


Also; I noted that I won Wrack's Story contest, and I'll have the info in by tomorrow.


Okay, then after Laser tag and such I had to be brought back to the airport, and stuffed onto another plane. The plane was a pain cuz it kept delaying, and freaked me out at one point (EVERYONE GET BACK INTO YOUR SEATS AND BUCKLE UP!)


It was fun though.


And now I am here.


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That annoys me a little, the SS contest thing, because I'm sure there are a ton of blogs with contests like that. CONTESTS AH CUUD WEEN!


When returning from New York this summer, our plane was delayed for 8 hours. We passed the time by eating a billion corn dogs, three ice cream pie things from Burger King, lots of fries, watching Princess Mononoke, listening to mp3 players, playing video games, and um...eating...more fried food. At least we weren't stuck IN the plane.

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I HATE moping around the airport during delays. The shops are so boring. And eventually you run out of money, and you stuff yourself, and the complaining travelers... >_<


But yeah, looks like you had fun. ^^ CapitulationCongratulations!


And just overall yayz that you're bax! =D

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I HATE moping around the airport during delays. The shops are so boring. And eventually you run out of money, and you stuff yourself, and the complaining travelers... >_<

I always head to two places during delays:


The book store and the food court. Then I'll just spend all my time eating a book! (ahaha, pun.)



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