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idk my pal

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Hey Guys, Help Me With This.

Do you know where the quotes;   "So, all the stars in the sky are our enemies."   and   "But when you look this awesome, who cares?"   It'd be very helpful, along with who said them, and where they're from. ^^;;;



hey (again)

this website is a safe space.   if you can't respect that, please leave.   or, at least, respect that this is a safe space and posting discriminatory content isn't cool and does not fit under the banner of "Safe Space."   i know a thing or two about safe spaces and doing stuff like that gets you banned from them in every other instance of their existence. (i volunteered in a LGBT Youth Center, for one thing, and it was kinda a big deal because those people really needed that space to get away f




Misgendering isn't cool.   It's mean and petty.   Don't do it.   Seriously. Don't.



Here's The Deal... With More Detail

Okay, so I won't be on Wednesday to Sunday, like most of you all know. The reason is because of a huge party a friend of mine is throwing, and he wanted me to be there to celebrate, I accepted and am now going to be stuck on a plane for most of tomorrow (Wed).   I'll be on in the morning of Wednesday, maybe, along with some of the afternoon. If I get on at night, I got lucky. As for Thursday, no. I won't be on period. Friday, I might get on now and again, but I'd probably be easier to find on X




I just noticed that I can EDIT comments...so much power...so little point in using it...NOOOOOO!   Yes, I will be spontaneously (sp?) popping up in random blogs and leaving a comment. Yes I have a list of blogs I have been to so [boxghostvoice]BEWARE![/boxghostvoice]




It's been interesting, what with BZPower offline and such. In fact, some could say that it has been beneficial to me within the past month, and quite a few people from real life could probably vouch for myself on this.   -Went from summer vacation to High School smoothly, and completed all work as well as doing some extra things for some of the classes. Still a screw-up in PE, but that's expected. -Worked on DB like crazy. Crazy as in, editing the characters, writing backgrounds, creating lo




They should make more games where you can make a totem pole of people. It's fun.   And if I had $76 or so on me, I would buy a whole bunch of books I had found through internet websites cuz they don't have them at B&N, Borders... and those are the only two bookstores, not counting the really small family owned one down on Mainstreet.



Harry Potter The Sixth

I'm going to go see it in 25 minutes.   And I also hate it when online retailers go "zomg you'll get it shipped in 24 hrs!" and then 72 hours later you get the email saying "Oh, we shipped it now."



happy holidays c:

have a good time no matter what you celebrate, how you celebrate, or even if you're not celebrating anything at all!




How are so many people educated at the high school level, but none of them can fathom just how to walk down a hallway?   I could start on manners, but I feel as if being polite is likely more complicated to the average high schooler within this building than walking.  




My neighborhood has absolutely no Halloween spirit. It sucks, to say the least.   However, I still dressed up and prowled the streets with my little sister.   It got boring real fast, though... cuz, we were the only two people out there.




So, I've decided to take a larger gander into the world of "Publishing" and what I did first was read one of my parents' oldish book on the matter. So far it's been incredibly helpful, both giving me an insight into the world of publishing as well as how writing works off the internet. I am proud to say that what I have basically follows everything so far, though I do have to polish it far more than I already have. My last step is to reformat it all into manuscript form. I learned the proper for




The recent deletion of pretty much everything of late has really, really helped me out XP.   I can't believe that it actually makes me happy.




It took the man five tries, but finally, the weatherman predicts "snow" and is right on the money~   So happy.



Gundam 00

Well like Bfa Wrack made me also watch the first ep of 00   I find the splosions and blowy up things fun to watch =3   An entry about my eventful mornin' later.



Guild Wars 2's Music

i mean listen to this it's like love ( i purposefully kited a boss around in my personal story just to listen to the music >.> ) everything in the vid's from the game too :B



Guild Wars 2

i started playing it again after missing my character terribly (sylvari are still probably my favorite MMO species ever), but i changed his Cloud Strife hairstyle to the new longer one (sylvari are kinda bereft of long hairstyles sadly) but i'm sad the dark color i picked for it blots out the details (it looks so pretty when it's glowing, though!)   haven't really dug into the new story too much, but already i like it's presentation SO MUCH MORE than the last Living Story season (it feels more l



Guess What.

I bought Skrall when I went to Target - only three were left... and lotsa Yetraxs... and Taks and all those 08 shtuff. *waits for crazy huge sale*   He's kewl... although he's kinda expensive ._.;;;   I like the buzzsaw shield thingy... and the sword shoots stuff. I shot myself in the eye with it.



Guess What?

I ated my toes and I flickered my noes.   No questions kay thanks =)



Guess What?

I skipped two huge history projects, and I still aced that class. I'm such a slacking overachiever =3



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