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Entries in this blog

Robo Made A Thingy

Normally I don't celebrate post count, but since Robo went out of his way to make this, I decided to post it cuz it's kewl and stuff.



Gorge Train.

The Train ride through the... something Gorge, forget the full name of it. ^^;;   The first hour of the ride was fun, with all the scenery and the constant movement [And the songs didn't get old yet], but after that hour, the train stopped and just backtracked through all the stuff we've already seen [Mostly rock formations...], so at that point I just started to mess around on my DS with a game I got yesterday through store credit.   Then I noticed that the same three country songs were bein



Sn Rpg

I'm going to get to work on the first post for it now, perhaps when I go through it and get it checked I'll post it in here.




I tend to get in the mood to type up a SS... but then it turns out all messed up, and then I has to rethink it all over again. Ugh it's such a paaaaiiiiiiinnnn...   Well on the bright side I actually did my history project. *OMGOMGSPINKDIDAHISTORYPROJECT?!?!*   After not doing any of last years... which was a mistake I admit (Still passed with a 90% average), I finished this one... right on time.




It rained D=   That meant no more fun other than movie ;_;



Oh, Right!

Recently (In Inferna's Blog XP) I remembered that February is right around the corner, which means that Valentine's Day is approaching. This bit of information alone made me decide to do something for the holiday, given, I didn't do anything for it last year (I wish I joined the SS contest back then) but this year, I think I may be able to use the theme of the holiday and incorporate it into a Short Story (Epics are a bit... well, I don't hold a very good track-record with them ^^;. This isn't s



Manuscripts And Word

Word either dislikes me quite a lot, or it doesn't really understand that when I press the "tab" key at the start of a paragraph, I mean to make an indent and not right justify everything on the page.   Makes the process of formatting a manuscript a pain in the neck.



Macadamia Nuts.

So, there was this whole, intriguing event that occurred within the very confines [if AIM is considered a "confine"] of BZPower. Apparently, our fearless leader Black Six dislikes the Macadamia nut. I have heard this from a few sources (Like this one).   Just an intriguing, little oddity I noticed and read about.  




I will never understand online quizzes. Half the time I end up with the result of a female character whenever I do those things... besides for maybe... ten or so out of probably a hundredish .-.   Then again, I am not some scary huge person who thinks he can bust through walls either o____________O   Online stuff is weird.



My Little Drawing: Friendship Is Art

Bored in a class and decided to challenge myself, had no references to use so the legs and probably the torso aren't like... super-duper accurate. (And probably off in terms of cartoon-proportions) But it was a fun little drawing. (It's not colored 'cuz I suck at coloring).  



Missing Doses xnx

i forgot to fill in my prescriptions the other day so now i have to go with 2 1/2 less doses of estrogen and let me tell you just missing one made me the most emotionally unstable sack of human on this planet.   watching boy meets girl that particular day DID NOT HELP   (great movie btw but as forewarning there's nudity in it SO)




It's really annoying when you're working on a group project, write out your part and then hand it to someone else in the group who reads it. Then the person crumples it up, throws it out and says "It sucks." and then providing a worse example to be used. And now it's later, and that person is complaining that you didn't do any work and just sat around doing nothing.   I nearly killed that person with a pencil.



Renaissance Fair.

I met some of the most rude people there. The fact that they were staff didn't help much.   Got a dagger though.




So, I found some new images to switch out my Av/Personal Pic with. I'm not gonna post them just yet though, but I figured bringing it up wouldn't kill me. And I also bring it up just because right now, I lack anything else to really update with, but felt an urge to make a blog entry.



A Little Birdie Named Fabio~

So in Biology, we're doing all that genetic stuff, the teacher mentioned that a bird with two beaks was something she never saw before. So, I took it upon myself to doodle such a manifestation, even though the second beak doesn't look like a beak cuz of its placement and also cuz I just rushed the drawing a bit XP   There is a picture, but it is a fuzzy picture cuz cell-phone cameras only go so far. Fabio.



A New Entry With Things Written In It

I went bowling once more today, did horrible, got creamed twice, and then ended up running out of money I was willing to spend on the game.   Me and my little sister were going to go to the local Zoo, but the weather thought differently and killed that option.   Kachz is staying and that made my day, along with the book I was reading which reached an interesting point. The sad part was that Sergeant Shannon was killed by a gaseous vapor which eats through rubbers and organic flesh. He was re



Sumthin Later

Imma gonna make another entry for something else either later tonight, or tomorrow... or maybe even Sunday.   Oh I be going into an actual house tomorrow and am leaving this tiny apartment =D  




BrickFair was amazing this year, special thanks to Janus for the orange Vahi and Arpy for the metallic blue Toa Mata feet! (You guys are amazing)   There's probably nothing more I can possibly say that hasn't been said elsewhere, but the entire event was just spectacular. Even for a while after BrickFair ended things were amazing.   Everyone was just so fantastic, and with my memory I'll never be able to name everyone there of BZP, but Nuju Metru posted quite a good list of everyone!   I'd



Just Profiles, Pay No Heed

For Halo: Retribution, bore yourselves at your own risk:   BZP Username - Spink Character Name - Cain Michaellis Species - Human Affiliation - Rebel Soldier Rank - N/A Faction - Insurrectionists Specialize in - Cain specializes in ranged weaponry, though he has actually proven himself to be quite a skillful driver. His talent for driving vehicles seems quite innate, though it may also be borne from his desire to learn how to operate vehicles while on any type of leave, as he has a habit of enjo



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