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Chaos Theory

The flap of a butterflys wings on one side of the world controls the fate of the other side of the world. I have just found the biggest butterfly in existence, and intend to crush it. How long do you think it will take for the world to end?

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Changes In My Life...

I'm overweight. Really overweight. With terrible eating habits. Recently, I made some changes in my diet. I've stopped eating red meat, and switched to Turkey Burger. I must say, over the past couple of weeks, I have felt much better. I have also stopped snacking so much, and I feel so great right now. I have a lot more energy, and I don't get tired as easily. I think I'm on my way to being a model... Heh heh... I do have a gorgious face...   No Cthulhu jokes... This is serious...

Buying Spree... Again...

Today, at TRU, with the buy two get one free deal, I got Icarax, that new Exo Force tank set, and Kongu Mahri... Icarax because I likes him, and the other two for parts...   Plus I just got digital cable hooked up in my room...   and I got more hours at my job... Besides working Sat. Mornings 8AM to 2PM, I now work Wed. Nights 6PM to 12AM... Being payed bi-weekly, at $7.50 and hour, makes 24 hours in two weeks... This basically doubles my checks I've been getting, and they're trying to get me

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


I've been trying to put a friggen pic in my blog for the last four friggin hours, tryed moving it through every Maj folder I have, and it keeps telling me it's an invalid address that I'm not allowed to use...   www.domain.com/gallery/name/folder/pic.bmp...   How does it not allow me to post this pic if THAT'S the way it's written out? It's ticking me off... No other picture has ever done this... What the heck is going on?

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


I've been an emotional Yo-Yo the past couple of days... I was utterly depressed for two or three days, then I've been manic all day... I may have to go get this checked out, cause it's happening more and more often... The anger that comes with it isn't too helpful, either. I think I may have either Bi-Polar disorder, or be a manic depressive... Wait... Those may be the same thing... Oh well...   *Goes friggin' loopy*   "SQWAA DIGGITY!"   Anywho, a real quick thing I'd like to say:   Maxilos

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


So here I am at work, 30 miles away from home... The fog outside was so thinck you could cut it with a knife... All the way to work...   and my car's check engine light came on... Goody goody...   But, Sunday I'm going to Sally's Beauty Supply with my cousin to get my Green Hair Dye... Yes, green hair dye... Heh heh...   Never fear, for there will be pics...   *Explodes*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


So bored... must... force self... to make Blog entry!   I got a call from a college in Florida yesterday, and they're sending me a couple of packets. One about housing and another about the school itself... I may actually get to go to this school, and I'm psyched about it...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid



Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Being Evil Rules...

So today I was wondering through the plain of Chaos when I came across a crying child. Though this isn't odd for "The Plain of Chaos," I was intrigued, so I asked him what was wrong. He said "I'm lost, and can't find my parents." Touched by this, I took five minutes and helped the boy find his beloved parents. As I looked on, a tear came to my eye. Then I ate their souls. It was a good day... *burp!*

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Bad Day Got Better!

THE RACE WAS CANCELLED! WHOO HOO!!! It was cancelled in time for me to catch a showing of Spiderman 3, and I must say... It could have been better... Now, I'm not saying it was terrible, but it seriously could have been better for the four year wait we had to endure...   First, as much as I like Topher Grace, they could have done better for the Eddie Brock, Jr./Venom character. The voice of Venom was also too weak. Venom needs a feral voice (but not too feral, for Carnage is worse!), and Venom

Backgrounds Update...

Added two new backgrounds... Probably make two or three more before I start the comic writing process... The old link in the last entry wont work anymore... Just letting you know...   Updated backgrounds...   I added another hall area, and the entrance to the RAGE LABS... Heh heh...


Nothing definite yet, but I may be getting to go to a Drowning Pool concert for ABSOLUTELY FREE with the radio station...   What the heck happened? My unlucky star burn out? I ain't been this happy for a while... Heh heh...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Awesome Hero Team

For DC...   As seen in my blog, the members would be:   Sandman The Shadow Sand (Sandy the Golden boy) The Question The Crimson Avenger   All Detectives. All awesome...   Still working on a group name though...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Asking A Favor

I'd like my readers to do me a favor. Now, as someone who is looking at art as a profession, I appreciate others looking at my work and reviewing it. So, the favor I'm asking, is that you, my loyal and greatly appreciated fans (well, readers, I don't think I have fans...) view these topics and please post some comments on my work. You don't have to review everything in them, but some things, please.   A Titan Drawing of Mine...   CtD's COT Art Topic...   Now, I know that some of you have post

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid

Art Topic Update...

I've updated my Bionicle art topic with a partially colorized version. It's the same link in the topic, and there's a link to said topic below...

Raging Land Squid

Raging Land Squid


The Nascar race has only just started after an hour of pre-race stuff, and I already feel like driving a railroad spike into my eye. Great... Now they're in a rain delay... I'm gonna go smash my head into a wall... *sigh*... At least my mom is nice enough to bring me some Fazoli's for dinner... Yay! Fake Italian food! Still mad though...
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