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idk my pal

Entries in this blog

Add Entry

I added an entry. Amazing isn't it? How you can simply update these things by the click of a few buttons, and the typing of a few words.   Oh yeah, I ordered a Gundam. Cuz they looked too cool XP



It's Friday.

So, since I'm going to be gone from Sat - Thurs/Fri I decided to look back on my week and go through the days.   Monday: The day when I was told my Grandpa had passed away, and the day I started to stress more since I was unsure when my family would have to drive up to Wisconsin for the funeral. I was thinking that I would have to take too many finals in one day and studying along with five projects over my head did not help.   Tuesday: Just more stressing, and having a packet to do on top of



Holidays, and so Forth

I felt surprised I got things this year, namely because I really didn't provide a list as there really wasn't much I wanted. But anyway, I did end up getting:   - Dishonored - ACIII - Emilie Autumn's Opheliac Album :3 - The soundtrack to Repo: The Genetic Opera (Met the guy who plays the surgeon in the movie~)   I really like the album though, I've been meaning to get some of her music for a long while now. (I do want to pick up Fight Like a Girl soon...). Have yet to try the games, been more in




What kind of work do I possibly have to do? Well, I have to make up a science lab that I'm not too happy with... I don't want to show my teacher how much I weigh and make a bunch of calculations to convert it into Newtons DX. Nor do I like running up and down stairs... ><. Another thing I have to do is a few questions in another science packet, a crossword puzzle [My least favorite assignment due to having to find all the little numbers and actually do it in order...]. That's all of my sch



More Pokemon Stuff

'Cuz I thought this was worth a blog.   So I finished all the gyms now *started playing on Thursday :B* and my party is around 50 ~ 55.   The entire time I was playing with a friend, we started a bit at the same time *he slightly before me* and he's further than I am, but still.   Like, he would spend hours looking for certain pokemon (like Riolu and Ditto) and I'd encounter them in one or two tries. Latest one was Ditto, he spent forever looking for one and when I finally got up to the area



Oh Yeah.

I have Exia now, and now I need the time to actually piece it together, though, I did get the GN-Generator done, which is at least something [Then I took a test, and now I'm multi-tasking with BZP, some stories, and a Unit Review].



Oh Wow.

I really need to edit those three links in that RPG-filled content block. The first no longer leads to the Approval Topic, cuz the one it links to doesn't exist... and the link leads right to one of my short stories. The second link links to someone's art topic, oddly enough, but that's also because of the deletion of the topic that it once linked to. And the third, the third still links to the Guidelines, but to Toaraga's Guidelines which I didn't think were still floating around XP



Posts I Tend To Like

When someone posts in a topic, particularly a topic requesting an opinion, I enjoy reading the posts that answer the question "why." For instance, someone enters a topic asking what your favorite color is and they just say "green," that word alone doesn't entice much discussion, or much thought. However, when someone asks "why do I like green" and answers it in their post, effectively explaining why they like that color, the post suddenly becomes much more interesting and has more of a potential



Another Day

I went back to school to be shoved into that Bionicle drawing contest and no I don't want to do it because chances are is that I'm going to lose badly. I put together some of my old Matoran and my ghost rider MOC that I finished not that long ago on a Saturday. I'm typing up another Chapter for my epic please could someone review it? I only have two faithful readers. I got a haircut only a day ago and I got really bored when I got home so I went outside and threw a tennis ball around until I g




It took the man five tries, but finally, the weatherman predicts "snow" and is right on the money~   So happy.



Four Days~

Four days of no school stuff (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday) which is really nice, 'cuz this means that I can get ahead in all the reading and studying I should do, while also being able to relax and have nothing to do. 'Cept on Tuesday, cuz Tuesdays are the days when my schedule is pretty much full from 6:00 AM to 9:00 PM or later. (So, it's nice to not have school on a Tuesday, cuz then I can be a lazy last-minute-reading over things person).



Oh! Oh! Here's -My- To Do List!

