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idk my pal

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needs to be able to use shortbows so i can have the bow that shoots rainbow pony unicorns that neigh   i want so bad so bad so bad so bad so bad so baaaaad    




Got some stuff in the mail. Yay.   Went on BZP and didn't like some stuff.   Then I forced myself to blog about something.




From the last episode I could find being 24 for Trinity Blood, it was rather meh. The fight between Cain and Abel at the end was too short, and rather fast paced and I was hoping for an explosion.   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «Although seeing Tres get thrown through a wall was somewhat fun (He reminds me of the Terminator in some ways), and Cain in his Crusnik form was rather interesting; from their past I would have thought Abel to be the evil kill all the humans guy, a




I need ideas for my prolouge... I have half of an idea... but that's it... gah I'm stuck ><



Math Class.

We watch I Robot (I spell it that way cuz it's easier for me for some reason)   And we talk about the fifty year old book written by Isaac Asimov, and somehow it actually all does tie in to what we're learning so Math Class is at the moment, awesome.



Mass Effect Two.

So it came in the mail today, which was nice, along with the metal case the three discs came in along with the small packet of a hardcover artbook (Which has some really neat pictures in it ) along with this cardboard network card (With how it was promoted, you'd think it'd be like, made of metal or something =P) However, I've only touched upon disc-1, which is the game (I don't know the difference yet) But so far, I find the game pretty fun. Different than the previous game (of course), but I l




i want to write the undercover masquerade scene   but to get there i need to write the other five billion scenes orz   (and my laptop is messed up and i hate typing in my room because it's so secluded from the world... and zenwriter doesn't exist for surface tablets)     and also cuz i wanna stick cein in a ball gown he'd be adorbs.           (though i kinda like how it's starting the whole chain of events beginning with an injured human-appearing dragon floundering into cein's place of work b/c



Manuscripts And Word

Word either dislikes me quite a lot, or it doesn't really understand that when I press the "tab" key at the start of a paragraph, I mean to make an indent and not right justify everything on the page.   Makes the process of formatting a manuscript a pain in the neck.




After watching some cutscenes, especially the End of an Era cutscene, I really want to play Final Fantasy XIV when it's re-released as FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.   And I really, really hope there's a soundtrack for this game... and that the song in the End of an Era cutscene is in there.    




I've had a... well, I'll say it wasn't a very good week overall. Some drama (not here you silly nannies) popped up that upset me (but I'm over it, thus why I'm all good), had to work in a library for 15 hours of Spring Break (not that I don't like libraries, but cleaning shelves hated my back with a passion... and cleaning books... let's just say some of them were really gross and I'm a wuss), and I got into a dumb argument (no nothing here again you sillies) which... let's just say it was dumb




Absolute madness broke out. A friend I made at school was sent to the hospital during school hours. Why? Because some moron thinking he's "All that" decided to throw him to the ground. It took me every ounce of will power to not through this guy out the window, trust me at that early in the morning and seeing that happen really ticks me off.   I would have sent him to the hospital, but no, I'm better than that and so I simply composed myself while proper help arrived. Person in question was su



Macadamia Nuts.

So, there was this whole, intriguing event that occurred within the very confines [if AIM is considered a "confine"] of BZPower. Apparently, our fearless leader Black Six dislikes the Macadamia nut. I have heard this from a few sources (Like this one).   Just an intriguing, little oddity I noticed and read about.  



Lye Street.

I am getting the novella Lye Street by Alan Campbell and it's signed and I'm so excited =DDD   It's an early Birthday Present... like nearly two months early, but still XP



Lunchtime Madness

So, it was lunch time, perfectly normal until someone buys lunch and sits down. Now, he pulls out this cookie, but see it is not a normal cookie, oh no.   It was soggy and flabby like what some people can jiggle around by flinging their arms around. He ate the thing.   It literally stuck his mouth shut and he couldn't speak.   Oh and another time he is about to sit down when the pricipal is all like "What's in your sleeves?"   He pulls out two corndogs.



Lookie What I Got In The Mail

It's just an inexpensive thing I got, partly because I'm in the LGBST Club at my school, and partly because I just thought it was neat:     I would've gotten the one with "Love" inscribed in the tag, but that one was only available on one website for about three times as much as I paid for this one.



Look What I Found!

Yes, In games I am a sniper, and I think they look cool and so I post this image of a cool one I found. I hope the image works...



Look What I Bought

After trading in a bunch of old things to Gamestop, I ended up with... $300 some in store credit. So, I bought myself a 3DS (which came with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time [nostalgia trip right there], and I also got Mario Kart 7 with it). Some games I'll likely pick up, eventually, for this system are as follows;   - Super Mario 3D Land - Starfox 64 3D - Tales of the Abyss 3DS - Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance - Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked - BlazBlue Continuum Shi



Look Out For Anvils!

*Looks left, looks right, looks left again, crosses street. Makes it halfway across when a plane decides to drop an anvil and crush the walking man*   Anything can happen.




Look what my absolutely incredible, wonderful, beautiful girlfriend sent me         The card was super sweet and everything too and I'm blushing so much and so flattered/flustered and I've never been sent flowers before but omg she's incredible   (love you Serein <3 )




So I realized that when I'm tired, but in a rather uplifty mood, I tend to be more wordy and use more words than I normally would when perfectly awake and not running on the aftermath of an energy drink. The bad side of that is the fact that sometimes, I don't think I'm fully understandable when I talk for so long and in many paragraphs when I'm tired (Because, well, I'm tired and running off of something that makes you all jittery and whatnot XP). Well, it can also be a good thing, I mean, it d




Watching the news peoples trying to contact someone who can't hear them is funny to watch.   "*Insert name*?"   "..."




This guy's head blew up in a microwave in a movie.   I wonder if that would actually happen...



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