- Get hair to cooperate for once in its miserable life (hopefully for all of BFair, but it'll prolly look dumb for another year) </3 - Do the "luxury" packing (backpack full of stuff, like my camera, tablet, a few books maybe, my notebook, possibly my 3DS and -maybe- a small MoC or something) - Get all of my music back on my iPod (it was acting up so did a restore... on the wrong computer -__- ) and maybe add some more... maybe. ((Stop screwing up the song I'm lip syncing to << >>



Kit Found Guilty After Stealing Multiple Trees

i was messing around in this not-that-new game named Archeage, it's in Closed Beta/Alpha, and basically i committed a lot of in-game crimes and got sent to jail (i had a trial too) i spent my 36 minute jail sentence basically dancing the tango in front of other cells that housed other players.   made me wish a lot that there was a game out there that would let male characters wear the female outfits and vice-versa   dancing woulda been enhanced by a ballgown   (i made a male elf with pink hair s




I probably won't be doing any, unless I happen to fall asleep on the plane (Which I'm unsure about as, at the moment, I don't feel tired and have packed a few books I want to read on the flight -- I also have a bunch of other things to distract myself from boredom). I guess an energy drink, some food, and excitement are all things that get rid of feeling tired -- that and a nice shower.   But, if I have the correct information, I should be at Dulles Airport around 2PM~ (Plane stops in Minneap



School And Whatever Else.

School was different today, which was mainly due to the odd schedule of classes. So, rather than fifty minutes of every class [some fifty-five minutes], all classes were 45 minutes, and PE was 30 minutes [As it was the last period]. Some periods were also mixed around and such, so, rather than the day being set up like;   -Math -English -World Geography -French II -Advisement -Lunch -Graphic Design -Biology -Team Sports   It was set up like;   -Math -English -World Geography -Frenc



That Time When

You write a 7,000 word profile and realize you can't use it because the species you want to use is a reward </3   And then you keep adding stuff to the profile in delirium.




I saw it, and it was what I expected of it. The plot was a bit dull, though it had its own moments at times. I found the ending to be somewhat cheesy, but I'm not gonna give away what happened during the ending, considering the fact that the movie has only been out for a week now. The characters were at least characters as in, they all had their own unique personality and appearance.   I loved the machines though. Each and every one of them. <3   Normally, I might've posted more, but I just



Ah, Nice.

Three day weekends are pretty pleasant, especially when you have a bunch of schoolwork/things to get done over the weekend. So far, I have to start working out the plans for an article for the school newspaper (reviewing the movie Inception -- need to also locate another person to give their own opinion and such), then I also have this "journal" entry thing for English, though I think the events at PT on Tuesday will more than fill up the needed space -- that day was probably one of the few days




I just sent in my application for my MASS EFFECT TBRPG a few days ago and I can't wait to get started with it. (If anyone has an interest to join, you can PM me or leave a comment and I will send you the typed up RPG in PM form and give you the link to the topic whenever I get it up.)   I have a song stuck in my head at this moment (actually three songs) one is that I'm Lonely song, I don't know it's name so I just went with that. I also have The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny stuck in m



Only In Your Dreams...

Will a mail-man be out in the middle of the night, delivering a package, and then be randomly attacked by a harpy while in Cloud City.




I feel absolutely amazing right now.   In fact, I had been ever since I went to sleep... I actually had a hard time falling asleep. But I got to sleep in today, because our AP Lit class went to see the play Fences instead of classes (so I slept until 9:30). But even through all of that, I just feel amazing today.   Let's see how long this lasts.   Because if the one thing happens that could make me feel even more amazing, then this September would have been my absolute favorite month ever.




i got a Dragon guide book yesterday and finished it this morning it was quite interesting... Well I for one love dragons but don't think that they are real although it would be awesome if they were! I drew a Dragon in art and people walked by and asked did you trace that I said no and they kept saying how good at drawing I am but it wasn't really that great of a picture. Lady K could of made my drawing look like it was done in Kindergarten...same with a few other artists here on Bzp. I am made f



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